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Logarithmatic Line Chart And Rotating Charts

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I'm creating a line chart with 4 lines, 2 of them have data in hundreds of thousands and the other two have data in hundreds, I used to select the "logarithmatic" option in the previous charting tool that I was using to view the 4 lines appear in the center of the chart (currently the two lines with the large values are shown in the upper area of the chart and the other two lines are shown in the bottom).


Can you please help me in how to do that?


My second question is I used the "allowrotate=1" with a 3d pie chart and it worked fine, I was able to right click on the chart and select "Enable rotation" and rotate the chart, but for other chart types like column3d and stackedbar3d it didnt work, can you please tell how to enable it on those charts?


Many Thanks.

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


I think Logarithmic chart of PowerCharts which is a part of our FusionCharts suite will suffice your requirement.


For more details, please refer to the link:




I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the rotating feature in column3D and StackedBar3D, at this time.


Hope this

Edited by Angie

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


I think Logarithmic chart of PowerCharts which is a part of our FusionCharts suite will suffice your requirement.


For more details, please refer to the link:




I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the rotating feature in column3D and StackedBar3D, at this time.


Hope this






I noticed in the links that you provided that the type of chart used is "MSLogColumn2D" which I couldn't find in the types of charts that I have, so I presume PowerCharts is separate product from FusionCharts and I have to buy it too?

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