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Hovertext In Set Instead Of Categories

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First, I wanna thank you for your product. But I have a question (or a question).

My XML looks like this :


<!-- Affichage global pour les 2 courbes -->
<categories >
	<category name='10/03' hoverText='17/10/2003, -1.42%' />
	<category name='10/03' hoverText='24/10/2003, -2.96%' />
</categories >

<dataset seriesName="First Graph">
	<set value='100' />
	<set value='99.44' />

<dataset seriesName="Second Graph">
	<set value='100' />
	<set value='97.0324189174' />


The percentage in hoverText is calculated from the SecondGraph's values. So when I hover the values of the First Graph, it's wrong.


So is it possible to have a different hoverText for the First Graph compared to the Second one ? If not, is this feature going to be developped anyday ?


Thanks a lot by advance.



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Hi Nicolas,


Please try using the latest upgraded version of FusionCharts, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 to solve this issue.


In FusionCharts v3.2.1 you can provide "toolText" for the <set> element that allows you to customize the tooltip of each dataplot while hovered on it.


Please check with the attached screenshots of the rendered Multi-series Column2D chart using your XML, for your reference.


post-8144-099924400 1298896232_thumb.jpg post-8144-046706600 1298896249_thumb.jpg


Hope this helps. :)

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Guest Angie



Thank you very much for your appreciation.


Happy FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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