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king satti

Show Yaxis Value Against Vertical Div Line Values Using Line Chart

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I want to show the values according to the vertical div line valuse and the values come on the xaxis are dynamic .

i am using the php classes for all this.

Is it possible?

the code i m using is



# Include FusionCharts PHP Class


// height chart

$FC = new FusionCharts("Line","612","792");

$charts_path = $this->webroot."charts/";



if($getdate < 20 && $patdata[0]['Patient']['sex'] == 'M'){

$bgimg = $this->webroot."chartimg/growth-2-20-boys.jpg";

$strParam=" shownames=0;showLimits=0;showDivLineValue=0;showvalues=1;showLegend=1;xAxisMaxValue = 20;xAxisMinValue =2;numVDivLines=17;vDivLineColor=ff3300;yAxisMaxvalue=200; yAxisMinvalue=75; adjustDiv = 1; numDivLines=24;formatNumberScale=0;showConvasBorder=0 ;bgSWF=$bgimg; canvasBgAlpha=1 ;bgSWFAlpha=40; AlternateHGridColor=ff5904; divLineColor=FF3300; divLineAlpha=20; chartLeftMargin=113; chartTopMargin=119;chartBottomMargin=98;chartRightMargin=81; alternateHGridAlpha=5;canvasBorderThickness=0;divLineThickness=3;vdivLineThickness=3";




foreach($data as $key=>$val){


$datediff = date("Y-m-d",strtotime($val['PatientExamine']['dos'])) - date("Y-m-d",strtotime($patdata[0]['Patient']['DOB']));


$date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime($val['PatientExamine']['dos']));








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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Could you please let us know the way you want to show vertical div line values?


We have found from the code that <numDivLines> has been set to 17.


Would you like to set the vertical div line values according to the data provided by chart?


Please clarify your query.


Awaiting for your feedback.

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i have numVDivLines=17 and i have a value on y axis (i.e 23) and x axis value(i.e 4). now i want to show these value within these numdivline. now how this will be managed.

  On 3/2/2011 at 5:59 AM, Angie said:



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Could you please let us know the way you want to show vertical div line values?


We have found from the code that <numDivLines> has been set to 17.


Would you like to set the vertical div line values according to the data provided by chart?


Please clarify your query.


Awaiting for your feedback.

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yes i want to show the div line values according to the data provided by the chart .


  On 3/2/2011 at 5:59 AM, Angie said:



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Could you please let us know the way you want to show vertical div line values?


We have found from the code that <numDivLines> has been set to 17.


Would you like to set the vertical div line values according to the data provided by chart?


Please clarify your query.


Awaiting for your feedback.

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Guest Angie



Thank you very much for your valuable feedback.


Please find attached a sample workaround to suffice your requirement.


Hope this


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