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Linkeddata And Jquery With Php And Mysql

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I would like to render my chart and its linked data like you jquery example. But I'm using dataXML method as I'm fetching my data from mysql using PHP.

I can find in the documentation how this can be done using dataURL with a predefined XML file. But my data are generated on the fly from the database.




How to specify that the main chart should be rendered to a div with id = while the linked data charts should be rendered to a div id =

in this case?


I can see the following code in the documentation for dataURL:



in javascript code...



How to do so?


Thank you very much.


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Just to add to my previous post that my php code is generating a string $strXML containing data of the format:


<chart caption="Yearly sales" xAxisName="Year" yAxisName="Sales">
 <set label="2006" value="32900" link="newchart-xml-2006-quarterly" />
 <set label="2007" value="39800" link="newchart-xml-2007-quarterly" />

 <linkeddata id="2006-quarterly">
   <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2006" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales">
     <set label="Q1" value="6700" />
     <set label="Q2" value="9200" />
     <set label="Q3" value="10800" />
     <set label="Q4" value="6200" />

 <linkeddata id="2007-quarterly">
   <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2007" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales">
     <set label="Q1" value="8900" />
     <set label="Q2" value="6600" />
     <set label="Q3" value="11200" />
     <set label="Q4" value="13100" />



and I render my chart using:


print renderChart(PATH_TO_CHARTS_DIR."/FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", $strXML,  $ChartID, $ChartWidth, $ChartHeight, false, true, false);


Thank you.



  On 3/11/2011 at 6:07 PM, chakik said:



I would like to render my chart and its linked data like you jquery example. But I'm using dataXML method as I'm fetching my data from mysql using PHP.

I can find in the documentation how this can be done using dataURL with a predefined XML file. But my data are generated on the fly from the database.




How to specify that the main chart should be rendered to a div with id = while the linked data charts should be rendered to a div id =

in this case?


I can see the following code in the documentation for dataURL:



in javascript code...



How to do so?


Thank you very much.


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Sorry I'm posting multiple replies as I cannot edit my original post to update.


I found the way to get it working. Effectively I had to put the javascript code AFTER the print renderChart

to get the jquery modal window showing.



Thanks anyway.



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