
Zoomline And Displaying Last Value On Right

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I am having an issue with the zoomline chart and using the shorthand xml where it will not display the last value on the right hand side in the chart. We are dynamically creating the xml content that feeds the chart and time and time again it is not displaying the final value. Can someone please help me in anyway they can? Here is an example of the xml on a small scale:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<chart allowPinMode="1" bgColor="d4e8ba,fefefe" canvasBorderThickness="0" caption="Fund Performance Comparison" compactDataMode="1" dataSeparator="|" displayEndIndex="9" displayStartIndex="1" divLineAlpha="40" divLineIsDashed="1" dynamicAxis="1" enableIconMouseCursors="0" labelDisplay="Rotate" numberSuffix=" %" outCnvBaseFontColor="666666" rotateValues="1" vDivLineAlpha="40">


Nov 30, 2009|Dec 31, 2009|Jan 31, 2010|Feb 28, 2010|Mar 31, 2010|Apr 30, 2010|May 31, 2010|Jun 30, 2010|Jul 31, 2010


<dataset seriesName="Fake Fund, Ltd.">




<dataset seriesName="Fake Index">







<style duration="1" name="myBgAnim" param="_alpha" start="0" type="Animation"/>

<style name="myLabelsFont" size="8" type="font"/>

<style bold="1" name="CaptionFont" size="14" type="FONT"/>

<style bgColor="ffffff" borderColor="2E4A89" name="ToolTipFont" type="FONT"/>



<apply styles="myBgAnim" toObject="Background"/>

<apply styles="CaptionFont" toObject="CAPTION"/>

<apply styles="ToolTIpFont" toObject="TOOLTIP"/>

<apply styles="myLabelsFont" toObject="DataLabels"/>




post-14019-084875900 1300374071_thumb.jpg

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