
Working With Shownames

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Is it possible to have the names in diagonal? because today I only have vertical or horizontal.


I am using FCF_MSColumn3D.swf




Edited by alexhaifa

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Hello angie


The version you say is not free, right? If so, it is possible to have in my bars, when I hover the mouse a custom made caption?


In my xml I have the categories and it is being displayed in bar when I hover the mouse, the name of categories.


I don't want that, I only a custom made caption, I tried this and nothing:


<set hoverText="my name" showName='1' value='125"/>"

<set hoverText="my name" showName='1' value='175"/>"


this is my xml


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><graph caption='' yAxisMaxValue='5443' xAxisName='' areaBorderColor='000000' VDivLineThickness='3' numVDivLines='10' vDivLineAlpha='30' hoverCapSepChar=' - ' hovercapbg='FFFFDD' hovercapborder='000000' yAxisName='valores' numberPrefix='' showDivLineValue='1' showValues='0' showNames='1' rotateNames='0' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumber='0' formatNumberScale='0' ><categories font='sans-serif' fontsize='10'><category name='1'></category><category name='2'></category><category name='3'></category><category name='4'></category><category name='5'></category><category name='6'></category><category name='7'></category><category name='8'></category><category name='9'></category><category name='10'></category><category name='11'></category></categories><dataset seriesname='Realizado' color='#FF0000'><set hoverText='CERCON' showName='1' value='58' ></set><set hoverText='HTLink' showName='1' value='390' ></set><set hoverText='BIZA' showName='1' value='916' ></set><set hoverText='FORTRACTOR GOLD' showName='1' value='2126' ></set><set hoverText='CATERPILLAR' showName='1' value='4443' ></set><set hoverText='KOMATSU' showName='1' value='382' ></set><set hoverText='CUMMINS' showName='1' value='141' ></set><set hoverText='RODANTE' showName='1' value='1358' ></set><set hoverText='Vale Mineração - CAT' showName='1' value='1013' ></set><set hoverText='Vale Mineração - Outros' showName='1' value='601' ></set><set hoverText='Vale Ferrovias' showName='1' value='2794' ></set></dataset><dataset seriesname='Meta Fat' color='#3333FF'><set value='98'></set><set value='490'></set><set value='156'></set><set value='3578'></set><set value='3578'></set><set value='4578'></set><set value='2578'></set><set value='1579'></set><set value='1516'></set><set value='1601'></set><set value='3794'></set></dataset><dataset seriesname='Tendência' color='#006600'><set value='61'></set><set value='410'></set><set value='962'></set><set value='2232'></set><set value='4665'></set><set value='401'></set><set value='148'></set><set value='1426'></set><set value='1064'></set><set value='632'></set><set value='2934'></set></dataset></graph>

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Guest Angie

Hi Alex,


The latest version of FusionCharts will be available at :


This is an evaluation version of FusionCharts with a watermark on the charts.


Please try this and let us know your feedback.


Hope you have a great day!

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Guest Angie

Hi Alex,

There is no feature limitation in the evaluation version of FusionCharts, except for the fact that the evaluation version charts are watermarked.

Hope this

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