
Unable To Export Or Save Chart

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I have successfully created a 2D Pie Chart using Fusion Charts v3 API. PFA the HTMLage-demographics.html and XMLage-demographics.xml files. I have the following files in the folder as said in the documentation :

  • FCExporter.swf
  • FusionCharts.js
  • FusionChartsExportComponent.js
  • highcharts.js
  • jquery.min.js
  • Pie2D.swf

I am unable to export save the image as jpg/png/pdf. The capture process initiates and completes to 100% but I don't see any pop-up or save-as window in my browser. My flash version is 10.2.x. Please help.

Edited by Denzil

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


After the completion of capture process, you will find a save button beside the chart.


You would need to click on the button in order to save the image.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.


Hope this

post-10517-000058600 1302240241_thumb.jpg

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Hi Angie,


I can't see the save button. Am I missing something? PFA the screenshots during and after capture.




Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


After the completion of capture process, you will find a save button beside the chart.


You would need to click on the button in order to save the image.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.


Hope this

post-15020-049634000 1302255343_thumb.png

post-15020-077810900 1302255360_thumb.png

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Guest Angie


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif

Please make sure you have done the following while exporting a chart to avoid the foretold situation:


1.The RegisterWithJS (the last) parameter is enabled (set to "1"/"true") in the HTML code.


2.The Flash Player 10 or above is installed in the system.


3.chart swf file, js files and and the export handler swf file are in the same domain and paths are mentioned correctly.


Hope this


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Hi Angie,


  • RegisterWithJS parameter is enabled here var myChart = new FusionCharts( "Pie2D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "500", "0", "1" );
  • My Adobe Flash Version is 10.2.x
  • All the swf,js and FCExporter.swf files are in the same folder as the xml,html and hence all path issues are avoided

Unfortunately, I am yet unable to save/export the chart. sad.gif



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Please make sure you have done the following while exporting a chart to avoid the foretold situation:


1.The RegisterWithJS (the last) parameter is enabled (set to "1"/"true") in the HTML code.


2.The Flash Player 10 or above is installed in the system.


3.chart swf file, js files and and the export handler swf file are in the same domain and paths are mentioned correctly.


Hope this


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Hi Angie,


I am able to see the "Global Security Settings Panel". I changed the option to "Always Allow". I am now able to save the chart!


Thanks a ton !



To enable communication between charts and JavaScript (like updating data, retrieving data, printing, exporting, event handling etc.) in your local machine, you need to setup Flash Player Global Security settings.


For more details, please refer to the link: http://www.macromedi..._manager04.html


Hope this

Edited by Denzil

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Guest Angie



Please Note that setting up of Flash Player Global Security Settings is only required when you show the charts from your local file system. This is not required when the charts are displayed from a server (either localhost or remote).


You can manipulate the settings from Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager in the Global Security Settings panel. It can be done in four simple steps:

  • Select the "Always allow" radio button on the top to allow security exceptions. This control is marked as "1" in the image below.
  • From the Edit Locations... drop down box, select "Add location..." option to bring up a dialog box. The drop down box is marked as "2" in the image below.
  • Now select Browse for folder... and browse to the location where you are keeping the chart SWF files.
  • After confirming your selection you should see the path of the exception added in area "3" of the image below.




Hope this

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Hi Angie,


Yes, this does. I was creating a chart from the local file system.





Please Note that setting up of Flash Player Global Security Settings is only required when you show the charts from your local file system. This is not required when the charts are displayed from a server (either localhost or remote).


You can manipulate the settings from Adobe Flash Player Settings Manager in the Global Security Settings panel. It can be done in four simple steps:

  • Select the "Always allow" radio button on the top to allow security exceptions. This control is marked as "1" in the image below.
  • From the Edit Locations... drop down box, select "Add location..." option to bring up a dialog box. The drop down box is marked as "2" in the image below.
  • Now select Browse for folder... and browse to the location where you are keeping the chart SWF files.
  • After confirming your selection you should see the path of the exception added in area "3" of the image below.




Hope this

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Guest Angie



Thank you very much for your appreciation.


We are glad to know that your problem has been resolved.


Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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Guest Angshu


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! smile.gif

Yes, you can.

There is no feature limitation in the evaluation version of FusionCharts, except for the fact that the evaluation version charts are watermarked.

Please download the latest version of FusionCharts from:

Hope this helps.

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Guest Sumedh

Greetings, smile.gif



For enabling export of chart at client-side, you will need to assemble the following elements:


> The chart itself embedded using FusionCharts JavaScript class (FusionCharts.js).


> FusionCharts Export Component - This is named FCExporter.swf and is present in Download Package > Charts. You'll need to copy-paste this to your desired folder.

A good location would be to place this SWF along with your chart SWFs.


> FusionCharts Export Component JavaScript class - This JavaScript class is named FusionChartsExportComponent.js and is present in Download Package > Charts folder.

Place it where you've placed FusionCharts.js in the folder (though not necessary, but this helps you centralize all FusionCharts related JS files)


Also, you would need to set (enable) export related attributes in the XML file under the chart element:




exportHandler='(DOM Id) of export component'


For live demo, refer: http://docs.fusionch...pleExample.html


Please refer the link for more information about client-side export: http://docs.fusionch...ientSimple.html


Hope this

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