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Dynamically Populating The (X,y) Cordinates...

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Hi ,

I am doing my Drag Node chart. When I am Drawing that chart because of huge number of nodes (around 500 to 1000) I need to write a algorithm for the allocating the x,y co-ordinates for the nodes .

Is there any option for populating the nodes dynamically in the Drag Node Chart.


Thanks in Advance.

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Nodes can not be dynamically populated one by one in Drag Node chart.


You can generate nodes dynamically from your database by generating the XML to update it.


Hope this

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It is not possible to dynamically generate X and Y co-ordinate values in Drag Node charts natively using FusionCharts.


Though you can generate JSON or XML with X and Y values by defining your custom function based on dimension provided for the chart. 

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