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Craig Maravich

Zoom Chart Question

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I'm using the Zoom Chart to show a 13 month trendline, everything is fine with the exception of the label for the last month, as you can see, it's truncating '2011' to '20'. It looks like it's just going to the end of the chart, and clipping it, not allowing it to go into the canvas.





Here is the code that is generating the chart:


<chart caption='" + caption + "' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' exportFormats='JPG=Export as JPG' exportDataSeparator = '{tab}' showExportDataMenuItem='1' yAxisMinValue ='" + min.ToString() + "' yAxisMaxValue ='" + max.ToString() + "' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' anchorRadius='3' showLegend='1' interactiveLegend='1' lineThickness='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' shadowAlpha='80' chartRightMargin='40' decimals ='1' chartLeftMargin='25' showBorder='1' borderColor='1576af' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='100' chartTopMargin='7' chartBottomMargin='30' canvasLeftMargin='25' canvasPadding='5' labelDisplay='WRAP' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='0' dynamicAxis='1' numVDivLines='10'>


Any help is appreciated!

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Could you please try using the latest FusionCharts, i.e, FusionCharts v3.2.1's SWF and JS files?


Also, please try setting the attribute "labelDisplay" to 'NONE' in the <chart> element and see if it helps.


Hope this helps. :)

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