Howard Fore Report post Posted April 20, 2011 Hi, How do I get line annotations to show on my h linear gauge? See XML below: <Chart editMode='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='0' showBorder='0' upperLimit='6.6' lowerLimit='-8.52' numberSuffix='%' gaugeRoundRadius='5' chartBottomMargin='30' ticksBelowGauge='0' placeTicksInside='0' showGaugeLabels='0' chartLeftMargin='25' chartRightMargin='30' majorTMColor='868F9B' majorTMHeight='10' majorTMThickness='2' majorTMNumber='0' minorTMNumber='0' showToolTip='0' decimals='2' > <colorRange> <color minValue='-8.52' maxValue='-0.25' code='ffffff' /> <color minValue='-0.25' maxValue='4.54' code='C8D8EB' /> <color minValue='4.54' maxValue='6.6' code='ffffff' /> </colorRange> <pointers> <pointer value='3.97' borderAlpha='100' bgColor='FFC000' borderColor='FFC000' toolText='3 Month Average' pointerOnTop='0' pointerRadius='14' pointerBgAlpha='100' pointerBgColor='FFC000' pointerBorderThickness='2'/> </pointers> <annotations> <annotationGroup id='Grp1' showBelow="0"> <annotation type='line' x='175' y='160' toX='200' color='000000' /> <annotation type='line' x='215' y='155' toX='200' toY='160' color='000000' /> <annotation type='line' x='215' y='165' toX='200' toY='160' color='000000' /> </annotationGroup> </annotations> </Chart> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angie Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! First of all, we would like to thank you for choosing FusionCharts as your charting solution component. Please find the modified XML attached for your reference. Hope this helps. HLinear.xml Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bessemer Report post Posted April 3, 2014 The programming concept of adding and showing line annotation on linear gauge is similar with line annnotation add-on to raster image file: Private Sub button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)Dim obj As LineAnnotation = AnnotationGenerator.CreateLineAnnotation(60F, 45F, 560F, 228F)'create a new LineAnnotation with start and end pointobj.LinePen = PenGenerator.CreateLinePen(Color.Blue, 5F)'set line color and width'set line startcap obj.LinePen.StartCap = New RasterEdge.Imaging.Annotation.Basic.LineCap()obj.LinePen.StartCap.Cap_Width = 2F'set startcap widthobj.LinePen.StartCap.CapStyle = RasterEdge.Imaging.Annotation.LineCapStyle.Diamond'set startcap style'set line endcapobj.LinePen.EndCap = New RasterEdge.Imaging.Annotation.Basic.LineCap()obj.LinePen.EndCap.Cap_Width = 10Fobj.LinePen.EndCap.CapStyle = RasterEdge.Imaging.Annotation.LineCapStyle.RectangleDim folderName As String = "C:/"Dim img As Bitmap = obj.CreateAnnotation()img.Save(folderName & "LineAnnotation.png")End Sub Share this post Link to post Share on other sites