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Fcevent - Missing Events Names

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Hello everyone,


My question actually goes to core team:


I downloaded "FusionCharts_Evaluation" package and tried to compile AS3 project using FusionCharts class (http://www.fusioncha...ash_CS3CS4.html)

However, I got compilation errors (I'm using FlashDevelop) that some static variables of FCEvent class (events names like FCExported) are missed. They are being used in FusionCharts class.

The FCEvent class is located in FusionCharts_Evaluation\Code\FlashExamples\CS3CS4\com\events\

(BTW shouldn't "events" go to "fusioncharts" namespace like "components", and not keep them directly in "com"?)


Thank you!

Edited by arthwood

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Guest Rajroop

Hey there,


Starting FusionCharts v3, the charts can now be very easily integrated with your Flash movies and applications. If you're using Flash 8 (ActionScript 2), you can include the respective chart's class at design-time and then compile it with your application to form a single comprehensive unit. For Flash 9/CS3/CS4/CS5 or Flex, you can load the compiled chart SWFs from FusionCharts for Flex in your movies, as explained at:


Please take note that FusionCharts v3.2 Evaluation files, which are coded in AS2, would not support FusionCharts for Flex files. You would have to use the FusionCharts for Flex SWF and other files from the same in your Flex environment.



I hope this clarifies on the reason for the issue here.


I look forward to your reply.

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Hi Rajroop,


I'm using AS3, and as you suggested I added FusionCharts.swc (and framework.swc as there are some dependencies like mx.core.UIComponent) to FlashDevelop project library and now it works great!


Thanks for your help!

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Guest Angshu



You are always


We are glad to know that you have managed to solve your purpose.


Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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