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Css Menu Problem With Fusion Flash Charts

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Im using css menu and Fusion charts in web site

But menu item hide behind flash object


I must use some code like that


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="220" height="271">

<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

<param name="movie" value="flash/home.swf" />

<embed wmode="transparent" src="flash/home.swf" width="220" height="271" />



But I view flash chart as;

LiteralColumn.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" , "", xmlData.ToString(), "colChart", "1000", "600", false);


So I dont know how can use this code (because I dont use object)

How can I fix this problem?? Any idea??

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Guest Angshu



You are always


Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

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  On 5/12/2011 at 7:17 AM, Angshu said:



You are always


Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting!biggrin.gif


I have the same problem, I need to send back the chart because the menu can't read

this is my code



'Initialize <graph> element

strXML = "<graph bgAlpha='0,0' canvasBgAlpha='0' allowTransparent='true' caption='Produccion Dia' decimalPrecision='0' >"


'Initialize <categories> element - necessary to generate a multi-series chart

strCategories = "<categories>"


'Initiate <dataset> elements

strDataOK = "<dataset seriesName='OK' color='03753A'>"

strDataSC = "<dataset seriesName='SC' color='FD1216'>"

strDataRT = "<dataset seriesName='RT' color='0404B4'>"



'Iterate through the data

For i = 0 To UBound(arrData) - 1

'Append <category name='...' /> to strCategories

strCategories = strCategories & "<category name='" & arrData(i, 1) & "' />"

'Add <set value='...' /> to both the datasets

strDataOK = strDataOK & "<set value='" & arrData(i, 2) & "' />"

strDataSC = strDataSC & "<set value='" & arrData(i, 3) & "' />"

strDataRT = strDataRT & "<set value='" & arrData(i, 4) & "' />"



'Close <categories> element

strCategories = strCategories & "</categories>"


'Close <dataset> elements

strDataOK = strDataOK & "</dataset>"

strDataSC = strDataSC & "</dataset>"

strDataRT = strDataRT & "</dataset>"



'Assemble the entire XML now

strXML = strXML & strCategories & strDataOK & strDataSC & strDataRT & "</graph>"


'Create the chart - MS Column 3D Chart with data contained in strXML


Return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../Charts/msColumn3D.swf", "", strXML.ToString, "ChartDay", "300", "300", False, True)

I hope can you help me.



Edited by josemanuel31

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Guest Sumedh

Greetings, smile.gif


It seems that, you are using FusionCharts Free version.


Could you please download FusionCharts XT v3.2.2?


And try to pass the parameter alllowTransparent and set its value to "true" in renderChartHTML() using new FusionCharts XT v3.2.2 version.


To download FusionCharts XT v3.2.2 Trial version, please refer:


For more information, please read here:


Hope this helps. smile.gif

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  On 5/12/2011 at 6:10 AM, Angshu said:



Thanks for your post.


You would need to pass the parameter alllowTransparent and set its value to "true" in renderChartHTML() .


For more details, please visit the link :http://www.fusioncha...nderchartparams


Hope this



is the same for renderChart() function?? i have this problem with a menu in CSS but i am using renderChart




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Guest Sumedh
  On 7/17/2012 at 1:54 PM, a1b3rt0 said:

is the same for renderChart() function?? i have this problem with a menu in CSS but i am using renderChart







The same parameter is used for RenderChart method also.


The chart can be set to have a transparent background using allowTransparent parameter. This work together with the bgAlpha attribute of chart which needs to be set to a value lesser than 100 in the chart XML.


In the chart's XML data, set <chart ... bgAlpha='0,0' ..> or in chart JSON dataset bgAlpha : "0,0"


In the RenderChart method set allowTransparent parameter to true.


Ref. Code:

Literal1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChart("../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "", xmlData.ToSrting(), "myNext", "600", "300", false, true, true); ----- [last parameter is set as true for the allowTranparent parameter.]


Please refer the following URL for more information:


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