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Cannot Set Toolbarbuttoncolor For Zoomline Chart

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Has anyone else had the same problem? I am trying to set the toolbarButtonColor to match my chart background color but it does not work. toolbarButtonFontColor works just fine though. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue.


The attribute "toolbarButtonColor" in the <chart> element is working perfectly. Please try setting the hex code without the "#" before the code.

Ex: <chart ... toolbarButtonColor='FF0000' >


In case the issue still persists, please send us the XML file as an attachment.


Hope this helps. :rolleyes:

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Thank you for your reply, I tried to set mine to toolbarButtonColor='404040' in the <chart> element but it does not seem to work. I have attached my sample XML file. Thanks for looking into this for me.





I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue.


The attribute "toolbarButtonColor" in the <chart> element is working perfectly. Please try setting the hex code without the "#" before the code.

Ex: <chart ... toolbarButtonColor='FF0000' >


In case the issue still persists, please send us the XML file as an attachment.


Hope this helps. :)


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Please note that '404040' draws a very similar color to that of black ('000000') which is not discernible when the gradient of the tooltip button is enabled.


Please try setting a distinct color like Red ('FF0000') and then you would be able to see the difference and hence would see the attribute "tooltipButtonColor" is working perfectly.


Hope this helps. :)

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