
Adding Custom Button Within Chart

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I am having a requirement of adding a custom button, which enables user to call a javascript function for a specific task.

I am using java in application.

i can cont add it with html / javascript because the chart is rendered on runtime, and its position is dynamic.

Is there something i can use as in linked chart 'Back' button, like a property in its xml format.

I want that kind of button, on a chart which i render first time, not a linked chart.

PS: I am a newbie to fusion. :rolleyes:

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts.


Please find a sample workaround attached for your reference.


Hope this helps.smile.gif


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Thanks, It worked .

But It is not working with fusionwidgets, I am using fusionwidgets , as i have to get live data feed using feedData() method.

I tried the above thing with FusionCharts, It worked pretty well withouth changing anycode.?

Am I wrond somewhere? I am getting 'Object doesnt support this function' error.


Or Can I use FeedData method in FusionCharts also, because when i use it with fusioncharts, this method is not supported.


Take care

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.


We have taken a note of your request here and added the same in our wishlist.


Hope you have a great day!

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Thanks Angshu

So It means I cant use this custom button example with fusionwidgets ?

is it the API lacking for fusion widgets?

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


Please note that you can always add a custom button to chart, but the APIs can not be interchanged.


Means APIs for FusionCharts only work for FusionCharts and APIs for FusionWidgets only work for FusionWidgets.


Updated APIs for FusionWidgets will be available in our future upgrades.


Hope this helps.smile.gif

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I am not able to download the above attached sample, to see how can I add custom button in my fusion chart.


Any help would be appreciable..!!




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Hi Astha,


You can interact with the chart from an external button (for example - an HTML button) using the supported API methods of FusionCharts.

Please refer to the attached sample.

Please note : You cannot add custom buttons inside the chart.





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