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Linear Gauge Multiple Pointers Obscuring Each Other

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I have a linear gauge with multiple pointers on it. Depending on the data passed in, there are cases where some of the pointers may be very close to each other, causing the pointer at the front to obscure the pointer behind it. Attached is an example of what I am talking about.


Is there anyway to avoid this? Something like a setting to force the chart to avoid this, or to bring the pointer which is being hovered over to the front?


Thanks in advance.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<chart xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" showBorder="0" bgColor="E0E3E4" borderAlpha="100" numberSuffix="%25" ticksBelowGauge="1" pointerBorderColor="333333" valuePadding="0" baseFontColor="333333" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showGaugeBorder="0" gaugeFillMix="" annRenderDelay="0" animation="0" showShadow="0" pointerOnTop="1" minorTMNumber="0" pointerBgColor="FFFFFF" showTickMarks="0">

<colorRange><color minValue="0" maxValue="100" alpha="0" /></colorRange>


<annotationGroup showBelow="1" id="Grp1">

<annotation showBorder="1" fillRatio="47.420000000,6.460000000,46.120000000" borderThickness="1" borderColor="666666" type="rectangle" x="10" y="30" toX="288" toY="60" color="5C8A39,BC8904,851E1E" />

<annotation fillAngle="270" fillRatio="0, 95, 5" fillAlpha="0,60,5" type="rectangle" x="11" y="30" toX="287" toY="60" color="FFFFFF,FFFFFF,FFFFFF" />


<annotationGroup showBelow="0" id="Grp2">

<annotation type="text" x="35" y="45" color="FFFFFF" size="9" bold="1" label="Foo Bar" />

<annotation type="text" x="150" y="45" color="FFFFFF" size="9" bold="1" label="Foo Bar 1" />

<annotation type="text" x="249" y="45" color="FFFFFF" size="9" bold="1" label="Foo Bar 2" />




<pointer value="53.880000000" radius="8" toolText="Foo bar 1: <b>53.88</b>%" />

<pointer value="47.420000000" radius="8" toolText="Foo bar 2: <b>$0.00</b>" />

<pointer value="-0.990000000" radius="8" toolText="Foo bar 3<b>In Faa</b>" />




<style name="labelFont" type="font" color="FFFFFF" />

<style name="ValueFont" type="font" bgColor="FFFFFF" borderColor="000000" />

<style name="fontStyle" type="font" isHTML="1" />



<apply toObject="Grp2" styles="labelFont" />

<apply toObject="GAUGELABELS" styles="labelFont" />

<apply toObject="TOOLTIP" styles="fontStyle" />

<apply toObject="VALUE" styles="ValueFont" />




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Guest Angshu



Thank you very much for your valuable feedback.


I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.


We will try to implement this feature in our future upgrades.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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