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Weird X-Axis Limits When Having Negative Values On Stacked Column 2D Chart

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I'm using recent (3.2.1) version of Stacked Column 2d chart. I get strange results when having negative values. You can see in the example that when having just 2 categories, one series with values 20 and -20, the limits on X-axis range is (-44,66) which seems for me far too wide. I know it is a bit degenerated example, but it is only to emphasise the problem.

What is the algorithm (what should I expect) for generating axis limits ?

post-12229-059182100 1306257204_thumb.png


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Please try setting the desired values for the attribute "yAxisMinValue" and yAxisMaxValue" in the <chart> element of the XML to explicitly specify the Y-axis limits.


Hope this helps. :D

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