
Scatterchart Category Labels Not Showing

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I have a scatter chart but the x-axis labels are not displaying. Here is the xml:


<chart showValues='0' bgAlpha='100' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' chartLeftMargin='10' chartRightMargin='20' chartTopMargin='10' chartBottomMargin='10' outCnvbaseFont='Trebuchet MS' outCnvBaseFontSize='12' outCnvbaseFontColor='000000' baseFontColor='000000' useRoundEdges='1' canvasbgAlpha='50' legendBgAlpha='70' showPercentageValues='0' showToolTip='0' inThousandSeparator=',' formatNumberScale='0' showLabels='1' enableSmartLabels='1' decimals='1' canvasBorderAlpha='30' xAxisName='Time' yAxisName='Score' imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='/Sociview/Common/Handlers/FusionChartImageSave_v3.ashx'><categories><category label='Dec' x='1' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Jan' x='2' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Feb' x='3' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Mar' x='4' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Apr' x='5' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='May' x='6' showVerticalLine='1' /></categories><dataset drawLine='1' seriesName='Values'><set x='6.63' y='61' /><set x='6.67' y='61' /><set x='6.7' y='61' /><set x='6.73' y='61' /><set x='6.77' y='61' /><set x='6.8' y='61' /></dataset><styles><definition><style name='captionFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='12' color='000000' bold='1' letterSpacing='1' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' /><apply toObject='subCaption' styles='captionFont' /></application></styles></chart>


Please could you let me know if I'm missing something?



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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


I am afraid, scatter chart does not support display of X axis labels, at this time.sad.gif


In scatter chart, both the X and Y axis are numeric.


We will try to implement this feature in our next release of FusionCharts.


Thank you very much for your continued patience and patronage.


Hope you have a great day!

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Please see attached screenshot - this is an example scatter chart I built, showing X-axis labels. The XML is as follows:


<chart showValues='1' bgAlpha='100' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='1' chartLeftMargin='10' chartRightMargin='20' chartTopMargin='10' chartBottomMargin='10' outCnvbaseFont='Trebuchet MS' outCnvBaseFontSize='12' outCnvbaseFontColor='000000' baseFontColor='000000' useRoundEdges='1' canvasbgAlpha='50' legendBgAlpha='70' imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='/VolumeChartingExample/Common/Handlers/FusionChartImageSave_v3.ashx'><categories><category label='Apr' x='1' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='May' x='2' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Jun' x='3' showVerticalLine='1' /></categories><dataset drawLine='1' seriesName='1'><set x='0.5' y='10' /><set x='2.5' y='15' /></dataset><dataset drawLine='1' seriesName='2'><set x='1.5' y='30' /><set x='3.5' y='20' /></dataset><styles><definition><style name='captionFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='12' color='000000' bold='1' letterSpacing='1' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' /><apply toObject='subCaption' styles='captionFont' /></application></styles></chart>


So if scatter chart does not display X-axis labels, why does this scatter chart displays labels? And why does the the first XML I posted not display labels?

post-16588-032742100 1306396796_thumb.png

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


if scatter chart does not display X-axis labels, why does this scatter chart displays labels?

Scatter chart have both x and y axis as numeric. The <x> attribute lets you define the x value (numerical position on the x-axis) where the category name would be placed under <category> element.Each <category> element represents an x-axis data label.

why does the the first XML I posted not display labels?


I am afraid, we are not able to replicate the issue, as the code is working fine from our end.

Please find the attached screenshot for your reference.


Hope this helps.smile.gif

post-10517-060621400 1306401656_thumb.jpg

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How strange. Is there a chart setting that controls whether or not all the categories are displayed? For example, because all the data points fall after the 'last' category point, is there a setting hat would only show from that point onwards? And if so, how would I turn that setting off?

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Okay, here is my chart XML:


<chart showValues='0' bgAlpha='100' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' chartLeftMargin='10' chartRightMargin='20' chartTopMargin='10' chartBottomMargin='10' outCnvbaseFont='Trebuchet MS' outCnvBaseFontSize='12' outCnvbaseFontColor='000000' baseFontColor='000000' useRoundEdges='1' canvasbgAlpha='50' legendBgAlpha='70' showPercentageValues='0' showToolTip='0' inThousandSeparator=',' formatNumberScale='0' showLabels='1' enableSmartLabels='1' decimals='1' canvasBorderAlpha='30' showLegend='0' yAxisName='Score' imageSave='1' imageSaveURL='/Sociview/Common/Handlers/FusionChartImageSave_v3.ashx'><categories><category label='Jan' x='1' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Feb' x='2' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Mar' x='3' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Apr' x='4' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='May' x='5' showVerticalLine='1' /><category label='Jun' x='6' showVerticalLine='1' /></categories><dataset drawLine='1' seriesName='Values'><set x='5.77' y='20' /><set x='5.87' y='20' /></dataset><styles><definition><style name='captionFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='12' color='000000' bold='1' letterSpacing='1' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' /><apply toObject='subCaption' styles='captionFont' /></application></styles></chart>


And attached is an image of the chart it is generating. Please can you explain why your graph shows all the month labels but mine does not? What setting makes all the months display?

post-16588-087009900 1306941807_thumb.png

Edited by RMG_85

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


I am afraid, we are not able to replicate the issue,as the labels are displaying fine from our end.


Please find the screenshot attached for your reference.


Please confirm the FusionCharts, Flash player and OS version you are using.


Awaiting for your response.

post-10517-063896900 1306993775_thumb.png

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