Harikrishnan Sivarajan

Need To Show The Startvalues/endvalue In Trendline

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Guest Angshu



Please try the same by setting <displayValue> attribute inside the <trendlines> elements.


If you want to display a string caption for the trend line by its side, you can use this attribute. Example: displayValue='Last Month High'. When you don't supply this attribute, it automatically takes the value of startValue.

Hope this helps.smile.gif

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Thanks for the reply



I need to display all values(startvalue,endvalue and display value)


<line startValue='30' endValue='70' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Low Glucose' color='0099a5' alpha='75'/>




is that possible ?

pls reply


my xm l file added



<chart showYaxisValues='0' canvasPadding='30' legendPadding='100' yAxisMaxValue='150' yAxisMinValue='30' bgColor='ffffff,36AF50,dd5904' canvasBgColor='ffffff' caption='Glucose Report' paletteColors='' showToolTipShadow='1' toolTipBorderColor='red' yAxisName='' formatNumberScale='0' xAxisName=''>


<set label='2009' value='' />


<set label='2010' value='50' />


<set label='2011' value='60' />


<set label='2012' value='100' />


<set label='' value='' />




<line startValue='30' endValue='70' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Low Glucose' color='0099a5' alpha='75'/>






<line startValue='70' endValue='116' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='Normal glucose' color='7fft7t' alpha='75'/>






<line startValue='116' endValue='150' isTrendZone='1' displayValue='High Glucose' color='ff2aff' alpha='75'/>








<style name='myCaptionFont' bgColor='ffff00' type='font' font='verdana' size='10' isHTML='0' color='666666' bold='0'/>


<style name='myShadow' type='Shadow' color='999999' angle='45' bgColor='FFFFDD'/>


<style name='myGlow' size='40' bold='1' type='Glow' color='FF5904' underline='1' bgColor='FFFFDD'/>






<apply toObject='' styles='myCaptionFont,myShadow' />


<apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myShadow' />


<apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myCaptionFont' />














Please try the same by setting <displayValue> attribute inside the <trendlines> elements.


If you want to display a string caption for the trend line by its side, you can use this attribute. Example: displayValue='Last Month High'. When you don't supply this attribute, it automatically takes the value of startValue.

Hope this helps.smile.gif

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.sad.gif


We have taken a note of your request here and added the same in our wishlist.


Hope you have a great day!

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