
Label Distance From Pie

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Please try the same by setting <labelDistance> attribute inside The <chart> element.

This attribute helps you set the distance of the label/value text boxes from the pie/doughnut edge.


For more details, please visit the link: http://www.fusioncha...D.html#Anchor12


Hope this helps.smile.gif

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


Please try the same by setting <labelDistance> attribute inside The <chart> element.

This attribute helps you set the distance of the label/value text boxes from the pie/doughnut edge.


For more details, please visit the link: http://www.fusioncha...D.html#Anchor12


Hope this helps.smile.gif

I added labelDistance='200'

but this doesn't seem to change the distance at all


Is that written correctly ?

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Could you please send us the relevant XML file that you are using to render the Pie chart so that we can replicate the issue? Also, please mention the current width and height of the chart.


Please confirm if you are rendering HTML 5 chart and the browser, its version, the OS and the Flash Player version.


Looking forward to your reply.

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Could you please send us the relevant XML file that you are using to render the Pie chart so that we can replicate the issue? Also, please mention the current width and height of the chart.


Please confirm if you are rendering HTML 5 chart and the browser, its version, the OS and the Flash Player version.


Looking forward to your reply.


chartWidth=620&chartHeight=300&debugMode=0&DOMId=analytics_TopPiename&registerWithJS=1&scaleMode=noScale〈=EN&dataXML=<chart labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' showValues='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' borderColor='FFFFFF' borderThickness='0' caption='Countries with Largest Numbers of Unique Active Users' imageSaveURL='../SaveImage.ashx' imageSave='1' baseFontSize='10' baseFont='Arial' showToolTip='1' anchorRadius='1.2' lineThickness='1.8' toolTipBgColor='e5ecf2' toolTipBorderColor='acbdcd' showToolTipShadow='1' numberSuffix='%25' labelDistance='200'><trendLines /><styles><definition><style name='LabelsStyleDefinition' type='font' face='Arial' size='10' bold='1' /><style name='TooltipStyleDefinition' type='font' color='425f70' /></definition><application><apply toObject='YAXISNAME' styles='LabelsStyleDefinition' /><apply toObject='XAXISNAME' styles='LabelsStyleDefinition' /><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='TooltipStyleDefinition' /></application></styles><set value='31.88' color='#Ed5200' toolText='Brazil,
Active users: 562415' showValue='1' label='Brazil,31.88%25
-6%25' /><set value='8.19' color='#3db319' toolText='Saudi Arabia,
Active users: 144552' showValue='1' label='Saudi Arabia,8.19%25
%2B8%25' /><set value='7.47' color='#0074b2' toolText='Thailand,
Active users: 131766' showValue='1' label='Thailand,7.47%25
-11%25' /><set value='6.85' color='#496475' toolText='Indonesia,
Active users: 120785' showValue='1' label='Indonesia,6.85%25
-11%25' /><set value='3.09' color='#C45c5b' toolText='United States,
Active users: 54439' showValue='1' label='United States,3.09%25
-5%25' /><set value='2.98' color='#Aec194' toolText='Malaysia,
Active users: 52534' showValue='1' label='Malaysia,2.98%25
-10%25' /><set value='2.87' color='#84b3c3' toolText='Egypt,
Active users: 50550' showValue='1' label='Egypt,2.87%25
%2B2%25' /></chart>



Tried to switch between labelDistance= '3' and '200' and saw no graphic change.

Win 7, Chrome 11.0.696.71

how do I check the two other version (Flash player, rendering HTML 5) ?

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Apologies for the inconvenience.


Please note that the attribute "labelDistance" in the <chart> element would work only when the attribute "enableSmartLabels" is set to '0'.


Hope this helps. :)

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Apologies for the inconvenience.


Please note that the attribute "labelDistance" in the <chart> element would work only when the attribute "enableSmartLabels" is set to '0'.


Hope this helps. :)


The distance now changes but the lines aren't drawn (no color)

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Yes, you are right. :) The line is not drawn as the attribute "enableSmartLabels" is set to '0' in the <chart> element. Also, the attribute "labelDistance" would only work and change the distance when the "enableSmartLabels" is disabled.


In case you wish to draw the lines, the distance cannot be changed and vice-versa.


Hope this helps. :)

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