Formatting Numbers Into Durations

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Guest Angshu


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts.


FusionCharts v3 introduces the concept of scaling.


Say we're plotting a chart which indicates the time taken by a list of automated processes. Each process in the list can take time ranging from a few seconds to few days. And we've the data for each process in seconds itself. Now, if we were to show all the data on the chart in seconds only, it won't appear too legible. What we can do is build a scale indicating time and then specify it to the chart.

More details at: http://www.fusioncha...er_Scaling.html


Hope this

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Thanks for the quick reply - I saw that link already but I don't think it helps in my case as I need to use a combination of time types e.g.


90 seconds = 1 minute 30 seconds.


So I would need to convert the 90 seconds into 1.5 minutes (which I can do from the custom scaling approach) but then identify that 0.5 minutes = 30 seconds and then return 01:30.

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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.sad.gif


We have taken anote of your request here and added the same in our wishlist.


Hope you have a great day!

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