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Line Seriers Chart 2D Or 3D - Fusion Chart V3

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I am using Fusion chart V3. I am using Colum 3D chart and Line series chart.

My question is

1. How to set minimum and maximum value for datetime axis. Its look conjugated when loading more than 500 rows into that chart.

x - Date time

Y - Profit

2. How to change the style of the chart(line color, background color, alternative color)

3. How to minimize or maximize the point on line series.

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)


1. How to set minimum and maximum value for datetime axis. Its look conjugated when loading more than 500 rows into that chart. x - Date time Y - Profit

>> I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support date/time format along the X-axis, as of now. :(


However, you can mention date/time values as string data to the labels.


2. How to change the style of the chart(line color, background color, alternative color)

>> FusionCharts supports various attributes to customize the colors, fonts, etc. Please refer to the "Chart XML API" section of the FusionCharts Online Documentation for details on the attributes supported by each chart.

Ref.- >> Chart XML API


3. How to minimize or maximize the point on line series.

>> Could you please specify this issue a bit elaborately? Preferably with a screenshot of the requirement.


Hope this helps. :)

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