noman zafar Report post Posted June 21, 2011 Hi there i want to use gantt chart in but getting inalid xml data erro. The XmlData is sample copied by fusion charts help. i suspect , something wrong is with this line, please advise FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/FCF_Gantt.swf", "", strXML, "M2M", "800", "300", False) i am using below function to render the chart Function CreateJobChart(ByVal charttype As Integer) As String Dim strXML As String strXML = " <chart dateFormat='dd/mm/yyyy' showTaskNames='1' ganttWidthPercent='70' gridBorderAlpha='100' canvasBorderColor='333333' canvasBorderThickness='0' hoverCapBgColor='FFFFFF' hoverCapBorderColor='333333' extendcategoryBg='0' ganttLineColor='99cc00' ganttLineAlpha='20' baseFontColor='333333' gridBorderColor='99cc00'>" strXML = strXML & "<categories bgColor='333333' fontColor='99cc00' isBold='1' fontSize='14' >" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/9/2004' end='31/12/2004' name='2004' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/1/2005' end='31/7/2005' name='2005' /> " strXML = strXML & "</categories>" strXML = strXML & " <categories bgColor='99cc00' bgAlpha='40' fontColor='333333' align='center' fontSize='10' isBold='1'>" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/9/2004' end='30/9/2004' name='Sep' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/10/2004' end='31/10/2004' name='Oct' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/11/2004' end='30/11/2004' name='Nov' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/12/2004' end='31/12/2004' name='Dec' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/1/2005' end='31/1/2005' name='Jan' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/2/2005' end='28/2/2005' name='Feb' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/3/2005' end='31/3/2005' name='March' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/4/2005' end='30/4/2005' name='Apr' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/5/2005' end='31/5/2005' name='May' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/6/2005' end='30/6/2005' name='June' />" strXML = strXML & " <category start='1/7/2005' end='31/7/2005' name='July' />" strXML = strXML & " </categories>" strXML = strXML & " <processes positionInGrid='right' align='center' headerText='Leader' fontColor='333333' fontSize='11' isBold='1' isAnimated='1' bgColor='99cc00' headerbgColor='333333' headerFontColor='99cc00' headerFontSize='16' bgAlpha='40'>" strXML = strXML & " <process Name='Ashok' id='1' />" strXML = strXML & " <process Name='Pallav' id='2' />" strXML = strXML & " <process Name='Akhil' id='3' />" strXML = strXML & " <process Name='Sanket' id='4' />" strXML = strXML & " <process Name='Srishti' id='5' />" strXML = strXML & " <process Name='Kisor' id='6' />" strXML = strXML & "</processes>" strXML = strXML & " <dataTable fontColor='333333' fontSize='11' isBold='1' headerFontColor='000000' headerFontSize='11' >" strXML = strXML & " <dataColumn headerbgColor='333333' width='150' headerfontSize='16' headerAlign='left' headerfontcolor='99cc00' bgColor='99cc00' headerText=' Team' align='left' bgAlpha='65'>" strXML = strXML & " <text label=' MANAGEMENT' /> " strXML = strXML & " <text label=' PRODUCT MANAGER' />" strXML = strXML & " <text label=' CORE DEVELOPMENT' />" strXML = strXML & " <text label=' Q & A / DOC.' />" strXML = strXML & " <text label=' WEB TEAM' />" strXML = strXML & " <text label=' MANAGEMENT' />" strXML = strXML & " </dataColumn>" strXML = strXML & " </dataTable>" strXML = strXML & " <tasks>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Survey' hoverText='Market Survey' processId='1' start='7/9/2004' end='10/10/2004' id='Srvy' color='99cc00' alpha='60' topPadding='19' />" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Concept' hoverText= 'Develop Concept for Product' processId='1' start='25/10/2004' end='9/11/2004' id='Cpt1' color='99cc00' alpha='60' />" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Concept' showName='0' hoverText= 'Develop Concept for Product' processId='2' start='25/10/2004' end='9/11/2004' id='Cpt2' color='99cc00' alpha='60' />" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Design' hoverText= 'Preliminary Design' processId='2' start='12/11/2004' end='25/11/2004' id='Desn' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Product Development' processId='2' start='6/12/2004' end='2/3/2005' id='PD1' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Product Development' processId='3' start='6/12/2004' end='2/3/2005' id='PD2' color='99cc00' alpha='60' />" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Doc Outline' hoverText='Documentation Outline' processId='2' start='6/4/2005' end='1/5/2005' id='DocOut' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Alpha' hoverText='Alpha Release' processId='4' start='15/3/2005' end='2/4/2005' id='alpha' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Beta' hoverText='Beta Release' processId='3' start='10/5/2005' end='2/6/2005' id='Beta' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Doc.' hoverText='Documentation' processId='4' start='12/5/2005' end='29/5/2005' id='Doc' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Website Design' hoverText='Website Design' processId='5' start='18/5/2005' end='22/6/2005' id='Web' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Release' hoverText='Product Release' processId='6' start='5/7/2005' end='29/7/2005' id='Rls' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='Dvlp' hoverText='Development on Beta Feedback' processId='3' start='10/6/2005' end='1/7/2005' id='Dvlp' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/> " strXML = strXML & " <task name='QA' hoverText='QA Testing' processId='4' start='9/4/2005' end='22/4/2005' id='QA1' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " <task name='QA2' hoverText='QA Testing-Phase 2' processId='4' start='25/6/2005' end='5/7/2005' id='QA2' color='99cc00' alpha='60'/>" strXML = strXML & " </tasks>" strXML = strXML & " <connectors>" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='Cpt1' toTaskId='Cpt2' color='99cc00' thickness='2' fromTaskConnectStart='1'/>" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='PD1' toTaskId='PD2' color='99cc00' thickness='2' fromTaskConnectStart='1'/>" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='PD1' toTaskId='alpha' color='99cc00' thickness='2' />" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='PD2' toTaskId='alpha' color='99cc00' thickness='2' />" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='DocOut' toTaskId='Doc' color='99cc00' thickness='2' />" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='QA1' toTaskId='beta' color='99cc00' thickness='2' />" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='Dvlp' toTaskId='QA2' color='99cc00' thickness='2' />" strXML = strXML & " <connector fromTaskId='QA2' toTaskId='Rls' color='99cc00' thickness='2' />" strXML = strXML & " </connectors>" strXML = strXML & " <milestones>" strXML = strXML & " <milestone date='29/7/2005' taskId='Rls' radius='10' color='333333' shape='Star' numSides='5' borderThickness='1'/>" strXML = strXML & " <milestone date='2/3/2005' taskId='PD1' radius='10' color='333333' shape='Star' numSides='5' borderThickness='1' />" strXML = strXML & " <milestone date='2/3/2005' taskId='PD2' radius='10' color='333333' shape='Star' numSides='5' borderThickness='1'/>" strXML = strXML & " </milestones> " strXML = strXML & "</chart>" Return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("FusionCharts/FCF_Gantt.swf", "", strXML, "M2M", "800", "300", False) End Function Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sanjukta Report post Posted June 21, 2011 Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! Could you please send us the rendered HTML file as an attachment so that we might test it? You can get this HTML by right-clicking on the browser page and the viewing the page source. Please send us the HTML from "<!-- START Script Block for Chart ChartId -->" to "<!-- END Script Block for Chart ChartId -->". Looking forward to your reply. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites