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How To Update Column Data Only?

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Hi, I have a 3DColumn chart created by a PHP class which charts the stats of 10 users.


Initially this chart loads, and charts all 10 users' stats.


My end goal is to have a html <select> tag with multiple enabled to allow me to view the chart with data only for the x/10 users I select from the selector.


Is there a way to set just the <set value='foo' label='foolabel'> data? instead of the entire graph tag and parameters too?


Thank you!

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Guest Angshu



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


First of all, we would like to thank you for showing interest in FusionCharts.


Could you please send us a screenshot or any live link of your requirement?


Awaiting for your response.

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This might clarify the question:


In the documentation, this function is used to change/set data for the chart. : myChart.setXMLData("<chart><set value='100' /></chart>");

The XML string wants data for the entire chart, from <chart> tag to </chart> tag. I want to be able to update an individual set of data. (the <set> tag.)

For example, in this chart below I would like to be able to modify the blue and green column tags and values without changing anything else in the chart.FirstChart.jpg

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Guest Angshu


Thanks for your response.

I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the feature you are looking for, at this time.sad.gif

You would need to provide the entire XML data as a string inside the code itself and passed it to the chart using setXMLData() method.

Hope this

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