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Interactive Legend On Scatter Charts Only Removes Markers

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In my scatter charts, I'm using drawline=1. I'm also setting interactiveLegend to 1. When I click on the legend, only the markers/anchors for the scatter plot are removed. Is there something else I need to do to remove the entire line?




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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your post.


You would need to set the <drawLine='1'> attribute inside the <dataset> element.


This attribute helps you to connect the scatter points of any datasets using lines.


When you click a legend key, the dataplots associated with that series are eliminated from the chart. Re-clicking the key causes the dataplots to reappear.


Please find the sample XML below:


<chart palette='2' caption='Server Performance' yAxisName='Response Time (sec)' xAxisName='Server Load (TPS)' xAxisMaxValue='100'
xAxisMinValue='20' yAxisMaxValue='7' interactiveLegend='1'>

  <categories verticalLineColor='666666' verticalLineThickness='1'>
     <category label='20' x='20' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='30' x='30' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='40' x='40' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='50' x='50' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='60' x='60' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='70' x='70' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='80' x='80' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='90' x='90' showVerticalLine='1'/>
     <category label='100' x='100' showVerticalLine='0'/>

  <dataset seriesName='Server 1' color='009900' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='D5FFD5' anchorBorderColor='009900' drawLine='1'>
     <set y='2.4' x='21' />
     <set y='3.5' x='32' />
     <set y='2.5' x='43' />
     <set y='4.1' x='48' />
     <set y='3.5' x='50' />
     <set y='4.6' x='56' />
     <set y='4.8' x='59' />
     <set y='4.9' x='73' />
     <set y='4.6' x='89' />
     <set y='4.2' x='93' />

  <dataset seriesName='Server 2' color='0000FF' anchorSides='4' anchorRadius='4' anchorBgColor='C6C6FF' anchorBorderColor='0000FF' drawLine='1'>
     <set y='1.4' x='23'/>
     <set y='1.5' x='29'/>
     <set y='1.5' x='33'/>
     <set y='1.1' x='41'/>
     <set y='1.5' x='47'/>
     <set y='1.6' x='49'/>
     <set y='1.8' x='51'/>
     <set y='1.9' x='53'/>
     <set y='1.6' x='57'/>
     <set y='1.2' x='58'/>
     <set y='1.9' x='61'/>
     <set y='1.1' x='63'/>
     <set y='1.9' x='64'/>
     <set y='1.7' x='71'/>
     <set y='1.1' x='77'/>
     <set y='1.3' x='79'/>
     <set y='1.7' x='83'/>
     <set y='1.8' x='89'/>
     <set y='1.9' x='91'/>
     <set y='1.0' x='93'/>

Hope this

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Thanks for the reply.

My question concerns how to make the line that is drawn due to drawline disappear. I can make the anchors go away by clicking on the legend, but the line remains. Is that expected behavior? I tired the sample xml you provided in your e-mail and saw the same behavior.

See the attached file. I've clicked on the legend for the blue line. As you can see the markers for the blue lines are gone, but the line itself remains.

Is there a workaround?






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Guest Angshu



Thanks for your response.


Coud you please send us a screenshot or any live link of your requirement?


Awaiting for your reply.

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Apologies for the inconvenience.


This is currently an issue with the Scatter chart. But I am glad to let you know that this has been already fixed and would be officially released with the next upgraded version, i.e FusionCharts v3.2.2.


In case you are an existing customer, please mail us your Order ID at and we would get back to you shortly on this.


Thank you for your continued patience and patronage.

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We have FusionCharts v3.2.2 and this issue does not appear to be fixed. Has it in fact been fixed for v3.2.2? Our "drawLine='1'" attributes are in the dataset elements, yet the lines do not disappear when the anchors in the legend are clicked. Only the anchors in the chart disappear.

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Guest Bindhu



I am afraid, I am unable to replicate the issue using FusionCharts XT, FusionCharts XT SR1, FusionCharts XT SR2 or FusionCharts XT SR3.


Please confirm that you have replaced all the old files with XT files and cleared browser cache memory before re-testing.


Please find attached screen shot.


Hope this helps!


Edited by Bindhu

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Clearing the browser cache did the trick. Now the lines disappear/reappear when their corresponding legend is clicked.Thanks!

Edited by JF

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