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About woodykiddy

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  1. I think the reason why I got this error is because I included FusionCharts.js on a page where I shouldn't have. The chart was actually generated by the server, and it's not done on the client side. So I remove the reference from that page and error is gone.
  2. Have this issue on IE browser. The error is pointing to FusionCharts.js. Have anyone had this same problem before?
  3. Export Multiple Charts With Js

    What if I have multiple charts that need to be exported automatically to the server? Can I call addEventListener multiple times in Javascript? I will give it try first. Thanks for the suggestion.
  4. Export Multiple Charts With Js

    Thanks very much for the reply and attached sample code. From the sample code, I noticed that we had to click the Save button so that we could save individual chart image. I am just wondering if there is any way that we can automate this "saving image" process. I mean, it'd be really nice if individual chart image can be saved directly onto the server disk. So can we possibly achieve this? Thanks
  5. Hi, I have a javascript function which accepts chartID parameter, and calls exportChart(). The code is as follows: function ExportChartToImg(chartid) { var chartObject = getChartFromId(chartid); if (chartObject != null && chartObject.hasRendered()) { chartObject.exportChart(); } } It works perfectly for page that only contains 1 chart object. But, what if I have multiple chart objects on a web page? Can I still re-use the above logic and export chart like this? (Assume multiple chartid is represented in this format: chart1|chart2|chart3|...) function ExportChartToImg(chartid) { var arr = new Array(); arr = chartDomID.split("|"); for(var i=0; i< arr.length; i++){ chartid = arr[i]; var chartObject = getChartFromId(chartid); alert(chartObject + " - " + i); if (chartObject != null && chartObject.hasRendered()) { chartObject.exportChart(); } } } I was expecting to get chart exported multiple times (because of the for loop), but as a matter of fact, I was only able to have first one exported, hence the chart object (chart2) couldn't exported successfully. So what should I do to be able to export multiple charts with JS? Can anyone help me, please? Thanks.
  6. Hi I am just wondering, what would be the best way to implement the server-side exporting for multiple charts? For example, I have a page with 3 charts on it and I want them all to be exported to the server and saved as images which I can reference later on. Can anyone give me some pointers please? Thanks
  7. Exportchart() Function Doesn't Work At All!

    Thanks for all the replies. I finally managed to solve the problem by re-installing the .net framework. The exportChart() is definitely issue-free. I can export the images now. Thanks very much, guys.
  8. Exportchart() Function Doesn't Work At All!

    Just wonder if there's any update regarding my previous post? Has anyone been able to reproduce the errors that I had?
  9. Exportchart() Function Doesn't Work At All!

    Hi Thanks for test code. But I think I am still having the issue. Issue: Parser Error Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'FCExporter'. Source Error: Line 1: <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="FCExporter.aspx.cs" Inherits="FCExporter" %> If I switch back to ASP.NET11 export handler, I will get the same error msg as the one in my first post. Also I have deliberately create a test folder under my root website directory and put the following files inside. FCExporter.aspx, FCExporter.aspx.cs, FusionCharts.js, FusionChartsExportComponent.js, testFC.asp (my test file) , Data.xml, Column3D.swf BTW, how can I attach files here. I have got my version of test code ready.
  10. Exportchart() Function Doesn't Work At All!

    Can you please attach fusioncharts.js file directly in here? My fusionCharts.js version is fusioncharts/3.2.3-release.4749. Not sure if it's the latest version or not. Also I re-downloaded the latest version, but still that didn't solve my problem. I got the same error messages returned from export handler: DOMId= height=0 width=0 fileName= statusMessage=Insufficient data.statusCode=0 I don't understand what else I am missing here.
  11. Exportchart() Function Doesn't Work At All!

    I basically used the same piece of code as the one we saw in the FusionCharts Doc. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <title>Untitled Page</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function ExportMyChart() { //var chartObject = getChartFromId('myChartId'); var chartObject = FusionCharts("myChartId"); //alert(chartObject.getXMLData()); //test to see if chartObject created or not if (chartObject.hasRendered()) chartObject.exportChart(); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/Column3D.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1"); myChart.setXMLUrl("Charts/Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //Callback handler method which is invoked after the chart has saved image on server. function FC_Exported(objRtn) { if (objRtn.statusCode == "1") { alert("The chart was successfully saved on server. The file can be accessed from " + objRtn.fileName); } else { alert("The chart could not be saved on server. There was an error. Description : " + objRtn.statusMessage); } } </script> <input type="button" onclick="ExportMyChart()" value="Export Chart to Image" id="btnExportChart" /> </body> </html> And XML code for chart attributes <chart exportHandler="http://mywebsite/Charts/ExportHandlers/ASP_Net11/FCExporter.aspx" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="0" exportAction="save" caption="Sales Summary" subCaption="For the year 2010" numberPrefix="$" sformatNumberScale="1" sNumberPrefix="$" syncAxisLimits="1" rotateValues="1" showSum="0"> But somehow it just doesn't export properly. I wonder, would there be any restrictions to call exportChart() JS function? Why it doesn't send stream to .NET export handler?
  12. Exportchart() Function Doesn't Work At All!

    Is it just me or nobody really is having this issue? Can anybody suggest a solution please?
  13. I was going to export chart to image and save it on the server. But it just didn't work. I believe there must be an error / a problem with the following js function: var chartObject = FusionCharts("myChartId"); chartObject.exportChart(); // <= it fails badly This then causes the problem on the Export Handler, which will produce the following server error: DOMId= height=0 width=0 fileName= statusMessage=Insufficient data. statusCode=0 As far as I understand, it is saying that the chart stream data has not been posted to the server (i.e. Request["stream"] is NULL ), which is why the export handler doesn't recognise the chart and save it to image. This issue has been bugging me for many hours, and I have tried looking for solutions on the forum but all in vain. So please kindly advise a proper solution to this issue. Thanks. EDIT: By the way, I have also tried both .NET chart export handlers with correct configurations, but no luck getting chart exported.
  14. Vline Label Problems

    So how should I upgrade it to latest version? Do I have to download the whole package again? what about the license then?