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About Swarnam

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  1. Hi, Legends are not supported for Single series charts. As a work around, you can make use of Theme managers and Annotations, to meet your requirements. JSFiddle link: https://fiddle.jshell.net/eb3sunsz/2/ Hope this helps.
  2. Hi There .. I'm trying to get the xml you describe in the following post to work and I can not .. 

    Can you perhaps update that thread with some XML that shows how to do it?  I'm using javascript charts but I can not get the xml example to work and the download does not open anything.

    I would appreciate some direction as I want to use this for some of my charts


    Thank you in advance

    1. rmortensen


      Hi Swarnam .. I'm still waiting on this .. I've tried different syntax .. can you provide me some direction here?  I really need to get this to work .. Thank You 

  3. Hi, Can you please share the chart type in which watermark appears? Meanwhile, please share the license details by dropping an email to [email protected]?
  4. FusionCharts Suite v3.11.2 released FusionCharts Suite XT v3.11.2 introduces an alternate installation method for its (free) trial version—installation via the npm and Bower package managers. npm Registry is a public collection of packages, where the package can contain anything, including ES6, client-side JS, or even HTML and CSS. Click here for a step-by-step tutorial on rendering charts via npm. Bower is a package manager that includes CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, libraries like jQuery, jQuery plugins, or JavaScript frameworks like Angular. Click here for a step-by-step tutorial on rendering charts via bower. This release also includes improvement in chart performance, thereby significantly improving the chart rendering speed. The new version also includes support for new attributes for better data visualization and interactivity. It also includes several improvements and bug fixes for issues impacting clients. Click here for more details. Download links: Trial version: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download Licenced version: puc.fusioncharts.com
  5. Caption problem. "..."

    Hey, Sincere apologies for missing out the post. We would avoid such situation in future.
  6. FusionCharts caption BUG IE.

    Hi, Apologies for the delay. We have deprecated the support for Flash couple of years ago and we would recommend to use the latest version of FusionCharts which renders pure JavaScript charts.
  7. Trendline end value greater than y axis max value problem

    Hi, Yes, it has been rounded off to the greatest of the dataset values, this will help charts to have better visualizations. getChartattribute will returned undefined, if value is not predefined. You can set predefined value and later modify based on trendzone value.
  8. Trendline end value greater than y axis max value problem

    Hi, - if i know how the fusion chart calculate the y axis min and max, than i can calculate it before the loading of the chart >> Y axis min and max values depends on the values being plotted. FusionCharts will decide Y axis max value based on the maximum value provided to the data plot. Else, "yaxismaxValue" attribute defined in the chart element will decide the max value. - if there is a function which get back the y axis min and max, then I can change the trendline zone after the loading of the chart >>Using getChartAttribute("yaxismaxvalue"), you can fetch value of chart attributes explicitly applied to the root chart object (or the <chart> node element). Docs link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-methods.html#getChartAttribute
  9. Hi, "LabelDisplay" is used to customize the alignment of data labels and not to hide the values. For Bar charts, to hide the values, please try setting "showYAxisValues" as "0" in the chart element. Hope this helps.
  10. Trendline end value greater than y axis max value problem

    Hi, Do you want alert to pop up in such scenario? What further action is required?
  11. Trendline end value greater than y axis max value problem

    Hi, Try setting the Y axis max value in accordance to the end value given to the trendline using "yaxismaxvalue" attribute in the chart element.
  12. Hey All, FusionCharts Suite v3.10.0 released FusionCharts Suite XT now supports three new charts—the treemap chart, the zoom scatter chart, and the zoom-line dual y-axis chart. The treemap chart is modeled on the tree data structure and is used to plot hierarchical information using 2D rectangles. The zoom-scatter chart combines the capabilities of a scatter chart with the zooming and panning features. The zoom-line dual y-axis chart extends the capabilities of a zoom-line chart by allowing for large data sets with different numeric units and intervals to be plotted. The release also includes support for new attributes for improved data visualization as well as interactivity, as well as improvements and bug fixes for issues impacting clients. Click here for more details. Download links: Trial version: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download Licensed version: puc.fusioncharts.com
  13. Java-based server-side wrapper

    Apologies for the delay in responding. Hi Benjamin, We are in the process of implementing Java wrapper within FusionCharts Suite XT. FusionCharts Suite XT will include the FusionCharts Java wrapper that lets you create interactive, data-driven charts in your Java server without writing any JavaScript code. JavaScript and HTML code is used to generate charts in the browsers. The server-side Java wrapper generates the required JavaScript and HTML code as a string, which is then used to render charts on a browser page. The wrapper includes several built-in Java functions that reduce the time and effort that goes into generating, rendering, and configuring charts.
  14. Hide Dataset In Chart By Default

    Oops missed out. :-)