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Everything posted by Swarnam

  1. Hi Hari, Can you please try using the following style elements for Pie chart? <styles> <definition> <style name='MyFirstFontStyle' type='font' font='Verdana' size='12' color='FF0000' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Legend' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' /> <apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='MyFirstFontStyle' /> </application> </styles>
  2. Hi Hari, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. No, currently we do not support "showPercentValues" attribute for Column Charts. Using "displayValue" attribute within set element, percent values can be specified and it would be displayed over data plots(columns). <set label='Jan' value='420000' displayValue='50%' /> Hope this helps.
  3. width of heat map

    Hi Sumit, No, it is not possible to set the width of cells in HeatMap chart. It depend on chart dimension and number of data plots. Also, different size cells cannot be rendered within a HeatMap chart.
  4. Drill down chart not working.

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. Since the descendant chart XML has been appended within the parent source, please try setting dataformat as xml. Please find the updated XML attached. <chart caption="Yearly sales" xAxisName="Year" yAxisName="Sales"> <set label="2004" value="37800" link="newchart-xml-2004-quarterly" /> <set label="2005" value="21900" link="newchart-xml-2005-quarterly" /> <set label="2006" value="32900" link="newchart-xml-2006-quarterly" /> <set label="2007" value="39800" link="newchart-xml-2007-quarterly" /> <linkeddata id="2004-quarterly"> <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2004" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales" > <set label="Q1" value="11700" /> <set label="Q2" value="8600" /> <set label="Q3" value="6900" /> <set label="Q4" value="10600" /> </chart> </linkeddata> <linkeddata id="2005-quarterly"> <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2005" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales"> <set label="Q1" value="5500" /> <set label="Q2" value="7100" /> <set label="Q3" value="3900" /> <set label="Q4" value="5400" /> </chart> </linkeddata> <linkeddata id="2006-quarterly"> <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2006" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales"> <set label="Q1" value="6700" /> <set label="Q2" value="9200" /> <set label="Q3" value="10800" /> <set label="Q4" value="6200" /> </chart> </linkeddata> <linkeddata id="2007-quarterly"> <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2007" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales"> <set label="Q1" value="8900" /> <set label="Q2" value="6600" /> <set label="Q3" value="11200" /> <set label="Q4" value="13100" /> </chart> </linkeddata> </chart> Hope this helps.
  5. Hey, Try setting "showRealTimeValue" attribute to 0. This attribute helps you set whether you want the latest value (received from server) to be displayed on the chart or not. Hope this helps.
  6. how to add a link in caption

    Hey, "Invalid Data" message occur when the XML data is malformed. The above XML output should be as below: <chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' caption='Dr. Safadi' showValue='1'> <colorRange> <color minValue='0' maxValue='20' color='3BFF46'/> <color minValue='20' maxValue='50' color='FFF057'/> <color minValue='50' maxValue='100' color='FF0000'/> </colorRange> <target>98</target> <value>34</value> </chart> Can you try generating the XML in the above format and render the chart? For more information on Horizontal Bullet XML format, please refer to the following link: http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Contents/Bullet/Create.html Hope this helps.
  7. Hi, Can you please confirm does the issue is faced while rendering Flash charts? If yes, please drop us a mail to "[email protected]".
  8. License

    Hey, Can you please drop a mail to "[email protected]"?
  9. 3D Area Chart

    Hi, No, True 3D features are not supported in JavaScript charts.
  10. Hi, As requested, please find the working example for MSStackedColumn2DLineDY chart type. Hope this helps. MSStackedColumn2DLineDY (2).zip
  11. Hi Prashant, Glad to know your issue has been resolved. Duplicate attributes present in the chart element are : decimals, showToolTip, pointerRadius Hope this helps.
  12. 3D Area Chart

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. Starting FusionCharts XT (v3.2.2), MSCombi3D (without True 3D feature) is supported in JavaScript charts. Please try downloading the latest version and check if your issue has been resolved. Hope this helps.
  13. Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. Yes, it is possible to enable/disable items from legend(appear within the chart canvas area) and through the check box. The chart can be re rendered based on the selected check box value. Please refer the attached sample. I've used the 'visible' attribute of the <dataset> element to show/hide the data plots. This feature is only available in JavaScript Charts. For Ex- <dataset seriesName='2005' visible='0'> Hope this helps. checkboxsample.zip
  14. Color issues when using Rounded Edges

    Hi Joel, To download the latest Evaluation version, please use the link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ For licensed version, please use the Product Upgrade Center URL obtained at the time of purchase. Hope this helps.
  15. Hi Alian, Thanks and post has been responded.
  16. Hi Alain, This issue has been internally fixed. We would update the thread once it has been officially released. Hope this helps.
  17. compatibility issue between IE and mozilla

    Hey, Try providing width and height to the embed tag. Please find the updated code: <embed src="../../../swfs/MSColumn2D.swf" flashVars="&dataURL=total_Availablity.xml&chartWidth=850&chartHeight=850" quality="high" name="FusionCharts_1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" width="850" height="350"/> Hope this helps.
  18. Xaxis labels overlapping

    Hi Deepti, Apologies for the inconvenience. Can you please share the XML code along with chart dimension? Are you trying to render Flash or JavaScript chart?
  19. JS Zoomline chart - vertical line

    Hey, Adding of vTrendLines to ZoomLine chart has been added to our wishlist. However, we are unable to commit any timeline.
  20. javascript chart don't works !

    Hey, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Post. Please ensure the following: >>Have you set correct path of FusionCharts.js in your code >>Please ensure the page does not contains any JavaScript error >> If you are setting the data as XML/JSON String, you might be including new-line characters in the XML/JSON string. New line characters in XML/JSON string cause JavaScript error.
  21. subCaption not displaying on 2D Stacked Column Flash

    Hi, This issue has been internally fixed. If you require a updated version of StackedColumn 2D SWF file, please drop us a mail to "[email protected]" along with your Order ID.
  22. 3D Column Spacing

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. Please use MSColumn3D chart for the above mentioned scenario. Demo Gallery Link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/gallery/column-and-bar/chart.asp?id=mscolumn3d_2 Hope this helps.
  23. Cannot get Entityrollover listener to work

    Hi, For Flash maps, please set 'exposeHoverEvent' attribute to 1 in <map> element of the XML. If you are rendering the chart on a local system, update Flash Player Global Security settings to enable communication between charts and JavaScript in your local machine. Ref- http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/Tools/FlashPlayerSecuritySetup/HowToSetup.html You can also resolve the issue by rendering the chart on the server. Hope this helps.