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Found 2 results

  1. I am trying to use trendLines in msstackedcolumn2dlinedy. i wanted draw trendLines on secondary axis. but it seems it is bydefault drawing trendline on primary y axis. when i remove trendlines, max primary y axis value is 90. but when i add trendline, max primary y axis value shoots to 7k. That does mean in below case primary y axis trendLine is used even when i have mapped each trendLine to secondary axis. (parentYAxis: 'S'). Could you please help me in this scenario. Also can i draw area chart on secondary axis? Thanks in Advance... Code: FusionCharts.ready(function () { var revenueChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'msstackedcolumn2dlinedy', renderAt: 'chart-container', width: '500', height: '300', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "divlinecolor": "CCCCCC", "alignLegendWithCanvas": "0", "showvalues": "0", "pYAxisName": "Bar Chart", "sYAxisName": "Line Chart" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "Jan" }, { "label": "Feb" }, { "label": "Mar" }, { "label": "Apr" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "Purchase1", "data": [ { "value": 21 }, { "value": 18 }, { "value": 27 }, { "value": 25 } ] }, { "seriesname": "Purchase2", "data": [ { "value": 63 }, { "value": 10 }, { "value": null }, { "value": null } ] } ] } ], "lineset": [ { "seriesname": "revenue", "data": [ { "value": 6173 }, { "value": 4153 }, { "value": 7109 }, { "value": 6142 } ] } ], "trendLines": [ { "line": [ { "startValue": 6104.8, "endValue": 6133.7, "displayValue": " ", "color": "6baa01", "alpha": "80", "dashed": "1", "parentYAxis": "S" } ] } ] } }); revenueChart.render(); });
  2. Hi, I'm trying to create a multiseries stacked chart with a secondary y axis. I'm using the MSStackedColumn2DLineDY chart type and the documentation states: Could you provide an example of this, as the only way I can get the chart to display more data as a line is by adding it as a new series to the one lineset element. E.g. I want the following to be two different lineset elements, not two series within one lineset "lineset": [{ "seriesname": "Cost as % of Revenue", "showvalues": "0", "linethickness": "4", "data": [{ "value": "57" }, { "value": "68" }, { "value": "79" }, { "value": "73" }, { "value": "80" }] }, { "seriesname": "Cost as % of Pay", "showvalues": "0", "linethickness": "4", "data": [{ "value": "34" }, { "value": "23" }, { "value": "52" }, { "value": "32" }, { "value": "12" }] }] A working example of multiple linesets would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks, Odhran Hardy