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About Odhran

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi Rishab, Many thanks for the feedback, I'll have to work within those contstraints. The documentation threw me for six but I now get that it was talking explicitly about XML. Many Thanks, O.
  2. Hi Swarnam, Thanks for the response but this is what I already have working, see my example above. What I am looking for is to have multiple linesets similar to how you have 2 distinct datasets in the example you supplied. One for the series relating to services and one for series relating to products E.g. You have the following structure in your example "dataset": [ { "dataset": [...all the series related to products...] }, { "dataset": [...all the series related to services...] }] I would like something similar for linesets, is this possible? Many Thanks, Odhran
  3. Hi, I'm trying to create a multiseries stacked chart with a secondary y axis. I'm using the MSStackedColumn2DLineDY chart type and the documentation states: Could you provide an example of this, as the only way I can get the chart to display more data as a line is by adding it as a new series to the one lineset element. E.g. I want the following to be two different lineset elements, not two series within one lineset "lineset": [{ "seriesname": "Cost as % of Revenue", "showvalues": "0", "linethickness": "4", "data": [{ "value": "57" }, { "value": "68" }, { "value": "79" }, { "value": "73" }, { "value": "80" }] }, { "seriesname": "Cost as % of Pay", "showvalues": "0", "linethickness": "4", "data": [{ "value": "34" }, { "value": "23" }, { "value": "52" }, { "value": "32" }, { "value": "12" }] }] A working example of multiple linesets would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks, Odhran Hardy
  4. Sumedh, Does this mean that it is impossible to render a trendzone to represent the range x>7? The library also seems to be inconsistent in how it deals with trendzones. E.g. "line": [{ "endvalue": "0.4", "istrendzone": "1", "displayvalue": "Target", "showontop": "1", "color": "FF00FF" }] The above code, missing a startvalue, will draw a range from 0 to 0.4 It does this regardless of whether 0 is the lowest value on the chart! "line": [{ "startvalue": "1", "endvalue": "", "istrendzone": "1", "displayvalue": "Target", "showontop": "1", "color": "FF00FF" }] The above code, with a missing endvalue, draws a single line at 1. Entering a endvalue less than the startvalue has even stranger results! I believe the ability to set startvalue or endvalue to +/- infinity is something FusionCharts needs to support for trendzones to be usefull. Regards, Odhran.
  5. I'm looking to render a trendzone from a value I know up to the maximum value charted on the y-axis. e.g. datasource.trendlines.push({ line: [{ startvalue: 5, endvalue: #The top of the chart#, displayvalue: rangeName, color: rangeColour, showontop: 1, istrendzone: 1 }] }); How can I get the dynamically get the max value of the y-axis? I know I can set the max y-axis value but I'm looking to retrieve the value FusionCharts automatically sets when you don't specify a max Many Thanks, Odhran Hardy
  6. Multiple Groups

    Hi, I'm investigating Fusion Charts as an option for my company and need to know if the following is possible. I have data grouped under multiple levels: The chart I want to get from this should look something like this: The problem I am having is that I can never seem to get the Quarter, Location and Product all onto a chart in a neat format such as mocked up above. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Odhran Hardy.