Rahul Kumar

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Everything posted by Rahul Kumar

  1. Hi Eve, Could you please check and let us know the following: 1. Column type of your year column 2. Column type of your month column If both are of Text type then it'll be considered as normal text string not as month. Please refer to http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/13183-order-on-x-axis-in-drilldown-collabion-chart/#entry51866 to know more on this.
  2. Hi, Sorry for the delay in reply. Yes, its possible. Please follow the steps given below and see if this works? To show the scaling ranging from 0 to 100: 1. Please open the wizard go to "Number Formatting" 2. In "Scales to be used" put "%,%" (without quotes) and 3. In "Values of each Scale" put ".1,.1" (without quotes) 4. Click on "Apply" and "Finish". I hope this helps.
  3. Unable to catch GDI+ exceptions

    Hi Sachin, Since this assembly creates a new thread to run so it won't be possible to catch the error at client level, however, you can now get a response whether the operation was a "Success" for it throw any error. And using obj.GetLastError() you can get the complete Exception object which was thrown. // Begins the capture process. // An image will be created at the specified location after execution of this statement. ReturnValue = ssh.BeginCapture(); if (!ReturnValue.ToLower().Equals("success")) { Response.Write("<b>Error: </b>" + ssh.GetLastError().ToString()); } Please download the updated version from http://www.igcomm.com/download/ImageSaver/dotnet/FusionChartsImageSaver.zip
  4. Invalid Data Message

    Hi Claire, Thanks for these information. We found an issue if SP List contains calculated columns (even it is not in use) which has been fixed in the updated version which I posted in my previous post. I hope this will fix the issue you are getting.
  5. Invalid Data Message

    Hi Claire, Could you please install the updated version and check? You can download it from http://www.collabion.com/downloads/Collabion-Charts-for-SharePoint-2010-v1.1.3.0.zip . Also, please note that this is a pre-released version.
  6. View With Filter By [Me]

    Hi Farrukh, Yes, Please download it from http://www.collabion.com/downloads/licensed/ and let us know if this works for you or not?
  7. Invalid Data Message

    Hi Claire, One more thing, do you have any "Calculated Column" in this list? Also, as you said the target audience are contributors so do they have permission to modify/add/remove any list content or its limited (readonly permission)?
  8. Invalid Data Message

    Hi Claire, Is it possible for you to send us the SharePoint List STP file (exported with contents) via email to [email protected], with the following information: 1. Location of chart web part i.e. is the added to the Web (Sub Site) or at Site Collection or Parent site level? 2. From the previous log, it tells that you are using SharePoint 2010, please let us know if it is not. 3. Where source SharePoint List is located, Web (Sub Site) or at Site Collection or Parent site level? Please also mention the this forum post in the email.
  9. Invalid Data Message

    Hi Claire, Could you please also let us know the settings you are using in Grouping and Drill-Down section as image and the data you are using? Also, is it happening with all the charts you are configuring?
  10. Server Error In '/' Application.

    Great. I am confident that you'll not get any error now but even if you get any please let us know.
  11. Server Error In '/' Application.

    Thanks for the info and the text file. The above method you'll have to try on the same "Site Collection" in which you are having this issue.
  12. Server Error In '/' Application.

    Also, could you please try manually Deactivating and Activating "Collabion Charts for SharePoint" feature by going to "Site Settings" > "Site Collection Administration" > "Site collection features" > "Collabion Charts for SharePoint" and check?
  13. Server Error In '/' Application.

    Hi Steve, Could you please let us know the steps, exactly when this error is popping up? Also could you please copy and paste this error text in a file and send/post it as in screenshot most of the texts are not visible. Awaiting for your reply.
  14. Chart Will Not Render.

    Thanks for the information, you are getting this issue because you are trying to render a chart with very large set of data. And none of our charts support that large data except the Zoom Line chart. That is the reason IE page is getting froze and Flash Chart is showing warning messages. So I request you to please do the following: 1. Change the chart type to "Zoom Line" - and check if this works or not. 2. If possible try to apply Grouping (Aggregation) to your data. I hope this helps.
  15. Setting The Scale On X-Axis

    Hi Cristin, Sorry again, tooltip is automatically generated in order <Series name>, <X>, <Y>, <Z> and can't be manually entered/created.
  16. Setting The Scale On X-Axis

    Hi Cristin, We tried to configure the same chart, but I am afraid it is not possible to make the same chart in Collabion as of now.
  17. Setting The Scale On X-Axis

    Hi, Is it possible to you to send us the sample data so that we try making the same chart as per your requirement and let you know if that is possible or not?
  18. Setting The Scale On X-Axis

    Hi, I am afraid, our charts do not support scales on X-axis. However, could you please elaborate you requirements to us so that we can understand it better?
  19. Chart Will Not Render.

    Hi, Could you please let us know if this works fine with Flash Charts or not?
  20. Hi, Sorry, it is not possible to do the same. As data is grouped and the 0 values are coming because there are no data for that period. And regarding the left alignment in Collabion data is grouped by date which means the data is grouped by year, month and day that's why the next series is not at left where as in the original image (chart) the data is grouped by 1,2,3,4,5,6...31 (numeric values) and each series has valid data for these numeric values for example: For category 1 has all the data for each series (Months) "Nov-12: 175", "Dec-12: 155", "Jan-13: 125" hence it is showing the data series starting at left.
  21. Hi, I am afraid the highlighted areas in the image below are not possible to replicate. And regarding the chart, please change current chart type to Multiseries > "Multi Series Line 2D" chart instead of "Logarithmic Line". After changing the chart type it'll show the same chart as it is in the original image. And you can also change the anchors/markers for each line plot by going to "Series Customization" > "Anchors" > "Sides". I hope this helps.
  22. Hi, Could you please let us know which version you are using, in-case if its not v1.1.2 then please download the updated version from Collabion website and check the issue?
  23. Hi, Could you please try deactivating and re-activating the Collabion Feature by going to "Site Collection Administration" > "Site collection features" > Collabion Charts for SharePoint and check if this solves the issue or not?
  24. Hi, In the screenshot, you have selected "Departement" in "Label Column", please change this to the Month column so that chart can show Months at the data label.