FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Border Of The Map

    You can opt for one of these options: 1. Set the background color of the Flash Player : var map = new FusionMaps("../Maps/FCMap_USA.swf", "Map1Id", "750", "460", "0", "0","#000"); 2. Set the border color of the map using canvasBorderColor 3. Set the map transparent using setTransparent() function: e.g., var map = new FusionMaps("../Maps/FCMap_USA.swf", "Map1Id", "750", "460", "0", "0"); map.setTransparent(true);
  2. Export To Pdf Displays Randomly Incomplete Graphs

    Hi, Will it b possible for you to set animation='0' to all charts and then set a small time gap before you start exporting?
  3. Fixed Height Regardless Of Labels Length

    The chart handles truncating of the labels to some extent, but you can not set a limit. Hence, yes.
  4. Sortable Grid

    Hi, As of now, grids are just to work as legends for some charts like Pie where legends or labels might clutter the visibility. There is no option to use data related APIs.
  5. Fixed Height Regardless Of Labels Length

    Hi, I am afraid, no.
  6. Border Of The Map

    Hi, To set a border color for the map, please use canvasBorderColor attribute. Please note that other related attributes are : showCanvasBorder, canvasBorderThickness, canvasBorderAlpha. For more details please check : http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/XML.html'>http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/XML.html from FusionMaps Documentation (http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/)
  7. Sortable Grid

    Hi, As of now Grids do not support sorting of data. Consequently, the Gird headers are not clickable.
  8. Multiseries Chart From Database With Discontinous Data

    Hi, You would need to create blank sets (<set/>) for the discontinuous data.
  9. Problem With Json Data

    Can you share (as attachment) with us a scale down sample of your implementation so that we check it out?
  10. Fusion Charts With Ipad

    Charan, I am unable to get the meaning of 'highlevel' in this context. If you are developing native iPad application and using WebView control to load the charts in HTML the chart would work as expected in normal web pages (seen through iPad browser)
  11. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi, For iPad Bubble charts the SYTLES won't work as of now. You can use baseFont, baseFontColor, baseFontSize, outCnvBaseFont, outCnvBaseFontColor, outCnvBaseFontSize to set fonts. To show legends you would need to set seriesName in <dataset> element.
  12. Onfocus Onblur Contdown Timer Problem

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Could you please let us know if your question is anyway related to FusionCharts?
  13. Arabic And Urdu Legends In Fusion Charts

    Hi, The only problem which I am facing is to understand (as I am unaware of the script and the language) whether correct Arabic text is getting displayed when we render the chart.
  14. Can't Print From An Html Page (Server Side)

    Hi, First of all can you check if the PDF generator supports Flash ? Secondly you can call the PDF generator after all the charts in the page has finished rendering. You can track this using Rendered event of a chart.
  15. Legend Not Showing Up For Pie Chart On Ipad

    Hi, We are looking forward to fix all these in our next release. The JS provided is beta. Once we release the stable build we would notify as release note.
  16. Arabic And Urdu Legends In Fusion Charts

    Is the text getting reversed?
  17. Printing Problem In Fusion Chart Version Version 3.2

    Hi, Please check you have all 3.2 version of charts loading. Please check if this sample works for you ? http://www.fusioncharts.com/code/MyFirstChart/weekly-sales-multiple-charts-print-manager.html
  18. Zoom Line Chart Macroscopic View

    Hi, Our developer answered on the issue : The reason that we've not done any aggregation is because its very contextual. Sampling of type A might work for a certain scenario, whereas it might be grossly inappropriate for another scenario.
  19. Batch Export Javascript Charts

    Yes, you can use FusionCharts(ChartDOMID).options.renderer to know which renderer is used.
  20. Batch Export Javascript Charts

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, AJAX call is not supported.
  21. Editing Action Script

    This is not possible as of now in client side exporting of FusionCharts. FusionCharts internally calls a function (which is exposed as exportChart() to JavaScript and can be called using JavaScript) to start capturing when export related Context menu items are clicked. Once the capture phase is complete the chart calls an ExternalInterface function and passes the captured data to the function as RLE string. The charts are built using AS2 and does not support ByteArray which is needed to built the raw data for jpg/png/pdf Hence, JS relays the data to another SWF (FCExporter.swf - which shows the wait/save button) built using AS3 which in-turn builds the exported formats Due to Adobe's security restriction, an swf can not automatically open up the save dialog without user mouse click interactivity on the swf, we have placed the save button 1. I am not sure you can decompile the chart from SWF decompiler and again recompile the chart. You would need the source code 2. We have in-house testing environment to test these 3. You need to provide data to swf in various ways. The easier way is to use FusionCharts.js wrapper and the JS API provided (http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?JavaScript/JS_Overview.html and http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?JavaScript/API/Overview.html). The native ways is to use FlashVars)
  22. Javascript Chart Ajax Postback Problem

    Hi, Could you please share with a scaled down project which we can check and debug directly? Please also specify the .NET version you are using.
  23. Positioning Problems

    Hi, Considering the complexity of the positioning we would like to request you to send us a scaled down HTML+CSS+JavaScipt sample which can showcase your problem and which we can check and give suggestion on CSS. Also you can share with us a live URL of the page which we can check.
  24. Jquery Mobile

    Hi, Could you please share with us an attached sample which we can check? Please also let us know the test platform.
  25. Ipad Simulator Works. Device Does Not Work.

    Hi, I just checked with the iPhone simulator with the following data containing decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' <chart caption="FusionCharts in iPhone" subCaption="bet you like it!" showLabels='0' showLegend="1" bgColor='616E9D' borderColor='616E9D' borderThickness='5' baseFontColor='FFFFFF' legendbgColor='414E7D' decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' formatNumberScale='0'> <set label="FusionCharts v3.2" value="232400.05"/> <set label="PowerCharts" value="339800.04"/> <set label="FusionMaps" value="411900.3"/> <set label="FusionWidgets" value="398400.51"/> </chart> The separators are appearing as expected. Please check the attached image. You might try using the latest js files (attached) which we are going to release soon with 3.2.2. FusionCharts.js_eval_beta322.zip