FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Black Background In Javascript Fallback Multilevelpie

    Hi all, The black background shows only in emulator though in device the colors are coming as required. Reference: http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/9631-ipad-simulator-works-device-does-not-work/page__pid__37568#entry37568
  2. Javascript Chart Ajax Postback Problem

    There can be two ways. 1. Use native JS API to update data from a dynamic URL http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/?CS_DB.html#dataurl 2. Use AJAX to re-redender the chart with new data (process intensive) http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/CS_UpdatePanel.html
  3. Boxes In Selectscatter Charts

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, you can not disable the dynamically drawn boxes when you select a zone in select scatter chart.
  4. Setchartattribute In Fusionwidgets?

    Hi, As of now, there is no native support for setChartAttribute in FusionWidgets and FusionMaps. We would introduce this feature in v3.2 of FusionWidgets and FusionMaps.
  5. Problem Making Example From Documentation Work.

    Hi, Could you please check whether you have placed FusionCharts.js in your page?
  6. Two Charts Not Displaying In Ie8

    HI, Your code does not show object getting closed anywhere. There should be two </object> elements.
  7. Zoom Line Chart Macroscopic View

    HI, You can use an API to zoom into the data using zoomTo() function. e.g., FusionCharts("ChId1").zoomTo(0,10); will zoom into a level where 10 points will be shown zooming in. You would need to call this after the chart has completed rendering tracking FC_Rendered/rendered event.
  8. Normalised Values

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, the scale can only disaply actual values that you put. Meanwhile, I was unble to undestand why you would need to force percent values.
  9. Label Weirdness

    Hi, We are working on this issue ans would proive a fix in our next release v3.2.2
  10. Fusion Charts With Ipad

    Hi, FusionCharts works fine in iPad. Could you please let us know which chart you are trying to render. If possible please send us a scaled down version of the code. Meanwhile, please check if this online sample works in your iPad : http://www.fusioncharts.com/code/MyFirstChart/weekly-sales.html
  11. Ajax Request In Funnel Chart

    Hi, You can always call a JavaScript function from a link attribute. e.g., <set value='10' link='myJSFunction(1231)' /> This will call a funciton myJSFunction() and pass 1231 as parameter to the function. Please check if this helps.
  12. Several Strange Bugs

    Hi, This is to close this thread since you have confirmed that the solution attached in the http://forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/9615-updatepanel-on-postback/page__pid__37586#entry37586 thread has resolved your issue.
  13. Error In Loading Data

    Please do not load XML from another domain or do not give absolute URL of data. Please try once giving relative URL of the data.
  14. Loading Fusionchart Using Jquery Causes Ie8 To Break

    Hi, It seems to be that you might be copying the chart's <object> element into the final location. IE changes all the elements' values if you retrieve the chart's settings using innerHTML. We would like to request to attach here a scaled down sample which we can check.
  15. Interactive Legend In Radar

    Hi, Interactive legend helps you to hide (and show again) the dataplots (lines, columns, area etc.) of a chart when you click on the legend. The attached images show how it works. The first image shows your data where all datasets are rendered (3 lines). Now we click on Legend "Worst in class" [red] and the second image shows that the line related to "Worst in class" is hidden.
  16. Scaling Y Axis

    Hi, Please use the latest (3.2) charts to get the correct result.
  17. Help Me

    HI, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. We would like to know how you would like to visualize the data with respect to chart/gauge type. Can you please specify more details may be with some wireframe images? The thumb-rule of creating charts are : 1. Choose a chart/gauge 2. Study the XML type it accepts 3. Connect to MySQL database and build XML through your code from the required data 4.Pass it to the gauge/chart using php's renderChart function. To start with, hope the basic PHP+ Database documentation pages will help you out. Please follow : http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/PHP_DB.html NOTE that the implementation of FusionCharts is same as FusionWidgets. Just that you would need to use proper chart/gauge swf file and XML format.
  18. Pain Point: "please Call Our Helpdesk"

    Just tested in Excel 2010 - Windows, it works in my Windows Excel 2010 setup too.
  19. Updatepanel On Postback

    Nice to hear that it is working
  20. Pain Point: "please Call Our Helpdesk"

    As of now, we do not have the native mechanism to download the CSV directly from chart.
  21. Pain Point: "please Call Our Helpdesk"

    Hi, Could you please try once setting exportDataSeparator='{tab}' in <chart> and try again. My Excel in mac seems to respond well using this. The XML that I used is : <chart caption='Weekly Sales Summary' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='{tab}' xAxisName='Week' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$' > <categories> <category label='Dec'/> <category label='Jan'/> <category label='Feb'/> <category label='Mar'/> <category label='Apr'/> <category label='May'/> </categories> <dataset seriesName='current'> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='2010'> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> <set value='123123' /> </dataset> </chart>
  22. Fusion Charts And Callbacks

    So ideally in the grid chage callback you would need to update the chart's data from your datasource which should be sorted or updated as per the grid. This change in data needs to be handled by your code.
  23. Updatepanel On Postback

    Hi, Did you check running the Default.aspx? It is same as Sample1. The samples are designed to run only with RenderChart. We have not faced any issue while running the sample using the methods provided in Default.aspx and Sample2.aspx. Please show us what you get when it does not work.
  24. Updatepanel On Postback

    Hi, The update panel samples works in our labs. You might need to change the web.config given in our pack to support AJAX controls since the samples were built using ASP.NET 2 where AJAX Controls needed to be installed separately. However, you can also check the attached sample built in ASP.NET 4. The sample are better with respect to the fix provided for issue which cropped when RenderChart is used in POSTBACK. Now, we are using jQuery here to take care of this. Also placed the modified source of FusionCharts.dll (FusionCharts.cs in APP_CODE folder) which has better management of chart ids when rendered and some memory management when charts are updated. Please check and let us know. This is specially for you from our labs NewUpdatePanel_SampleASPNET4.zip
  25. Severe repaint performance issues in Flash 10.1 and up

    Since our data loading model contains redrawing the chart from scratch after cleaning the canvas, there is always chance of flicker. However, this was less evident in earlier versions of Flash Player. In recent flash player this seems to be more evident. I am afraid, as of now, as per our architecture, we are unable to completely remove this issue.