FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Group Countries In Europe Map

    Hi, If you use link attribute of entity element and use j- or JavaScript: format to invoke a JavaScript function when you click on the entity. That will take care of the click. Again, if you render the chart in opaque/transparent WMODE, the map element (<object>/<embed>) which has an id (=DOMId) can raise Browser mouse events (over, in, out etc.) and can be listened using simple JavaScript mouse event handlers. So at one hand the click can call the JS function from entity and on other hand through mouse over event you can get the element over which the mouse is present at that point of time and thus can track the DOMId of the map.
  2. Export Handlers For Asp.net Mvc

    Hi, I am afraid as of now there is no sample with data from database, but you can always use the code from our ASP.NET database samples from Code folder of our download pack.
  3. Group Countries In Europe Map

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, this is not possible. You would need to pass the id or any identifier of the map (map;s entity) clicked through the JS function. Accordingly, you would need to build the link attribute. However, if you make use of JavaScript mouse events you can get the element id of the mouse hover target element.
  4. Export Maps Charts And Other In Pdf Or Jpg

    You can use the latest FusionCharts export handler (client side and server side) for both FusionCharts and FusionMaps.
  5. Setxmldata With Swf From External Domain

    Hi, We would like to check if the data is getting cached. Will it be possible for you to break where you are providing the updated data to the chart and check if you the data that you are providing contains the latest data. Moreover, please set the debug mode of the chart to check what data the chart has received after you update the data.
  6. Setjsonurl Not Sending Proper Accepts Header.

    Hi, Internally the chart would only accept XML. However, when you provide JSON, our JavaScript Class converts that JSON to required XML and pass it to the chart. Hence, you will only see debug information regarding XML which seems to be not the actual issue. We would like to check the JSON which you are sending to the chart. Could you please attach here the JSON response so that we can check whether the JSON that you are providing is well formed?
  7. Positioning Problems

    Hi, Could you please try once using cwdcMapVar003.setTransparent(false); after var cwdcMapVar003 = new FusionMaps("/maps/FCMap_USA.swf", "cwdcMapID003", 350, 225, "0", "0");
  8. Export Maps Charts And Other In Pdf Or Jpg

    Hi, Same applies to FusionMaps as well. Using Client side export user can save to client machine. Using server side export the image saves at server file system. The workflow of saving the chart at server can be stated briefly as follows: 1. The chart from cient side POSTs the chart image data as RLE to the server side export handler 2. The server side export handler decodes the RLE and creates an image object (memory) at server and 3. On basis of passed option (exportAction="save/download") it either saves the image object as file at server or throws back the image as downloadable response to client. What I had suggested is to break after step 2 and use the image object with your code to fulfill your requirement like adding into your own PDF creating API, mail, add more things on this image object etc.
  9. Hi, As of now, you would need to change the pages. But, in our next release 3.2.2 this would be automated.
  10. Export Maps Charts And Other In Pdf Or Jpg

    Hi, At client side you can. At server side you can export individual item to individual file. But, why not stitch them with your own code once you get them? The source code is in FusionCharts Pack > Code > J2EE > SourceCode folder. You can not print all to a single page unless you use the browser's print option.
  11. Export Maps Charts And Other In Pdf Or Jpg

    Hi, Presently you can export the charts and map barring the shadow effects added to the charts and maps. Although there is no native support for adding you own things in the exported image etc. if you can possibly modify the source of the server side export handler, which generates an image object of the chart, and add your one elements to the image.
  12. Node Positions, Duplicate Node And Context Menu

    Hi, You can access the XML as per the interactive changes done manually through getXMLData() API. Please read http://www.fusioncharts.com/powercharts/docs/Contents/Dragnode/JSRead.html I am afraid not as of now. You can add only one context menu item which is called about menu item. Please use these attribute to configure this: showAboutMenuItem='1' aboutMenuItemLabel='Context Menu Item' aboutMenuItemLink='javascript:yourfunction()' You can not disable context menu completely.
  13. How To Set Up A Scroll 2D Line Chart ?!

    Hi, You would need to build XML as per Multi-Series XML Format. Line chart had Single Series Data format.
  14. With Rollup Helpers

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, there is no automated way to do this. You would need to parse through the resultset and decide accordingly.
  15. How To Center 2D Pie Chart In Internet Explorer?

    Hi, The chart seems to be of same size and in center. Please see attached image. It seems that in IE the backgorund of the container (or parent of the container is getting extended in IE. Please use IE Developer to inspect the chart element and let us know the borders of the chart element.
  16. Cant Keep Zoom After Chart Setdataxml Update

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, you can not update the chart data keeping the zoom level intact.
  17. The Powerchart In Linux Or Windows Display Different

    Hi, Thanks for reporting this. We have this issue assigned to the Development team for resolution. Once resolved, it will be updated in the next version.
  18. Html Table As Data Source

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, you would need to convert your Grid/Table data to acceptable FusionCharts XML/JSON data format and pass it to the chart.
  19. Chart Options

    Hi, As of now, you can change MSCombi3D chart to a 2D view.
  20. Combining Fusioncharts, Php & Javascript (Dataurl) Method

    Hi, Here is the modified code. Please try and let us know. It is working at out side. FactoryData.php
  21. Getting The Chart Data

    Hi, Will it be possible to provide us a live URL or a scaled down version of your sample which we can check? If you are sending sample please attach it with the post.
  22. Does Not Display Chart In Ie8 (Failed To Display Chart)

    Hi, Could you please try once re-installing the Flash Player?
  23. Method Post - Setxmlurl

    Hi, Could you please let us know if this is due to the large number of get variables that you are passing to the data generation URL or the chart's URL? If possible please send us the code/request being used. Also please let us know if you are using core HTML based implementation or Flex based application.
  24. Fc:renderhtml Not Render Anything

    Hi, Could you please pass us the finally rendered HTML so that we can check out and let you know? Please have it attached as txt file here.