FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Does Fusion Charts support accessibility?

    Not extensively, You can add a hidden text element containing description of the chart below the chart from which the reader can read out.
  2. Html-5 Support?

    Hi, Not as of now. But very soon, you will be presented with PowerCharts v3.2 with majority of the charts in JavaScript charting mode and all charts supporting XML and JSON.
  3. Fusionchart & Powerchart In A Single Page

    Hi ashok, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. To make the reply short I would say, 1. FusionCharts pack is now v3.2.1 with a new JS 2. PowerCharts pack is still 3.1.1 with old js. 3. Use the js provided with FusionCharts v3.2.1 (not from v3.2 Pack ) to seamlessly render Charts from FusionCharts v3.2.1 pack as well as PowerCharts v3.1.1 pack. Now, all charts in PowerCharts 3.1.1 pack and all gauges/charts/graphs in FUsionWidgets 3.1.1 pack can be embedded using FusionCharts.js provided in FusionCharts v3.2.1 pack.
  4. Php Connection To Filemaker

    Hi, As a normal PHP Developer you need to connect to the FileMaker database which has no connection with core FusionCharts. You can get resources on how to connect to FileMaker using PHP from links like : http://www.filemaker.com/downloads/pdf/article1_php.pdf Once done, you need to query the required data, build an XML from the data for the chart and use FusionCharts.php's Generic wrapper function - renderChart to render the chart using the XML.
  5. FusionMap

    Hi, Internally FusionCharts and FusionMaps accepts only XML as its data. Hence, the platform is same. The control for FusionCharts (FusionCharts.swc) is equipped with a function that helps you provide data as ArrayCollection, convert it XML and pass it to the chart. This functionality is not provided in the control for FusionMaps (FusionMaps.swc). FusionCharts.swc and FusionMaps.swc are not same in various respect. In our wishlist for the next release of FusionMaps for Flex we have this feature added. Meanwhile, you can try adding a simple function in Flex which will parse through the ArrayCollection and build the required XML for Maps.
  6. Sending Strings Through Urlencode

    Hi Satish, A bit different: $strlink =("javaScript:updateProductChart1(".$ors['year2007'].",".$daterange1." ,".$date.",".$RegionNumber.",".$Category.", '".$var."');" ); You do not need to URLEncode if you are using FusionCharts v3.2. In case you are using version earlier to v3.2 and you are using dataXML method, you need to use URLEncode.
  7. Sending Strings Through Urlencode

    Hi, please enclose the string with HTML encoded form of single or double quotes. Please enclose the string with ' or "
  8. Firefox not able to print Chart

    Hi, First of all you need to set the registerWithJS to true. Secondly you need to have new chart swf files and fusioncharts.js Thierdly, you need to add a single line of JavaScript in your code FusionCharts.printManager.enabled(true);
  9. Images not all exported/saved to server in IE

    Hi, Are you using any framework to build the tabs? Please let us know (preferably with a scaled down code sample) so that we can test it and let you know.
  10. Hi, Could you please let us know, whether you wish to implement a map in Flash movie itself or embed exising map swf file in web page? In case you wish it as Flash movie you need to embed the swf as you embed a simple flash movie in web page. If you wish to load data from external file you need to modify the code a bit. Here is an example that loads data for chart. You can always port the same for map. http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost26895.aspx

    Hi, I am afraid, we have not yet implemented FusionCharts in Jasper reports. I am not much aware of the architecture too. Could you please let me know whether you can call JavaScript functions in your framework. If so you can set values to the chart using chartDomId.setData(dialIndex, value) or setDataForId(dialId, value) JavaScript API. e.g. if your DOMId is "myGauge" , if you have rendered the chart setting registerWithJS on and if you are using FusionCharts.js : you can use getChartFromId("myGauge").setData(...) or document.getElementById("myGauge").setData(...) Can you send me the snippet of HTML code that you are using so that we can modify if for you.
  12. Decimals and properties when using URL-Encoded XML

    Hi, To add to the reply with respect to your first query: in the XML that you provide to chart you need to add the attributes like: decimalSeparator, numberPrefix, decimalPrecision, e.g. <chart decimalSeparator='.' numberPrefix='$' decimalPrecision='2' caption='Monthly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2006' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$'> <set label='January' value='17400' /> <set label='February' value='19800' /> <set label='March' value='21800' /> <set label='April' value='23800' /> <set label='May' value='29600' /> <set label='June' value='27600' /> <set label='July' value='31800' /> <set label='August' value='39700' /> <set label='September' value='37800' /> <set label='October' value='21900' /> <set label='November' value='32900' /> <set label='December' value='39800' /> </chart>
  13. Decimals and properties when using URL-Encoded XML

    Hi, Apologies for the misunderstanding. Please note that if you are passing the data of the chart itself from JavaScript as a string instead of passing it from a XML stream which is generated from some other source you need to URLEncode them. I am afraid, "charts-days;labs;earned;0.00;0.00;1.21;1.62;1.27;0.04;0;0;0;0;0.xml" would be understood by FusionCharts not as string a providing value to the chart directly but as an XML file inside which you have provided chart data in XML format since you are using setDataURL() method. In short setDataURL() function expects the parameter to be an URL/path of the XML file (static or dynamically generated). e.g. of an XML be it String or static XML or dynamically generated XML: NOTE: You can always make data come from any of the dynamic sources like database etc. and build an XML from that data and then send it. You can find lots of samples of the kind from our Guide for Web Developers section of our Online Documentation. Examples provided in pages : http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/FirstChart.html, http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/JSEmbed.html. In case you wish to provide the value as string without any XML file(static/dynamic) dependencies you need to use setDataXML() function where the data would go as XML string . e.g. Hope this helps. Please let us know if we are missing something.
  14. Chart transperancy

    Hi, We did a test on our mac with latest safari but could not replicate it. In all our tests the list is coming above the chart. Could you please send us more details on the Mac OS version, browser version, flash player version being used?
  15. Is there any way to restrict double click on bar chart?

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  16. Is there any way to restrict double click on bar chart?

    Hi, As of now there is no option to set off link after one click. What you can do in your code, if you are calling JavaScript function, is set a flag when first click occurs. In your code check the flag status and allow further execution of the code. In this way you yourself can restrict to single click.
  17. Server-side exporting not working with internet explorer

    Hi, Could you please post here a live URL which we can test and please specify the browser version (detailed).
  18. Hi, In case you are facing any issue with $QUERY_STRING you can replace all $QUERY_STRING with $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].
  19. Null is null or not an object in IE 8

    Hi, This seems to be a case-sensitive issue..so far I can see.. This is your code: <div id="chart<%=mDivCount%>div" align="center"> You do not have Adobe Flash installed and therefore will not be able to see the Gauge. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart<= new FusionCharts("../FGv3/HLinearGauge.swf", "myChart<%=mDivCount%>Id", "400", "80", "0", "0"); myChart<setDataURL("./Data_List_DSMr_Growth.asp?DSM=<<%=trim(rsDSM.Fields.Item("SalesTerritory").Value)%>&Prov=<%=trim(rsDSM.Fields.Item("Province").Value)%>"); myChart<render("Chart<%=mDivCount%>div"); </script> Say for instance if mDivCount iterates through Please note the line: <div id="chart<%=mDivCount%>div" align="center"> It says that there would be divs with ids chart1div,chart2div,chart3div,chart4div,chart5div... Please note the small letter c in all chartxdiv. Now when you are calling render() function myChart<render("Chart<%=mDivCount%>div"); please note that you are asking to render to the target div having name Chart1div,Chart2div,Chart3div,Chart4div,Chart5div... NOTE the C in capital in this case. Internally the renderer function will try search for a Div with id "Chart1div" which the browser would fail to provide as it only has "chart1div" (note the capital C and lower case c)... hence you are sure to get a 'null' object...(object not found = null object) and you can not set innerHTML to a null DOM Object. Hence, the error. Could you please try once setting the code to this...very small change invisible to human eye... <div id="chart<%=mDivCount%>div" align="center"> You do not have Adobe Flash installed and therefore will not be able to see the Gauge. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart<= new FusionCharts("../FGv3/HLinearGauge.swf", "myChart<%=mDivCount%>Id", "400", "80", "0", "0"); myChart<setDataURL("./Data_List_DSMr_Growth.asp?DSM=<<%=trim(rsDSM.Fields.Item("SalesTerritory").Value)%>&Prov=<%=trim(rsDSM.Fields.Item("Province").Value)%>"); myChart<render("chart<%=mDivCount%>div"); </script>
  20. Legend not showing all datasets in Scatter XY plot

    Hi, Please check the scale mode when you load the chart swf inside another swf. You need to set NoScale to preserve the texts from getting distorter. We can also test the issue, if you can send us a scaled down version of your code.
  21. Is there a PHP Class for FusionWidgets?

    Hi, We are working on this. We well post a beta version in sometime from now.
  22. Z Order Problems with Fusion Charts

    Hi, You can set transparent parameter (9th) of RenderChartHTML to true, to make the chart transparent. Please read for more on this: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CS_BasicExample.html
  23. Gantt chartwidth=0

    Hi, Can you plase send us a scaled down version of the code that you are using?
  24. Error in exporting:

    Hi, Please check the folder (along with the all the folders tracing the parentage of the path) having write permission or not.
  25. Searchable FusionCharts

    Hi, The Bar chart that your link opens up is not FusionCharts. You can see implementation of FusionCharts in http://www.cpubenchmark.net/market_share.html. I am afraid, we do not have search-able charts, as of now.