FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Error to export charts in JPG

    Hi, Please make sure that the exporter is being called from the chart using right click or JS API call.
  2. Null

    Hi, To start with your issue: It seems that you have NOT defined any of the DIVs with ID value "chartdiv". Could you please confirm that you have a DIV with with "chartdiv"? The line :chart.render("chartdiv"); says that the chart will be rendered in a DIV having id - "chartudiv". But it seems that there is no such div. So, the renedering engine is unable to locate the DIV and hence unlocated refence is rseulted as 'null'. Please define a DIV with id="chartdiv".
  3. Can't see the Chart!

    Hi, It seems from the screenshot that the chart is not loaded though the Flash Player is loaded and created a blank space for the chart. If you would right click on that space you would see that a message "Movie not loaded" will appear. This means that the path to the SWF file is incorrect of inaccessible. While going thorugh your code we found that you had provided absolute windows folder path. Please try once placing the SWF and JS file in the same folder as the asp file and do not provide any path other than the SWF and JS file name while creating the chart. Waiting for your success.
  4. drilldown chart

    Hi, Thanks for using FusionCharts. From your attachement we find that you are using FusionCharts v3.0.1. We have progressed in our version much further with lots of new features till date and our latest version is 3.1.1. Could you please download the latest version from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download. The download pack contains latest Trial chart files, code samples, documentation( extensively discussing the code samples) which I hope would solve all your issues. We hope using our latest wrapper classes etc., your implementation would be simpler. You can also read Documentation online from http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs And your specific area of interest might ben the section : Guide For Web Developer >> Using With C# (ASP.NET) Nevertheless, we have modified your code (with a few fixes and hacks) a bit to cater to your requirements. Using latest wrapper classes and charts, you would not require the hacks or fixes. Please find attached. Note: have update the latest Trial SWF files in the sample. Testcharts2.zip
  5. Fusion Charts Map for NetherLands incorrect

    Hi, We find that you are using v3.0.4 version of the map. Could you please update to the latest version 3.1? Please find the attached image that you would find in 3.1. OTHER ISSUES: - Change abbreviation of Noord-Braban to NB. - Change abbreviation of Zuid-Holland to ZH. To do these you can use custom entity definitions. <map > <entityDef> <entity internalId='007' newId='07' sName='NB' /> <entity internalId='012' newId='12' sName='ZH' /> </entityDef> <data> <entity id='001' color='ff0000' /> <entity id='002' color='00ff00' /> <entity id='003' color='0000ff' /> <entity id='004' color='888800' /> <entity id='005' color='008888' /> <entity id='006' color='ff8800' /> <entity id='07' color='8800ff' /> <entity id='008' color='0088ff' /> <entity id='009' color='ff0088' /> <entity id='010' color='00ffff' /> <entity id='011' color='ffff00' /> <entity id='12' color='ff00ff' /> </data> </map> And your map will be this:
  6. Transparency Override in .NET

    Hi, You can always edit FusionCharts.js and add this.addParam("wmode","transparent"); to resolve this as a hack. It seems that there might be some other framework that is hindering the rendered HTML. Could you please check with simple scaled down code?
  7. Line charts: usage anchors "on hover" with XML

    Hi, It is one of the possible implementations that we have suggested to the opensource community or any developer who is interested to implement. I am afraid, as of now, this code is not ready to release.
  8. Can't see the Chart!

    Hi, There are lots of files that you have sent. Among those I find: 1 .ASPCharts_2.asp is not working because the path to FusionCharts.js and chart swf files are not proper(not relative to the site). Please set relative path. Plese attach here a screenshot of what exactly you are facing?
  9. How to zoom Sparkline to Line Chart

    Hi, So far I understand, this is someting realted to JSP. The code that you are locating is a JavaScript and not way should relate to JSP. Please see you are using proper JavaScript script tag for this code.
  10. Combi3D removes spaces in the drillURL

    Hi, Could you please try once using unescapeLinks='0' in <chart> elment?
  11. Drilldown map data with pop up screen

    Hi, Could you please confirm whether you are not using FusionCharts FREE? "P-" fromat is not supported in FusionCharts FREE. Please, refer to the link formats supported in vFREE. http://www.fusioncharts.com/free/docs/Contents/DrillDown/Simple.html You might try using FusonCharts v3 to avail this feature. You can have a Trial download from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download.
  12. well.... my bad! (eyes at times tend to ignore little details ) sorry for the inconvenience caused! please use: exportFormats='JPG=Export as JPEG|PDF=Export as PDF|PNG=Export as PNG' instead of exportFormats='JPEG=Export as JPEG|PDF=Export as PDF|PNG=Export as PNG' The required format name is 'JPG'.
  13. Charts loading

    hi, Just to verify, could you please try once commenting the FusionCharts implementation codes?
  14. Negative trendline with positive data

    If you can provide us the previous and new XML along with a small description of what you desire
  15. will have this feature added in a day!
  16. Show path/direction in Scatter (XY Plot) Chart

    Hi, Thanks for your mail. I am afraid, this is not posible as of now. As a hack, you can create another dataset with just the begining and end values with different anchor shape defined to mark them distinct. Say, if the original line has trialgular anchor you can have a pentagon/quad with thick border and mich bigger in size to mark the difference.
  17. Adding vertical lines when charting from arrays

    Hi, Could you please send us the XML/code that you are using? Looking forward to your reply.
  18. Hi, Yes, it should work in 3.1.1 charts. Please make sure you are using the latest file version. You can also send us a each chart's debug window contents by setting chart's debug mode.
  19. Charts loading

    Hi, I am afraid, we have not encountered this issue. Could you please try executing the JavaScript after the page loads using window.onLoad?
  20. Weird colors when exporting to JPG

    Hi, Could you please let us know the Operating System of the PHP server? We had tracked down some issues with some Linux version for which we have bild a fix. Please find attached. Thanks. centOS_fix.zip
  21. Need to call js function on entire chart.

    Hi, I find in your XML: clickURL=download('DwnNPS',2) This is not a valid XML attribute. You need to use single/double quote around the values. clickURL="download('DwnNPS',2);" This would help. Make sure that you are using DataURL method. If you are using dataXML method please use: clickURL='download(%26apos;DwnNPS%26apos;,2);'
  22. xml file on different server

    Hi, Could you set the debug mode on and let me know what does the debug window says?
  23. Scroll initial position

    Hi, Would this help? scrollToEnd='1'
  24. vLine not working on True 3D column

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, vLine is not supported in True 3D chart. http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ChartSS/Combi3D.html
  25. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi, Did you also try putting <script language="JavaScript" src="Files/PowerMap.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src="Files/FusionMaps.js"></script> above <script language="JavaScript" src="Files/FusionChartsExportComponent.js"></script> ? Could you please try if not done so? Also please use FusionMaps.js instead of PowerMap.js because both are same.While PowerMap.js is a very old version. [ FusionMaps was called PowerMaps then but now it is FusionMaps and its JavaScript wrapper is also FusionMaps.js which you are using.]