FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Legend items cut off IE

    Hi Bill, I have been earnestly trying to replicate the issue but failed. Could you please let us know, which Operating and Flash Plaer you are tesing this. Could you please also let us know if you are using some JavaScript framework. Also if you are using any scale mode or specified any font.
  2. ASP.NET 1.1 Export Hanlder code

    Hi all, Please find the ASP.NET 1.1 ExportHandler code which might help you deploying export feature in your ASP.NET 1.1 server. Exporthandler_ASPNET11.zip
  3. Pointers on top AND bottom of the linear guage chart

    Hi, Could you please try once updating to latest chart ? http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC? This feature is supported since version v3.1 of FusionCharts.
  4. Update chart automatically every minute?

    Hi, If you are using FusionCharts v3 you can do it just using setInterval without any 3rd party AJAX or native AJAX code. FusionCharts v3 has inbuilt AJAX support. Only you would need to specify the php page's URL which is generating the XML to charts's setDataURL() function. Thats it! so, now your updateCharts() function will have a changed line : getChartFromId('myChartid').setDataXML(YourPHPScriptURL); Here, instead of 'myChartid' place your chart ID and pass your PHP URL. The chart will load the XML form the PHP file and would redraw. No page refresh!
  5. JSON format

    Happy to help. Thanks
  6. "Object doesn

    Hi, Could you please send us a scaled down version of the project that you are using to help us debug faster?
  7. __doPostBack arguments

    Hi, I can feel your plight. There must be something in your code please check the code is working in any case in in our labs.
  8. __doPostBack arguments

    Hi, I our lab, things are working fine. What I would suggest is to debug what you are getting in the argument. For the time being comment all code that calls up drillDown function. First see what argument you are getting in sEventArguments. 1. Add this line: 2. Next if you are sure that you are getting correct values pass on to next step. Otherwize please check what exactly is being passed in __doPostback() string[] args = sEventArguments.Split('$'); This would show you exactly what is being split. 3. Are you still using this condition? if (sEventArguments.StartsWith("drillDown"))You can also try with if (args[0].Equals("drillDown"))Please feed us back.
  9. __doPostBack arguments

    Hi, Weird! We would look into it!
  10. Javascript not working for Drill Down Map

    Hi, Please see whether you have used registerWithJS while rendering the map.
  11. External XML

    Hi, Can try with the following code? ALGO: 1. import classes required for chart 2. Create XML object 3. use XML.load() to load XML from external file 4. **IMPORTANT** create .onLoad event listner which would be called when the XML is completly loaded 5. Render the chart once the XML is Loaded
  12. JSON format

    Hi, After lots of request to support vilne i have added support for vline. This is my own way of implementing vline though, and any suggestion and criticism is welcome. Please help me make it better. Here is the attachment. How to add vline? Single-series Charts? NOTE: To create an empty vline just use { vline:null } To set vline properties add all the properties as a new list of properties like : { vline : { color : "ff0000", linePosition : "0" } }, Multi-series charts? FC_UsingJSONData_VlineFix.zip
  13. Hi, Could you please try once 'saving' the image to a server space? Please let us know the IE version and please check if you are having any download plugins installed which might be hindering the download.
  14. help multiserie chart with php mysql

    Hi, For multiseries charts you would need to build the XML which is different from XML structure of single series charts. Where as single series charts has XML format like this: <chart> <set value='...' label='...'/> <set value='...' label='...'/> <set value='...' label='...'/> </chart> The XML structure of Multiseries chart is like this: <chart> <categories> <category label='...'/> <category label='...'/> <category label='...'/> </categories> <dataset seriesName='...'> <set value='...' /> <set value='...' /> <set value='...' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='...'> <set value='...' /> <set value='...' /> <set value='...' /> </dataset> </chart>
  15. error of call from HtmlUnit2.5 for export img

    Hi, We have not tested with HTMLUNIT as of now. One this we need to make sure whether the chart is actually getting rendered at first place. Could you please check whether the chart is calling up FC_Rendered() function when it finishes rendering. You would need to add a JS function FC_Rendered and trace this function.
  16. Really a problem with a javascript drill through

    Hi, Could you please try running from a web server ? (local or live) In case you do not have a web server, you would need to set up Flash Player Global Security settings (once and for all). please read : http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic5009-47-1.aspx#bm8077
  17. French character encoding

    Hi, Please note that the XML files or any HTML/Web Application file that would hold XML as string need to have the BOM stamp. Could you please try with the latest update of our chart.
  18. 2nd Y axis

    hi, Hope these links might help you out. http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_BasicExample.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_Array.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_Form.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_DB.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_Drill.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_JS_URL.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CFM_JS_XML.html
  19. How can i use drill down chart in php array

    Hi, ClickURL attributes work in PHPClass too. Please make sure you are using v3 charts, as this feature is not available in FusionCharts vFREE version. Could you please right click on the browser (say, Internet Explorer ) and get the generate HTML from "View Source" menu option? This would give us the XML generated as well as other discrepancies that might be occurring.
  20. chartObj.setDataXML is not a function

    Hi, Could you please see whether you have set the RegisterWithJS parameter to "1" ?
  21. Callback and unreliable export to server functions

    Hi, You can send us at [email protected]
  22. Callback and unreliable export to server functions

    Hi, Could you please make sure you have 'FCExporter_IMG.php' and 'FCExporter_PDF.php' in the 'Resources' folder?
  23. FusionCharts V3 Demo save as Image or PDF?

    Hi, FusionCharts allows you to export chart as image or PDF. Could you please visit http://www.fusioncharts.com/Demos/ExportChart/ to see how you can export to PDF? You can also download the code from : http://www.fusioncharts.com/Downloads/Demos/FusionCharts_ExportDemo.zip. Please make sure of the following: 1. You have Flash Player 10 installed . * This is required 2. You are using the latest version of FusionCharts (i.e. v3.1.1 - please update from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC) 3. Also you would need to set the Flash Player global security settings on of you are running the application from a local file system:Please read http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic5009-47-1.aspx#bm8077 Hope this helps and you need not use any thried party tool to export only the chart as PDF.
  24. Could i add label for some points in line chart?

    Hi, Could you please try using displayValue='Your Custom Text' showValue='1' in <set> element?
  25. How to build a drill-down map and display code

    Hi, One way would be to : 1. Call a JavaScript function on clicking an entity 2. Pass the short name or entity id of the region. 3. Accordingly keep an array to store the map swf files realted to that ID or short name 4. show the code, Load that new map