FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. getChartFromId and setDataXML not found error

    Hi, Could you please try : var myChart= document.getElementById("chart1id"); Please make sure that you do not have any other ids having the same name.
  2. Papua New Guinea map not showing color range

    Hi, You would need to use proper internal Id. e.g. Two entities: <entity id='PG.NS' value='5150' /> <entity id='PG.CE' value='10515' /> reference: http://www.fusioncharts.com/maps/Contents/MapSS/PapuaNewGuinea.html
  3. Internet Explorer blocks Image Export when Frames are used

    Hi, This is a limitation on the part of IE that we can not help mending.
  4. Gantt DataURL update problem

    Hi, Please escape the URL: escape("http://mrc:8012/mrcjava/servlet/MRCCKS.I00571s?slnk=1&DTDEPT=DFT04");
  5. Object doesn't support this property or Method

    Hi, Please give different chart DOM id name and DIV id name. All should be unique and different. This would help you out.
  6. Refresh/Update Fusion Charts data from MySql in JSP

    Hi, FusionWidgets is an upgrade to IS with a bunch of new features.
  7. chartObject.hasRendered is not a function

    Hi, Please use this instead: function FC_Rendered(DOMId) { var chartObject = getChartFromId(DOMId); chartObject.exportChart(); } remove: < script> ExportMyChart(); < /script>
  8. Tooltip not showing on browser resize

    Hi, Could you please send us the code that you are using?
  9. Refresh/Update Fusion Charts data from MySql in JSP

    Hi, We have some real time charts in FusioWidgets that you can use to update data from server after certain intervals. In case you wish to use charts from FusionCharts pack, you would need to use JavaScript window.setInterval/window.setTimeout to call a JavaScript function which would update the chart using chart's setDataURL/setDataXML API. The update is bwtter one using setDataURL API as using this you can call a server side script which would build the XML from the database and provide the latest XML. Please note that you would need to apply cache kill mechanism to the URL as there might be some browsers where the data keeps the XML cached.
  10. Exporting to image or pdf crash browser

    We would look into this.
  11. is it possible to specify value position element?

    If you are still facing problem you can use valuePadding='0'. The problem was that there is a default padding between value text and the end of column.
  12. is it possible to specify value position element?

    Hi, Please try this XML: <chart labelPadding="-2" palette="2" forceDecimals="1" decimals="1" useRoundEdges="1" baseFont="arial" baseFontSize="10" yAxisMinValue="0" yAxisMaxValue="100" numDivLines="1" chartLeftMargin="0" chartRightMargin="5" chartTopMargin="5" chartBottomMargin="1" bgColor="ffffff" placeValuesInside="0" baseFontSize="11" borderColor="ffffff"><set label="aaaaa" value="40.6" color="88BF60" placeValuesInside="0" /><set label="bbbbb" value="0" color="88BF60" /><set label="ccccc" value="10" color="88BF60" placeValuesInside="0" /></chart>
  13. Data corruption with Fusion Charts

    Hi, Our Flex developer is looking into this and would let you know.
  14. help!!Animated not from Zero

    Hi, <param name="WMode" value="Transparent"> ...<embed wmode="transparent"../> or <param name="WMode" value="opaque"> ...<embed wmode="opaque"../> Would help you make the chart element ready to be placed below any HTML element like DIV. But you would need to specify the z-index an dposition CSS of the chart as well as the elemetn which is to be placed top. say for chart, position:absolute; z-index:0; and for another element: position:absolute; z-index:1;
  15. help!!Animated not from Zero

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  16. is there any download code available for 3D demo in online demo page ?

    Hi,Please find the attached file.
  17. Printing

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  18. is it possible to specify value position element?

    Hi, Could you please send us an image?
  19. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF Data XML Hard-coded

    Hi, Your code that passes < fc:renderHTML must be having the issue.
  20. Data corruption with Fusion Charts

    Hi, In our labs the UTF 8 characters are woking fine. Could you please send us thtr code the you are using? Please attache here.
  21. saving images

    Hi, Exactly.
  22. Exporting to image or pdf crash browser

    Hi, Do the browsers crash when you do not use right click rather use JavaScrip to invoke the exportChart() function?
  23. Gantt FusionChart API PHP Doc

    Hi, These functions are put for future development. We have not documented it. You can use these though to some extent.
  24. Gantt FusionChart API PHP Doc

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now we do not provide API for gantt chart.
  25. urlencode problems

    You are welc:)me!