FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Call functions on the click of chart

    Hi, As of now there is scope to call a client side javaScript function from the links. But if you are using ASP.NET AJAX you can use this to call a function from code behind too. this can be done using the __doPostBack() function provioded by the framework. Please see: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/CS_UpdatePanel.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/VB_UpdatePanel.html
  2. Line chart cutting of last item name

    Hi, You can set chartRightMargin attribute to 40/60 to get some space. Alternately you can use canvasPadding='30'
  3. is it possible to specify value position element?

    Hi, Please use placeValuesInside='0' to make the values outside. This wont be applicable when the columns' roof come very near to the canvas top margin.
  4. Unreliable use of XML source

    Hi, Please add a cache killing querystring : Please refer to: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic98-29-1.aspx?Highlight=nocache http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic1587-45-1.aspx?Highlight=nocache
  5. bgColor not working on Pie2D

    Hi, As per general XML validation rules there should not be duplicate attribute. Anyways, our chart does not use this validation, rather takes the first one. happy t:) help.
  6. power point 2003

    nice to hear it worked:)
  7. How to display Legend with Pie2D, Pie3D and column3D charts?

    hi, I am afraid, pie does not support legends. But you can add our SSGrid chart below the pie chart and pass the same XML to it to draw the legends.
  8. bgColor not working on Pie2D

    hi, Could you please try this? <chart bgColor='99CCFF' bgAlpha='100' > <set label='France' value='17' /> <set label='India' value='12' /> <set label='Brazil' value='18' /> <set label='USA' value='8' isSliced='1'/> </chart> Please send us your XML. It might be the case that you might have added some other attributes which might be influencing this setting.
  9. urlencode problems

    Hi, Please try double escaping the URL or only double escaping the % so that % becomes %2525.
  10. getting the scatter plot to work using PHP Class

    Hi, You can use addData() to populate scatter chart. An Example here: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/ScatterBubble.html
  11. How to get the sum of two Node after dragging nodes

    Hi, You can modify the FLA file (provided with Enterprise license) and implement this. BTW, I could not fund any drag node and the sum feature that you are talking about in the first post. So could you please elaborate more on the feature that you need. Please specify which chart you want to use and how.
  12. Fusion Charts intergration with JSF Data XML Hard-coded

    Hi, From your source i find a place having: <param name="quality" value="high" /> <graph caption= This should be: <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="flashvars" value="dataXML=<graph caption=.....&chartWidth=...&chartHeight=...&DOMId=..." > The same FlashVars definitions also goes to the <embed> element attribute too: flashVars="dataXML=<graph caption=.....&chartWidth=...&chartHeight=...&DOMId=..."
  13. Dashboard export to PDF

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now. What you might try doing is to poset all chart's data to a server side script. You can pass additional parameters (user defined) from the chart to the script. You would need to write your own code to place the images into your own pdf writing code.
  14. Problem serverside image saving - latest rev 3.1

    Hi, Please see the attached exported images and pdf of the same size. We have used the same width and height and XML. MyFileName.pdf
  15. Problem serverside image saving - latest rev 3.1

    Hi, Could you please help us sending the whole python code so that the debuggin process gets faster? Please also mention the environment, OS, python version, apache version or any other thing like whether you are using mod_python etc. Please also send us the XML and chart width and heigh that you are using tp pin point on the issue.
  16. getting the scatter plot to work using PHP Class

    Hi, This function is not aplicalble for scatter/bubble and multiseries stacked charts.
  17. FusionChart live data updates in firefox but not Internet Explorer

    happy t:) help!
  18. 2D Single Y Combination Chart Image saving problem

    You are welcome
  19. FusionChart live data updates in firefox but not Internet Explorer

    Hi, Could you please try : myChart.setDataURL('phpModules/dataxml.xml?nocache='+new Date().valueOf() );
  20. 2D Single Y Combination Chart Image saving problem

    Hi, Could you please provide us a screenshot and XML if posible.
  21. JSON format

    Hi, Please try the above attached file. Please let us know if you are facing any issue.
  22. 2D Single Y Combination Chart Image saving problem

    Hi, Could you please try using the new version which provides the new feature using exportChart(). This is more efficient. You can update to 3.1 or above version from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC. saveAsImage() is not available in the new version.
  23. Can I make USA map not clickable?

    Hi, Could you please send us the code you are using? It seems that you might be replacing the function or the object with some null value.
  24. 2D Single Y Combination Chart Image saving problem

    Hi, Could you please let us know, whether you are calling the exportChart() function when the chart is still in rendering (animating) state?