FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. getting/setting canvas x-coordinate

    Hi, I am afraid, except for hiding y axis values, you can not do this, as of now.
  2. Hi, The animations work no on event but only when drawing of chart. As of now, you can not set animation to other events like data change etc.
  3. Export from web to Power Point

    Hi, I am afraid, we did not understand "export to power point AND get the interactivity from the web page? "
  4. Save image as not working

    Hi, You can also add ?registerWithJS=1 at the end of the SWF file name while providing in createChartHTML() function.
  5. Problems exporting and saving image on server disk

    Hi, Did you check whether the file has been saved or not? In Firefox there is some issue with this "Transferring data..." message which somtimes never stops. Please also check the folder permission on the server. You can set the debugMode of chart on to see what is the actual result. We had tested with remote servers with out any issues.
  6. some value overwrite by the line in line graph

    Hi, I suppose you are talking about the values getting overlapped. Could you please try using rotateValues='1' ?
  7. Other way to change chart messages possible ?

    Hi, I apologize for the typo. This would be: chart1.addVariable("ChartNoDataText","Your text here");
  8. Canvas size and background size

    Hi, Please use these attributes in <chart> element. chartLeftMargin='0' chartRightMargin='0' chartTopMargin='0' chartBottomMargin='0' showYAxisValues='0' showLegend='0' showLabels='0' canvasborderAlpha='0'
  9. Enterprise Version issue

    Hi, Please update to the latest version of chart (v31.1) where this is handled.
  10. y-axis issue

    Hi, FusionCharts by default automatically calculated the number of div lines in y-axis. You can override this using adjustDiv='0'. You can also manually set number of divisional lienes using numDivLines attribute in <chart> element. e.g. numDivLines='5'.
  11. Exporting to PDF

    Hi all, FusionCharts has evolved with version 3.1 providing a new feature called export. We dropped the saveAsImage feature though. Please read: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ECOverview.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ECProcess.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ECTerminology.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ECXML.html and online sample similar to the sample that you have wished for: http://www.fusioncharts.com/Demos/ExportChart/
  12. Problems exporting and saving image on server disk

    Hi, The handler is programmed to accept image data with all meta data as HTTP post. If it is called without any additional request it would through the same error anywhere as you have seen - it has not received data...so insufficient data. This is a separate issue. Here, please check whether you are providing the 'correct path to the remote handler' in the XML of the chart using exportHandler attribute.
  13. Bulb not updating in real time.

    Hi, Did you try the same data provider source file for all charts so that we can locate the issue specifically ? We have tested the same data provider as you have specified but all worked fine in our labs. Please also see whether you are not putting any new line character after the value in the data provider file. This would stop update.
  14. Other way to change chart messages possible ?

    Hi, Could you please use: chart1.addParam("ChartNoDataText","Your text here");
  15. Tooltip max character size

    hi, You can send us a scripped down code in our [email protected] so that we can debug? We could not replicate the issue in our labs. Please add all additional frameworks that you are using?
  16. Can I force decimals on the Y Axis?

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  17. Angular Gauge usage - reverse values

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  18. Problem serverside image saving - latest rev 3.1

    Hi, The chart passes exact color values to the image sading code. You can tet this using php/asp.net script too. The issue here might lie in the color conversion and building up image binary code of python where some values are not being parsed or set properly. We faced similar issue while developing code in JSP too and have solved the issue. Please pose the code here so that we can have a look/debug and revert back as soon as possible.
  19. tool tip in axis

    Hi, As of now, you would need to put a smaller label and define the tooltext separately using {br} where you wish for a line break. Note that this is applicable to v3.1 or above charts. If you do not have this please get free update from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC.
  20. Refreshing problem

    Hi Chandresh, Could you please check whether any other HTML elements can come above the applet? Please check the z-index of the applet too.
  21. Change chart message from flash

    Hi, Could you please try using the following before rendering? _appMsgNoData ["EN"]= "your message here"; This variable is in global scope. Please find the list of all messages and related variables: PBarLoadingText = _appMsgLoadingChart XMLLoadingText = _appMsgRetrievingData ParsingDataText = _appMsgReadingData ChartNoDataText = _appMsgNoData RenderingChartText = _appMsgRenderingChart LoadDataErrorText = _appMsgLoadError InvalidXMLText = _appMsgInvalidXML
  22. Bulb not updating in real time.

    Hi, could you please chekc the ASP file once. You would need to generate the value from the ASP. e.g. <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% Randomize Timer response.write "&value=" & (int(Rnd()*100)) % >
  23. Dynamic outputing of series chart from DB

    Hi, Could you please try FusionCharts Blueprint application from http://www.fusioncharts.com/Downloads/Blueprint/FusionCharts_CF.zip. This projects contains code for generating multi-series charts from database.
  24. Pyramid and Funnel paletteThemeColors Option...

    Hi, paletteThemeColor is applied on the theme of the chart and not the chart data elements. It affects the background, font color, border color etc.
  25. Broken chart when resizing window

    Hi, Could you please elaborate on the processes involved when page resize is done? It might be that the chart is redrawn when page is resized. In that case please see that the chart is passed with chartWidth and chartWidth flashvars.