FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Bullet Graph

    Hi Maalan, >> You CAN add tooltext to annotation group as well as pointer. Please follow documentation .http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/docs >> You can put images in exact pixel location using annotaion (and then can use auto-scale to scale image whenever the chart dimension chages) >> The chart can not show up a scroll zone. Again, the chart does nots automatiacally communicates to the container window to scroll to pointer.But, you can write JavaScript code to scroll to that position in case you can track the position in the page. >> Yes, using HTML Encoded <img> html element. You would need to set the font style of the tooltip having isHTML='1' and HTML encode the IMG tag and put it in tooltext's value. e.g. tooltext='<img src='myImage.jpg' >' [ if you are using dataURL method-XML form file/URL] or tooltext='%26lt;img src=%26apos;myImage.jpg%26apos; %26gt;' [ if you are using dataXML method- XML from string]
  2. Change order data is displayed in a graph

    Hi, FusionCharts can render data as per the data it has been provided. FusionCharts can not sort data or categories. You need to do before building the XML data.
  3. Cannot display multiple charts on one jsp page

    Hi, What might be that you are using same DIV id names in the 2 pages that you are including. Could you please check that you are using Different DIV id names in the 2 pages that you are including? Moreover, please note to give unique and different ChartID and JasvaScript object names for each chart. This is my assumption that since you are using <jsp:include> you are basically adding the content of the included file to the main file. So the HTML is getting added to the main file and the 2 DIV ids are getting conflicted in the Browser. The javaScript can not determent where to render the chart. I would also suggest you to check the file in all major browsers and let us know.
  4. Print option of graph gives error

    Hi Poonam, Could you please check whether you are setting the RegisterWithJS parameter on when rendering the chart? Could you please also check whether the chart has been completed rendering before you are calling print() method?
  5. How to add _blank url after click on chart?

    Hi, To open to a new window i.e. _blank please use 'n-' as a prefix to the URL in the link attribute. e.g. <chart ..... clickURL='n-http://google.com' ....... > or <set value='...' link='n-http://www.yoursite.com'.../>
  6. Show Partial Map

    Hi, Yes, if you can combine and adjust values of mapTopMargin, mapLeftMargin, mapRightMargin and mapBottomMargin in some negative values, you can achieve that. Need to go for some tiral and error processes. We are thinking of developing a zoom-pan addon JavaScript Object for this which might help in that. We would post the Object (with Documentation ) throughout the development stages of it up here in the forum. Please try and provide us feedback once you try out the addon.
  7. Firefox: Out of view charts do not load

    Hi, Could you please try the FusionCharts BluePrint Application live from our Online Demos with Firefox and let us know whether you are facing the same issue? http://fusioncharts.com/demos/Blueprint/ You can also see another BluePrint Application using FusionWidgets. http://fusioncharts.com/widgets/demos/Blueprint/ and another page with lots of charts where you can scroll up down. http://fusioncharts.com/widgets/demos/Blueprint/DrillToEachProduct.asp?op=revenue&year=1996 If you are facing the issue only with your implementaion there must some other Framework or process which is rendering the charts again and again in Firefox. What I suspect is that the scroll mechanism might be not the normal borwser's scroll but some virtual scroll mechanism where you are hiding the page elements when the elements are out of scroll view zone. Again when they come ito scroll view area you are making them visible. What happens in Firefox, is that whenever you hide and display an element it redraws the element. Hence, your charts being rendered again would show up accordingly. This is what I suspect. There might be some other reasons.
  8. Combined charts (Dual Y Axis) with high density.

    Hi, There are so many data in your chart that proportionately each dataelement should take 1 pixel each. Now in a normal , each dataplot has a border along with the body. So when it turn 1 pixel the border overlaps the body. So you only see the border as dark grey. When you set showPlotBorder='0' the border is off and the data columns are more readily visible. But now, the gadient comes into hindrance. So when you set off the gradient using plotGradientColor='' the thin lines with proper color gets visible. We cant help as of now, regarding this, so far, proportionately fitting each data item in the small span of the chart.
  9. Bar/Line charts values are incorrect

    Hi, We apologize. Could you please post the ticket number?
  10. Transparent background

    Hi, Could you please send us the source where you are setting the tranparency and the XML where you are setting bgAlpha?
  11. slant lable name

    Hi, Are you using vFREE chart or FusionCharts v3 charts? I find that you are using <graph> element. This is standard for vFREE chart though backward compatible in v3 chart too. For v3 charts we recommend to use <chart>. In any case, Slant labels are supported in v3 chart and in case you are using vFREE charts, you can only rotate the labels but can not slant them. To rotate labels in you would need to do> * For vFREE - <graph rotateNames='1' ...> * For v3 - <chart labelDisplay='ROTATE' ...> or <graph labelDisplay='ROTATE' ...> TO SLANT LABELS * Not Supported in vFREE charts * For v3 Charts <chart labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' ...> or <graph labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' ...>
  12. Chart display problem in IE6

    Hi, I find that in the <object>'s <param> flashvar you have not used &chartWidth=650&chartHeight=400 which you have used in embed's Flashvars attribute. Could you please add that and try again?
  13. Chart display problem in IE6

    Hi, Are you using % width and height?
  14. Chart display problem in IE6

    Hi, I find though your snapshots that: 1. The chart is already loaded 2. A Comfirm box comes 3. The chart vanishes So, could you please let us know, whether you are implementing some code after CONFIRM or the chart spans to corner by itself? If you are using some code after confirm please post that code here (along with description of the process flow, enviroment, any other frameworks used etc.)
  15. slant lable name

    Hi, Please use the attribute labelDisplay='ROTATE' slantLabels='1' in <chart> element.
  16. reduce the size of label

    Hi, This you need to do through your code. FusionCharts, as of now, does not provide this cropping feature. Note: FusionCharts does not have any inbuilt string manipulation option
  17. IE7 update chart

    Hi, You would need to render the chart ONCE bofore you can update it. Please Code accordingly.
  18. IE7 update chart

    Hi, If you have already renderd a chart before AJAX PostBack, why pain yourself/browser to re-load the chart again. You can just use setDataXML() to update an existing chart. Just you would need to render the chart once: var chart = new FusionCharts("/static/swf/MSArea.swf", "chart_display", "208", "180", "0", "1"); NOTE the "1" at the end which would allow JavaScript to update chart later on. Now, in your update chart code simply write: getChartFromId("chart_display").setDataXML(xmlData); or if you have received the response text in URLEncoded form : getChartFromId("chart_display").setDataXML(unesape(xmlData));
  19. DragColumn2D ang button values.

    Hi, I hope you are using the Drag Column Data Return sample from CODE >> Drag_Data_Rtn folder of PowerCharts Pack. To set a different title to Rstore button please use restoreBtnTitle="Your New Title" attribute. "read data from chart" is not a button included inside the chart. Its an HTML <input> button which you can change in any way (so far HTML css allows) . Please edit the HTML file and find: Change the value attribute. That would do. Again, the Table is built by JavaScript in the HTML file. Find the line: And remove the $ from there.
  20. How to read a specific node in xml in Flash AS ?

    Hi Varoon, It can be easily done using Action Script. I have written a fucntion (using AS2) that can do it. Please find the attached fla file with the function. The fla file alos contains 2 TextArea (xml & chart) In xml textArea you would need to place the full XML which has <chart> node(s) somewhere in the XMLtree. There is button which when clicked would extract all the <chart> nodes from the XML textarea and place them as string in chart textarea. For this i have written a function -getNodesByName(node, node_name) Pass an XML or a node or XML as sting in the first parameter - node and Pass the name of the node (as string) to be searched for in the paremeter - node_name. [so we pass "chart" here] This function would return an Array containing all the matched nodes. You would need to iterate through the array and take the appropriate array element (i.e. chart node.) AS2 function: /** * * @function getNodesByName * @author InfoSoft Global (P) Ltd. www.InfoSoftGlobal.com * @version 0.9.1 * * Extracts all Nodes with a specific name * from an XML/XMLNode and returns an array of Nodes * * @param node XMLNode/XML that is searched. * @param node_name Name of the name to extract. * @return An Array of Nodes. * */ function getNodesByName(node, node_name:String){ //if the node is of stirng type conver to XML object if(typeof node=="string"){ node=new XML(node); } // create a blank array to store all matched nodes var arr_matched_nodes_collection=[]; // when a matched node is found add to array if(node.nodeName.toLowerCase()==node_name){ arr_matched_nodes_collection.push(node); }else{ // otherwise search child nodes for match (in recursion) if(node.hasChildNodes()){ //itetate through all child nodes for(var index=0; index<node.childNodes.length; index++){ // call itself to find searched node in the child nodes // until no child node is found var arr_matched_nodes=getNodesByName(node.childNodes[index],node_name); // if the array returned has some element, it contained // a matched node if(arr_matched_nodes.length!=0){ //add the matched node to the array collection arr_matched_nodes_collection.push(arr_matched_nodes); } } } } //return the array containing all matched nodes return arr_matched_nodes_collection; } getChartXML.zip
  21. xml data passing to swfobject 2.0

    Hi Mahesh, Yes, using flashvars.dataXML = YourXMLAsStingVariableHere; you can feed data to the map.
  22. xml data passing to swfobject 2.0

    hi, you can ... using a string. We call this dataXML method.
  23. Using SWFObject 2.0 with FusionMaps

    hi mahesh, Hope Arindam's code might help you out in this. Please go through the code and find the secret of your own.
  24. Using SWFObject 2.0 with FusionMaps

    Hi Mahesh, "Error in Loading Data" primarily means that you are providing wrong path of the XML. Please provide correct path(URL) to XML. ** Please note that you can NOT provide absolute path (URL). We have blocked taking absolute path to stop XSS attacks. Please use relative path. Hence, please do not provide any URL like "http://....". Only "data/myXMLfolder/xml.xml" (like this). The rule that we are following while blocking absolute url is 1. any string having a : character. So, no colon character in the XML path (dataURL) that you are providing. If this does not solve the issue, then set the debugMode to 1 so that the chart can show up the debug window. See whether a dataURL (i.e. URL to an XML file) ahs been provided to the chart). The debug window will report this. Hopefully, the path to the dataURL is the issue.
  25. Using SWFObject 2.0 with FusionMaps

    Hi Mahesh, Please let us know the things in details that you are facing. Meahwhile, please check the path of the JS file, SWF files and XML files. Please also see whether you can execute any other JavaScript functions and please see if the SWFObject has beeb properly loaded. You can also try accessing the site from other machines.