FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. xml data passing to swfobject 2.0

    Hi, Following the code that you are earlier using i am providing the feedback. //Render A NEW MAP var so = new SWFObject("${globalFlashPath}FCMap_World.swf?chartWidth=580&chartHeight=350&DOMId=mymovie&registerWithJS=1", "mymovie", "580", "350", "8"); //Pass XML as string (variable strXML) so.addVariable("dataXML",strXML); //Pass XML from file/stream (myXMLFile.xml) //so.addVariable("dataURL","myXMLFile.xml"); so.write("worldMap"); //HOW TO UPDATE AN ALREADY RENDERED MAP //Update map var m=document.getElementById("mymovie"); //Update Map from string m.setDataXML(strXML); //update Map from URL m.setDataURL("newXMLfile.xml");
  2. Clickable Marker

    Hi, Please try uninstalling the Flash Players and reinstall again.
  3. labelStep starting at right

    Hi, Could you please let us know which chart you are using?
  4. Fusion Map(FCMap_USA.swf) need help

    Hi, Could you please try this? <map showShadow='0' showBevel='0' useHoverColor='0' showLabels='0' showTooltip='0' showCanvasBorder='0' mapRightMargin='0' fillColor='AFCED9' borderColor='AFCED9' markerBgColor='00577F' animation='0' showMarkerToolTip='1'>
  5. Editing Existing palette/Color Theme

    Hi, Its in DefaultColors.as file in helper folder.
  6. Dynamic data change in client side

    Hi, As of now, you would need to relaod the chart with the full XML containing the chaged values. You can stop the animation by animation='0' show the modifications instantly.
  7. Legend Color Swatch Size

    Hi, If you have specified color of the dataset with a # please remove the # You must provide color like this: color='ff0000' and not color='#ff0000'
  8. Clickable Marker

    Hi mahesh, Did you try in some other machines? Is there any security setting that is getting overlooked?
  9. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, Did you try with other browsers?
  10. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, Please also check using simple HTML and http:/ using other browsers like Internet Explore 6/7/8 . It wont work. If you are facing issues with HTML or Server Application using http:// please let us know. http:/ using simple HTML works only in Firefox or even if in some other browers, this is not the correct way. We always maining some protocols, coventions... isnt it?
  11. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, Now I am really very confused! May I know the reason why are you presuing http:/ ? Why not http:// ? Please let us know if http:// works in HTML and JSP appllication or not.
  12. Problem rendering toolText with FusionChartsFM

    Hi, Could you please try using the following Fixed JS file? FusionChartsCreator.js.txt
  13. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, Please use so.addVariable("debugMode","1"); Please note that we provide a wrapper JavaScript (FusionMaps.js) morphed from SWFObject which would help reducing lot of your pains in this implementaion. http://fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/BasicUsage.html http://fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/DataXML.html [ Using this method you can set debougMode by the bolded parameter : var map = new FusionMaps("FCMap_World.swf", "Map1Id", "750", "400", "1", "0"); ] Now when you set DebugMode on you can get a window above the map: http://fusioncharts.com/maps/docs/Contents/Debug/window.html You can see that you would get the version of the map here and the XML data. Use you mouse and select the XML data as text selection ... copy the XML and paste the XML in a blank text file...save the file and attache in your post. You can copy the XML for both caese http:// and http:/ Surely, the actual XML passed to the map would give a claer insight into the issue.
  14. Hi, In v3 chart MSLine chart is single Y axis chart. Your requirement id DUAL Y. This can be achieved using Combi2DDY chart from FusionCharts v3 Pack.
  15. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, The XML links with http:/ does not work in our labs. Could you please arrange for a live site where we can get this live over internet. Please let us know the following: 2. The minor version of the map setting debug mode on 3. Provide the XML from the debug window (by copy pasting to a text file)
  16. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, Could you please let us know the following things? 1. Browser and platform you are using? 2. The minor version of the map setting debug mode on 3. Provide the XML from the debug window (by copy pasting to a text file) Finally, if you are using any other code than our basic implementation samples please send to us.
  17. Need to make marker label clickable.

    Hi Mahesh, Could you please follow the link http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic9798-11-1.aspx?Update=1 for the followup responses on this topic?
  18. Clickable Marker

    Hi Mahesh, To use an external link to a web site you would need to prefix it with http:// in the link attribute, as this is following the http protocol and need to specify the protocol. Otherwize, the line parser would take the link as a relative path to some URL and not a absolute URL to a site. You would need to abide by this convention. i.e. link='http://www.google.com' Could I please know, the main point of confusion that you are facing?
  19. Puting a canvas object on angular gauge

    HI, You can put a floating DIV over the chart. But the chart need to be rendered using wmode OPAQUE or TRANSPARENT. Use absolute positioning css styles to set the DIV's position over the chart. You might need to use z-index css style too.
  20. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    Hi, Please use a proper QueryString. Please also note that there should be no : (colon) character in the URL. Hence, valueOf() can be used instead. map.setDataURL(escape("globe.map.info.xml?noCache="+new Date().valueOf())); Could you please send us the code that you are using? There must be some trace of "chart1" somewhere which is being accessed by JavaScript.
  21. World Map Question

    Hi, NoScale is the default scale mode that we use. That is not an issue. Could you please let us know if you are using % width/height? Could you please send us the code and sizes that you are using so that we can debug this issue?
  22. changing ChartNoDataText when no data is available

    Hi, You can set the NoDataText only once while rendering the chart only. You can not change it dynamically.
  23. FusionMapsGUI.html and SSGenerator.html

    Hi, Find an Illustrated Guide for this sample: http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/Topic5009-47-1.aspx#bm8077
  24. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    Hi, It seems that you have caught with a JavaScript error. Could you please see the Error console in (or Firebug in FIrefox) or set IE to prompt on JavaScrip errors and try again?
  25. Hover to see new chart

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now. We are developing FusionCharts v4 where we will eXpose hover event to do this.