FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. YAxis text displayed inside canvas

    Hi, SO far I know, Gnash does not fully support Flash SWF built in Flash 8. It does not fully integrate Action Script 2.0. This might be the reason, since FusionCharts v3 is fully built in Flash 8 Action scipt 2.0. Could you please try with FusionCharts FREE chart which is needs Flash 6 player or above?
  2. inverse y axis

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not available as of now.
  3. Save Chart and Using Links in the Chart

    Hi All, In our forthcoming minor release 3.0.7 we are introducing another method to provide JavaScript functions as link, using which this error in IE wont occur. This is done using prefix j-. e.g. link='j-myJSFunction()' As of now we had been using prefix to provide JavaScript functions as links. This has been kept intact for backward compatibility.
  4. DataPoints in Multi-Series Line chart

    HI, I am afraid, FusionCharts simply plots the data that it receives as XML and does not put any filter. You would need to code this filter while creating the XML.
  5. Adding Parameters with image saving request

    Hi, You can try seinding some GET request using imageSaveURL atribute. e.g. imageSaveURL='FusionChartsSave.aspx?name=MyChart.jpg' Please note that to send multiple querystring please URL Encode the URL.
  6. Help... Chart render error....sometimes

    Hi, Could you please try rendeing the chart(s) after the HTML page rener is comeplete? can use this code:
  7. Fusion Charts - Embedding a Chart Using JavaScript

    Hi, Since v3.0.5 of FusionCharts absolute URL is barred to prevent XSS attack. This is done in the other Packs too in their latest versions. IF you wish to use an XML from an absolute path the only solution would be to use a relay script/proxy script which will fetch the XML separately and again pass it to the chart. This proxy scipt would recide in the same domain and should be accessd with relative path from the chart.
  8. remove gradient from area chart

    Hi, We found that you had been using one dataset in the first XML that you sent us. The new image shows that it has 2 datasets. Hence, could you please send us the XML that you are using? Please note that to set off the dataplot gradient you should provide no value or blank value in atribute plotGradientColor in <chart> element. The attribute should look lexactly like this with no value inside. plotGradientColor=''
  9. Disable Slicing and Exploding Menu Options..

    Hi, RenderChart() takes help of FusionCharts.js while rendering the chart. Could you please add the line this.addParam("menu","false"); editing FusionCharts.js file that you are using? You need to put the line near line 33 or so. find the line in the file : //Set Quality this.addParam('quality', 'high'); and add this.addParam("menu","false"); after it.
  10. Disable Slicing and Exploding Menu Options..

    Hi, You can hide the FusionCharts' custom menus: (Some default menus of Flash player would be there) * This is a HTML object (<object>/<embed>) level parameter that you would need to set. <object...> <param name="menu" value="False"> ...<embed ...menu='false'...></object> * If you are using JavaScript embedding technique, please use var ch=new FusionCharts(...) ch.addParam("menu","false"); * In case, you are server seide wrappers, please edit FusionCharts.js and add this line: this.addParam("menu","false"); somewhere near the lines where there are lots of other this.addParam(..) are present. * You might need to edit the wrappers to put the HTML embedding code for renderChartHTML or createChartHTML functions.
  11. How to change the width of Scroll Column 2D

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  12. Why won't my chart load with setDataURL in Firefox?

    Hi, Could you please send us the code that you are using?
  13. Hi, Could you please tell why you are using the setTimeout()?
  14. Submit drag node chart using javascript

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  15. Scalling on X-Axis with non regular data

    Hi, Could you please try Scatter chart?
  16. Updating entity attributes with Javascript

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  17. Hi, Are you getting "No data to Display" message now? If so the the movie has started playing and the chart has started rendering. Please also add debugMode=1 to see if there is any issue with the XML passed. I think you are close.
  18. 3D Pie Chart Negative values

    Hi, I am afraid pie charts cannot represent negative numbers .
  19. Overlapping multi-series line plots

    Hi, I am afraid, there is no work aroudn for this as of now.
  20. Is there any Multi-series grid chart?

    Hi, I am afraid, there is no Multi-Series Grid chart.
  21. Charts work in IE, but not in FireFox

    Hi, Might be that you are not using <embed> inm Firefox.
  22. Hi, I am afraid, I am abit confused about the processes involved. May I inquire, whether your steps are as follows: 1. Use WinForms to load the chart in a flash Player 2. Take a snapshot of the Flash Player (with chart or any Flash Movie) and save it as image to server and 3. Use the image to add in PDF etc. My Queries, 1. Is the chart or Flash Player visible in the WinForm? So far I learnt, you might not be able to not load a flash movie in flash player control without making it visible in WinForms. 2. At which point of time you are executing the code to save the image? Just after loading the chart? You might want to skip to the final frame or any frame, where you expect the final image of the chart, readily available. Comments: 1. Please note that in FusionCharts the things happen in steps through code and not frames. First it loads itself (the SWF binary), then the XML and other settings, then parses the XML and then draws the chart (usually with animation). So there is a time factor involved from the loading of the chart till the chart finally is drawn. Now this is crucial: Its not the final frame where you can skip to to get the chart image. You need to pass through the processes stated above, even if they take miliseconds to perform each fragment of task. 2. So you can wait for the chart to finish rendering and then call the image saving code. How to Do this? Of course you can set a flashvar "registerWithJS=1". This would invoke Flash Call event and pass a function name "FC_Rendered" (in <invoke> XML in response parameter of FlashCall event) . FC_Rendered is passed when the chart has finished rendering and ready for imagesavng, print etc. After this you can use your own code to save image.
  23. Hi khoa, Thanks for digging deep in FusionCharts. We are very interested to know how you are loading the chart at server side. Please let us know the os platform, the server side technology and server that you are using. If you are loading the chart in some place, why dont you try the chart's own native print() function? You can use callFunction method of Flash ActiveX. Would be happy to hear from you in details from you about the research.
  24. Data in Multi Series Chart

    Hi, Could you please attach the XML that is getting generated in the HTML?
  25. How do I stop caching of the xml files?

    Hi, The value passed in noCache is static. myChart.setDataURL("XMLData/myStepsLineGraphXML.aspx?noCache=1"); You would need to pass a dynamic value which would be unique and different from the previous values. Say date stamp. Could you please try this? myChart.setDataURL(escape("XMLData/myStepsLineGraphXML.aspx?noCache="+new Date().toGMTString()));