FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. fusioncharts periodically renders incorrectly - all scruched up???

    Hi, Could you please try the solution once?
  2. I am afraid, we do not have multi-series grid chart, as of now.
  3. fusioncharts periodically renders incorrectly - all scruched up???

    Hi, This happens in IE when you provide dimension in %. To overcome this you would need to render the chart(s) after the page gets loaded. Please put all chart rendering code in window.onload event. e.g. <s c ript type='text/java script' language='java script'> window.onload=function(){ var categoriesChart = new FusionCharts("/flash/MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf", "categoriesChartId", "100%", "600", "0", "0", "FFFFFF", "noScale"); categoriesChart.setDataURL("...<%=url_str%>"); categoriesChart.render("...<%=div_id%>"); t p i r c s> } </script>
  4. help selecting a period of time

    Hi, Could you please attache here the XML that is getting rendered? You can get the XML by viewing the source of the HTML generated.
  5. Hi, I am afraid, the chart and the grid, being tow separate components, you need to render them in two containers.
  6. Custom yaxis interval

    Hi, Could you please try using these attributes : numDivLines='9' adjustDiv='0' [9= number of items on yAxis(11 -> i.e. 0, .5, 1, 1.5...5) - limits (2)]
  7. How to control/set a max value in Radar.swf?

    Hi, Please use yAxisMaxValue to set upper limit or max value of the chart. You can not individually set the upper limit of individual dataset. Moreover, in case any value in the chart exceeds the yAxisMaxValue, this setting would be igonred.
  8. Hi all, here goes another FusionChats ASP.NET.AJAX sample using Update Panel. FusionCharts.ASP.NET.AJAX2.zip
  9. Angular Gauges don't work if rendered first with &apos; in XML

    Hi, Initially FusionCharts JS Class passes the XML (as dataXML) and other settings to the angular gauge or any other widget or chart as a simple querystring. Since & acts as a separator for querystring variables the presence of & in dataXML would break it. While updating the already rendered chart, the XML is passed as a string to the chart directly thorugh an exposed function of the chart. Hence, that wont break. What you can do is modify FusionCharts.js to suit your need:
  10. Hi, 1. I am afraid, you can not set PYAxisMinValue in stacked charts. 2. If any value in a chart exceed the upper limit set by PYAxisMaxValue or SYAxisMaxValue or yAxisMaxValue, these settings would be igonored and the chart would calculate a new limit inorder display the values. I am afraid, as of now you can not make the dataplots over flow the limits.
  11. Legend not showing all datasets in Scatter XY plot

    Hi, The XML that you sent shows 15 legends. Could you please check once again?
  12. How to download the Java Class for FCF FusionCharts Free v2

    HI, Could you please download the Eval pack of FusionCharts v3 from http://wwww.fusioncharts.com/download.asp and get java class from CODE >> JSP folder? The wrapper would work seamlessly for FREE charts.
  13. Generate Y axis

    HI, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  14. Need Stack Bar 3D with a line using same axis

    Hi, Could you please try making sYaxisMinvalue='0', sYaxisMaxValue=pYaxisMaxvalue? Please note that in stacked chart there should be no negetive number to stack.
  15. Double Markers at the Same X & Y Coordinates

    Hi, Yes you can always do it. Make sure to apply the smaller marker after you have applied the bigger one.
  16. can we have opposite of drill down graphs?

    Hi, This is not possible as of now.
  17. Calling Image saving Mechanism on button click

    Hi, In case you are not using JavaScript embedding method, please add "?registerWithJS=1" after the chart SWF file you specify. e.g. "Column3D.swf?registerWithJS=1" This would allow the code to access the saveAsImage() function of the chart.
  18. Removing the swf border

    sorry, Its showCanvasBorder='0'
  19. Removing the swf border

    Hi, Please use showConvasBorder='0'
  20. showLables on the set statement don't work

    Hi, Could you please let us know which chart SWF you are using? If you are using Bar2D.swf (single-series) then the permitted attributes for hiding and showing labels are :(showLabels and showLabel) <chart showLabels='1'..> <set label='foo' showLabel='0'/> ... </chart> In this XML structure there should be no <Dataset> In case you are using MSBar2D.swf : (multi-series) <chart showLabels='1'..> <categories> <category label='foo' showLabel='0'/> ... </chart> Labels are set through <category> elemements. Hence, must be given in <category> element. <dataset> or <set> inside <dataset> would ignore these attributes since these have nothing to do with labels in Multi-series XML/Chart model.
  21. Can I do ajax call & display text from a LINK in a chart???

    Hi, A.You can use the click event or link property of data elements to call a javaScript. You need to write the JavaScript code to do all the AJAX job and show the popup div. B. I am afraid, rollover event is not exposed, as of now. c. You can update the whole chart using setDataXML or setDataURL which is an AJAX like feature.
  22. Map size increase after post back

    Hi, Could you please try setDataURL() where you need to just pass the URL of the XML generator script? This way you can skip all post back code that you might be using and re-rendering of the map. Rather, you just need to specify the url and let map handle the post back of XML data and re-draw map.
  23. Secondary Y axis, Decimals. How to remove?

    Hi, Please use formatNumber='1' or do not use formatNumber='0'. This setting removes all decimal and other number formatting.
  24. Russia's mouseover not fully working in NewWorld map

    Hi, Thanks for your mail. Could you please let us know which map swf you re using to set 'RU' as entity id for Russia? Please also let us know the minor version of the map version that you are using. You can get it by setting debugMode on.
  25. Can't update chart with setDataXML method

    Hi, You would need to setup Flash Player global settings from http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html to let Flash Interact with JavaScript.