FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Plotting with varchar

    Hi Jamie, Could you please go through the Documentation of similar example from our online Documentation? http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs? Section: Guide for Web Developers >> Using With PHP >> Plotting from Database or Creating Drilldown charts. You would need to FOLLOW the XML structure that Arindam has sent you in earlier post, even while fetching the data dynamically from database. That XML was just an example of how your final dynamically generated XML might look like. In the XML the numeric values (sum) go to value attribute, while the category names go to label attribute. You would need to iterate through all the records that your SQL fetches. While irerating you would need to build the XML string using string concatination. <set label='{Your Category from each row }' value='{Your numeric Sum from each row}' /> If you find that you are unable to figure out the code in Documentation pages sepified, please let us know.
  2. Hi, Please try the XML below with a Scatter chart: <chart yAxisMinValue='-1' xAxisMaxValue='5' zeroplaneAlpha='0'> <categories> <category label='0' x='0' /> <category label='1' x='1' /> <category label='2' x='2' /> <category label='3' x='3' /> <category label='4' x='4' /> <category label='5' x='5' /> </categories> <dataSet drawLine ='1' seriesName='Outpur' drawAnchors='0'> <set y='0' x='0' /> <set y='0' x='1' /> <set y='1' x='1' /> <set y='1' x='2' /> <set y='0' x='2' /> <set y='0' x='3' /> <set y='1' x='3' /> <set y='1' x='4' /> <set y='0' x='4' /> <set y='0' x='5' /> </dataSet> </chart>
  3. Use Full name not ID

    Are you using the FusionMaps GUI?
  4. World Map Target Countries (x n y coordinates)

    Hi, Then new world map has been released. I am afraid, there is no way to convert latitude and longitude to x and y.
  5. Text or Image Annotations

    Hi, Could you pelase try <annotationGroup ... showBelow='0'> ?
  6. Possible to use single XML file to show multiple charts on one page?

    Hi, One XML can contain only 1 set of data any number of charts. That means if you put multiple charts in a page and set the same XML to all, they would show the same data.
  7. May I have FusionChartsSave.aspx code

    Hi Apipoj, I presume, you have downloaded the FusionCharts Pack (evaluation or licensed version). In case you haven't, could you please download the Evaluation version from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp or update your licensed pack from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC? In the Downloaded ZIP file you would get a folder called 'ImageSave', in which you would find the required aspx and cs file. Apipoj
  8. May I have FusionChartsSave.aspx code

    Hi, You can find the code for FusionChartsSave.aspx in the Download Pack of FusionCharts. Please read the online Documentation ( http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs) >> Save Chart As Image Section for more on how to use it.
  9. Query question

    Hi, Please also add this style XML : <styles> <definition> <style type='font' name='htmlfont' isHTML='1'/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='htmlfont'/> </application> </styles>
  10. Query question

    Hi, For both the cases could you please check the XML setting the DebugMode on. 1. "Now data to display" comes when the XML is having no chart data, e.g. <chart></chart> or when XML format is different from the chart type, e.g. XML's format is single series and the chart is multi-series. 2. The charts (except for gantt chart) does not have any time/date handling system. It just takes year as string or number to display. Please check the XML and be sure that there is no issue while fetching data.
  11. GridColumn3D

    Hi, We provide another component called SSGrid to show single series data in grid form. You can get in FusionCharts v3 pack as SSGrid.swf.
  12. question about the Multi Y axis Graph

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now the charts are developed for web solutions. Hence, the links work like this only. We are working on a new set of charts which would raise events like FCSommand or flashCall to be trapped by the event handlers in Winforms and work accordingly.
  13. setDataXML

    So, instead of chart1.variables.dataURL = encodeURIComponent(url1); you can use chart1.setDataURL(escape(url1));
  14. setDataXML

    Hi, Please find the modified script: var chart1 = new FusionCharts("${externalURL}flash/fusion/Line.swf", "CH1", "230", "170", "0", "1"); var chart2 = new FusionCharts("${externalURL}flash/fusion/Line.swf", "CH2", "230", "170", "0", "1"); function submitChart(chartNum,d1,d2) { url="/REGION/fusionchartxml.html?"; url = url+"chartID="+chartNum+"&tn=1&d1="+d1+"&d2="+d2; var xmlHttp; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!"); return false; } } } xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlHttp.readyState==4) { if(xmlHttp.responseText!= null & xmlHttp.responseText!= ' '){ var xml=xmlHttp.responseText; xml=xml.replace(/"/g,"'").replace(/|r|t|v/g,""); if(chartNum==1 ){ var chartObj = getChartFromId("CH1"); chartObj.setDataXML(xml); //chartObj.render("chartdiv1"); }else{ alert(chartNum); var chartObj = getChartFromId("CH2"); chartObj.setDataXML(xml); //chartOb.render("chartdiv2"); } } } } xmlHttp.open("GET",url,true); xmlHttp.send(null); } Please note : 1. Its better to use chart DOM ID starting with an alphabet (as we follow variable naming rules). Here, I have used 2 IDs CH1 and CH2 2. Replacing all newline, linefeed, carraige return, tabs from the XML and converting all double quotes " to single quotes '. 3. There is no need to use render() again when just updating an existing chart which has been rendered before hand. ------------------------------------------------- Please also note that instead of AJAX, you can use setDataURL(URL). This would do the same function of updating the chart in the same AJAX fashion, plus reducing many lines from your code.
  15. setDataXML

    Hi, could you please attach here (also for the benefit other others facing similar issues) the code that you are using. Since its a small code, we might debug it and repost it here. Please also mention the platfor that you are using and browsers with versions that you are using.
  16. setDataXML

    Hi, Also please check whether the chart has been loaded when rendered for the first time. Please try once setting the debug mode which would open a window over the blank chart that you had loaded before updating using AJAX. If you dont find the debug window loaded, you might be having some path issues which is failing to load the chart initially. var chart1 = new FusionCharts("${externalURL}flash/fusion/Line.swf", "1", "130", "70", "1", "1"); Also, when you load the chart as a blank chart its more appropriate to use : chart1.setDataXML("<chart></chart>"); chart1.render("chartdiv1"); This would create a chart with a label "no data to display" at the centre of the blank chart.
  17. setDataXML

    Hi, There must be something which might be interfaring with the DOM and the <object> /<embed> element 's ID. We have tried with the same code in our labs and did not encounter any problem. Could you please let us know the Flash Player version that you are using and whether you are using any other JS Frameworks.
  18. Dual x-axis line/column chart?

    Hi, I am afraid, we do not have multiple x axis chart.
  19. setDataXML

    Hi, Could you please send us the code that you are using? Also please make sure that the chart is getting fully loaded and rendered before you try updating the chart. This can be tracked using FC_Rendered() function.
  20. setDataXML

    Hi, Could you please check if you are placing the chart inside a FORM element. If you are doing so please use our latest FusionCharts.js that contains the fix for FORM. The latest JS is version 1.2 (1st November, 2007) . This can be found on the header of the JS file. You can download the latest JS with the latest Evaluation download or from our Product Update Center at http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC. Please also note that you would need to replace all " in the XML to ' (var xml=xmlHttp.responseText.replace(/'/g,'%26apos;');xml=xml.replace(/"/g,"'"); )
  21. How to resize a chart?

    Hi, As of now, you would need to re-render the chart after you trap the browser resize event. This involves reloading the SWF as well as the XML.
  22. Problems with jQuery Tabs

    Hi, We have created a small sample using 3 JQuery tabs. Eveyting works perfect. Please try the attached html file. Please note that you would need to provide the JQuery js and associated files in the same folder of index.html. Please also place COlumn3D.swf. column2D.swf and Pie3D.swf in Charts folder. Hope this might help. JQuery.zip
  23. Same location on drilldown maps

    Hi, You would need to use separate X,Y posititions for each map.
  24. Visual Studio 2008 FusionCharts.js does not compile

    Hi, We had tried our samples using FusionCharts in ASP 3.5 (VS Express 2008) iwth no issues. Could you please let us your code as well as the other files? You can also try running the samples code (from Download Pack) and BluePrint Application from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp
  25. MS 2D Dual Y - Problem !

    Hi, We find that there are too many categories combined with datasets which makes the plac crowded with (the attached XML has 69 x 4) 276 columns (some are invisible as there are no data) + some space to separate each dataset. So it is very difficult for the chart to accomodate all these in 600 pixels of canvas space (each would be alloted barely 600/280 = 2.14 pixels of space to stand that too i you set plotSpacePercent='0', this sets zero space between indiviual columns). This too would add plot border of dark grey color to each column which makes the columns look almost gery. I am afraid, the chart cant help showing them all in glaring colors in that space. What I would like to recommend is that you might try Scroll Combination Column 2D line Dula Y chart. This adds a scroll bar and pages to the chart and you can set the number of data column to be show on the each. Gallery link : http://www.fusioncharts.com/GalleryScroll.asp Docs XML reference Link: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ChartSS/ScrollCombiDY2D.html