FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Angular Gauge Dial Transparency

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, you can not set the dial to transparent.
  2. Javascript Call Not Working

    Hi, I presume that you are using DataXML method. If so please use link='loadurl(%26apos;index.asp%26apos;);'. If you are using dataURL method please use link='loadurl('index.asp');'
  3. Hi, Could you please try one giving different chart ids for each chart taht you are using. There is not restriction on the use of chart as you are facing. There might be some issue witht he code. Could you please send/attach here the code that you are using? Please also specify the platfrm and browser that you are using.
  4. MS 2D Dual Y - Problem !

    Hi, Could you please send/attache here the XML that you are using?Please mention the width and height of the chart. Also please state how many datasets (and in which form line or column) as well as how many categories you wish to show. We would also like to know whether you are using labelStep attribute.
  5. Displaying Plain Charts - Without Labels

    hi, You need to set some of the <chart> attributes like showLabels='0' showValues='0' showLegend='0' showYAxisValues =''. You need to take care that you are not using any attributes like xaxisName, yaxisname,caption,subcaption etc. Also can set chartTopMargin, chartBottomMargin, chartLeftMargin, chartRightMargin to 0.
  6. encoding issue

    Hi, I apologize for the typo... it would be %26apos;
  7. Is the animation effect a must-choice?

    Hi, and to set all animations off could you please use animation='0'?
  8. Is the animation effect a must-choice?

    hi, please try defaultAnimation='0'
  9. Save as Image in PowerCharts

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible, as of now.
  10. Save as Image in PowerCharts

    Hi, Could you please try add the additional querystring parameters to imageSaveURL in the XML of the chart itself?
  11. Invalid xml data with trial gantt chart

    Hi ramkmr, There seems to be some confusion regarding the path that you are using. Since you are running ASP page to generate XML file, you need to run the application from a local server (e.g. IIS). This would create virtual folder for the actual folder where you are keeping your files. Say, you are keeping the files in actual folder C:MyASPAppFusionChartsDataGenerator and you have made you folder C:MyASPApp as a virtual folder in IIS web sharing named "mysite" you would need to access/run the apps inside this folder using path :http://localhost/mysite. The sub-folders inside this folder are accessible in the same fashion : http://localhost/mysite/FusionCharts etc. Now, since you are getting errors, what you can do is set the chart's debug mode and see the debug inormation in the debug window. You also might try generating the XML using the same URL - "C:/../../BasicDBExample.asp" and send it to us so that we can see why its "invalid xml data". Please also note that if you wish to provide data using setDataXML() you need pass the XML as string to the function. e.g. myChart.setDataXML("<chart><set value='1201' label='foo'/></chart>"); To pass the XML generator URL you need to use setDataURL() function.
  12. Pie Slice & Movement Relation To Flash

    Hi, FusionCharts are all Flash Components (Flash Movies) that run on Flash Player. These do not control settings of Flash Player any how. Rather the Flash Player settings might influence the charts. If you are not able to see the slicing and roate feature from the context menu you might need to check whether <param name="menu" value="false" /> (<param name="menu" value="0" /> ) is added in <object> element that loads the chart.
  13. I need to print the string 'Obriga

    Hi, Could you please check whether you are setting the labels to 'rotate' or 'slant' display. I am afraid, these special characters, since these are not embedded into the charts, wont show up if the text are rotated or slanted.
  14. Map disappears after postback?

    Hi, Could you please try using (include) FusionMaps.php (you can have it in the code >> PHP >> Includes folder of the Download Pack. You would have RenderMapHTML() function defined in this file.
  15. Save as Image in PowerCharts

    Hi, Could you please download/upgrade to the latest version - v3.0.6 where this feature is supported? For Drag Node chart the chart would show version 3.0.6( in Debug window.
  16. French character don't display

    Hi, Could you please try removing labelDisplay="ROTATE" once? These special characters are not embedded into the charts and a chart can not display a non-embedded font/charaters in any kind of rotated form like ROTATE or SLANT etc.
  17. Can legend symbols match the chart

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not supported, as of now.
  18. zoom in and zoom out in FusionMaps

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now, FusionMaps does not support zooming feature.
  19. Map disappears after postback?

    Hi Vkh, Could you please try using HTML embedding method when relaoding/changing the chart after AJAX postback? Actually, you are using JavaScript Embedding method which wont evaluate/run the important JavaScript statements (which are responsible for rendering the charts) received as response text in postback. If you are using any server side script to render the charts (received on post back) please note that you need to use RenderChartHTML() in ASP.NET or renderChartHTML() in ASP/PHP.
  20. Hi, The two labels shown below are dataset series names which wont update on relatime data change. In realtime feed/stream the category labels (just below each value or each set of values/just below columns) would update along with the chart values. I am afraid, if you are wishing to update the dataset seriesName, that is not supported as of now.
  21. saving chart dynamically as an image

    Hi Atiq, Yes the API could be run at backend (client side) without letting the user to know or interfare. But, this function would POST the image data to a serverside script to generate the image. Hence, you wish can be fulfilled this way.
  22. Hi, We are happy to announce that we have recently developed a bug fix for FusionCharts.dll. Using this you can now use IE to use the charts with registerWithJS option 'true' in ASP.NET.AJAX UpdatePanel. Please find the attached file and update your applications. FusionChartsDll.fix.zip
  23. Is it possible to eliminate counties?

    Hi, I am afraid, i did not understand the term "eliminate"? Could you please elaborate on this a bit. I hope you are taking about USA map.
  24. Hi, Could you please download from http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Download.asp?
  25. Hi, Could you please check whether you are setting registerWithJS option while rendering the chart? Please also check the minor version of the gauge. SaveAsImage() JS API is supported since v3.0.2 - March 31st, 2008.