FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Trouble with Margins & Labels on DragNode chart

    Hi, Could you please try using imageWidth and imageHeight together with width and height? I have modified first 2 nodes in your XML and you would find that these two wont let the image and label overlap. Here are the two sets: Please note that imageWidth and imageHeight sets the dimension of the image of the node while width and height (if the previous 2 are declared) would specify the container node's width and height. Thus after specifing imageWidth and imageHeight you can always specify height more than the imageHeight to give some space to the label. The example would illustrate more: <set x="50" y="55" imagewidth="60" width="60" imageheight="80" height="105" xAxisNamePadding="150" yAxisNamePadding="150" name="Dr. Emil Ahmed" color="33C1FE" imageNode="1" imageurl="http://www.webfiredesign.com/center_contact.png" labelAlign="bottom" imageAlign="top" alpha="0" id="center_contact" allowDrag="1"/> <set x="5" y="10" width="68" imageWidth="68" height="110" imageHeight="57" name="Tri-State Medical Corp 438718" link="index.php?module=Accounts&action=DetailView&record=ae6aba8e-8d28-6b63-ed31-47f2b3a3a0c6" toolText="Tri-State Medical Corp 438718" imageurl="http://www.webfiredesign.com/hospital.png" color="33C1FE" id="inf0" imageNode="1" labelAlign="bottom" alpha="0" imageAlign="top" allowDrag="1"/>
  2. Hi, Put each charts's code in separate jsp file and load each of them in an IFRAME (placed inside the main page). e.g.<iframe src ="Chart1.jps" width="100%"></iframe> For more attributes on IFRAME you might refer to : http://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/tag_iframe.asp
  3. Fusion Chart does not load on second visit of page

    Hi, FusionCharts can easily be implemented in SharePoint. For this you would need to create a WebPart which embeds the charts. Many of our customers have already done this. We are in a process of Developing a WebPart too to be implemented in SharePoint Services and MOSS. The release is still awaited, which will ease things up.
  4. Hi, As of now, what you can do is, put each chart in IFRAME. Call the image saving code once each chart finish rendering. This way, there wont be any conflict.
  5. Hi, As of now, what you can do is put each chart in an IFRAME and call the image saving code once each charts finish rendering. This way you can save each chart as image separately.
  6. Trying to set a transparent background

    Hi, You would need to set the wmode parameter of <object> or <embed> to transparent first. If you are using FusionCharts.js to embed the chart, please use chartObj.setTransparent(true); [ Please use the latest FusionCharts.js to get this function ) If you are using ASP.NET DLL, (get the latest) you would find a transparent paremeter to set. In other case you might need to download the wmode tranparent ready FusionChartsWmode.js from : http://www.fusioncharts.com/Downloads/FusionChartsWMode.zip
  7. Drill down charts using Asp.net and C#

    Hi, Could you please try the similar sample code from the download pack from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp? You can also refer to the documentation of the code samples from http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs >> Guide for Web Developers >> Using with ASP.NET C# section.
  8. ASP.Net C#

    Hi, Could you please try once using RenderChartHTML() method instead of RenderChart() for the DrilledDown chart?
  9. Save as Image in PowerCharts

    Hi, You can use image saving feature in all charts of PowerCharts pack.
  10. Incorrect maxY rendered in PowerCharts

    Hi, We found that there is a value - 114.4 in the Minutes Axis. Since this value is bigger than the set maxValue, the maxValue wont be applicable. The chart would automatically find a new maxValue in order to show all points properly. Hence, you are getting 120 as upper limit of that axis. Could you please try once setting 114.4 to a value lower than 110 and see the difference?
  11. How can I change the value text colors? I'm using a Bar2D chart.

    Hi, I am afraid, this is not possible as of now.
  12. How can i specify bar width/size for each bar in the Bar2D chart

    Hi, I am afraid, this can not be done as of now.
  13. What HTML is exposed via isHTML?

    Hi, Following are the HTML tags supported when isHTML i sset to 1. Anchor: <a> Bold: <b> Font: <font> Italic: <I> Paragraph: <p> Underline: <u> Break: <br> Image: <img> List Item: <li> Ordered and unordered lists (<ol> and <ul> tags) are not recognized by Flash Player, so they do not modify how your list is rendered. All list items use bullets.
  14. How can I change the value text colors? I'm using a Bar2D chart.

    Hi, Could you please try using baseFontColor attribute? You can also use FONT <style> to specify font color.
  15. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    Hi, Coudl you please download the script from the Download Pack from www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp?
  16. JSON format

    Hi All, I have written some functions to support JSON data. I have added these functions to FusionCharts.js. The main public function is setDataJSON(json_data) . The usage is similar to setDataXML(). Now, as for the JSON structure, I have kept it open and is exactly similar to XML structure. The XML that would be generated is as follows:
  17. Map disappears after postback?

    Hi, You can have any number of charts and maps in one page. Could you please let us know which environment you are using : OS, ServerSide Platform etc.? Could you please send us the code that you are using?
  18. LegendCaption placement - or footer/copyright notice ?

    Hi, Could you please try creating an image (jpg/png) with your copyright message and show it on the chart using bgSWF attribute?
  19. Hi, I am afraid, the chart would rescale itself and ingnore the set Y Axis Max Value if one of the data values is greater than it.
  20. Save graph as image using ASP?

    Hi, As of now, I am afraid, this is not easily possible using ASP. Wihtout using the DLL , you might need write hundred and thousands lines of ASP code to achieve this! which few would care to afford.
  21. Hi, Since you are using ASP to create the XML, you might try assigning the range values through ASP itself instead of hardcoding the values.

    Hi, Could you please attache here a screenshot of the screen that's being shown? In any case if you let us the live wordpress URL where you are implementing this we would try debugging this live. If you are getting a blank space in the place of the chart (while using renderChartHTML)_could you please try right clicking on that sapce to find if its showing "Movie Not Loaded"? If so its surely that the movie could not be loaded due to some path issue ro security issue in WordPress.
  23. I need recompile FusionCharts.dll for Menu DHTMl

    Hi, You get option easily we have introduced a new parameter in RenderChart and RenderChartHTML method which is named transparent. This, if set to True, would set chart's wmode to Transparent. For more on this please refer to http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/VBNET_BasicExample.html
  24. Marker Link Will Not Fire - How to Test...

    Hi, Could you please use map.setDataURL("map.xml") when you like to provide the XML from a file or XML stream? Could you please check whether you are placing the Map in a frame o iframe which might prevent the javascript function to execute?
  25. Control animation of Dial in an angular guage

    Hi, Could you please try setting defaultAnimation='0' and add rotation animation style to the chart? <styles> <definition> <style name='dialani' type='animation' param='_rotation' duration='5' start='-230' /> </definition> <application> <apply styles='dialani' toObject='DIAL'/> </application> </styles> Please set your startAngle as per the starting position of the dial.