FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support


    Hi, Coudl you please make sure that you are using proper PATH to FusionCharts.js and other SWF files?
  2. Can "ClickURL" open a new browser window?

    Hi, Could you please try using clickURL="n-yourURLHere"?
  3. Resize like a swfobject

    Hi, I am afraid, as of now inorder to resize, you would need to redraw the chart.
  4. What chart attribute affects the outermost border for the entire chart?

    Hi, Could you please try showBorder='0'? Other attributes that affect the border are borderColor,borderAlpha, borderThickness.
  5. Cannot open the downloaded Image

    Hi, Could you please make sure that the Image is being Downloaded Successfully at step 6? If you are using the original jsp image savinf script from the Download Pack, it would prompt to show/save the image.
  6. Fusion Chart iframe link not working...Please help

    Hi, It might be that the link attribute does not contain the proper target name. Please check the attached files where i have put first 2 column linked to the iframe contained in the page. The third column links to a target which does not exists and hence open in a new window. DrillDown.zip
  7. ChangeDataXML example in docs not working in IE

    Hi, The examples worked perfectly fine in our Labs. Could you please try once putting the samples in Web Server (IIS, Apache, live or localhost) ? In any case could you please let us know the exact things that is ocuring when the button is clicked. Please set off Disable Script Debugging and set on Display A Message on Script error From IE's Tools menu to see if error messages are popping up.
  8. Charts and Z index

    Hi, Could you please use style attribute of DIV to provide z-index css, in case you are using FusionChartsWMode.js?
  9. JavaScript Menu hiding behind the FusionCharts object

    Hi, Could you please download the latest pack from www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp ? This pack contains the DLL in Code folder?
  10. Self updating chart without a web server

    Hi, I am afraid, you would need to use a web server (locally or live) to execute the asp page that is the data stream source. You can use your IIS to do this.
  11. Multiple Fusion Chart on page

    Hi, You can put any number of chartsin a page. To fit them in your design you can use Table or Div etc. where the charts woudl be rendered. You need to select you own containers. For URL you need to use link attribute in <set/> element. Pass the URL in the the link attribute (e.g. link='http://www.fusioncharts.com' or link='n-http://www.fusioncharts.com')
  12. charts in Visual studio 2003

    Hi, Could you please check the attached Zip with ASP.NET 1.1 (C# & VB) Samples Code, DLL file and Documentation (only for ASP.NET C# and ASp.NET VB) FusionCharts_ASP.NET1.1_CODE_DOC.zip
  13. Fusionchart cannot re-create chart on FireFox

    Hi, Could you please provide different and unique Div ID and chart ID? Same id is causing a conflict between the 2 HTML elements ( DIV and <Embed> in FF/<object> in IE) when JavaScript is accessing the DOM. In IE luckly the first Element (the DIV) is updated. So you get to see the chart> While in FF the <embed> Element is getting accessed and the new code for chart is getting appened in the <embed> object itself withour replacing the old <embed> element. So the old chart remains in FF and the new entry is just igonred by FF as nested embed elements is not valid. So the solution is simply to provide different and unique Div ID and chart ID: e.g. var chart = new FusionCharts("Area2D.swf", "chartId", 500, 500, "0", "0"); chart.setDataXML(chartXML); chart.render("chartdiv");
  14. Error in map for Belgium

    Hi, We apologize for the mistake in the entity id for Luxembourg. It is (due to a typo) is 'O5' (capital Letter O five) instead of '05' (zero five). Could you please send your order Id, details and swf name (hopefully FCMap_Belgium.swf) to our support : [email protected] so that we can update you with the map swf. As for the Color Range : please make sure that that the maxValue be same as mainValue of the next color range. e.g. <color minValue='25' maxValue='50' displayValue='tot 50' color='80ff80' /> <color minValue='50' maxValue='100' displayValue='tot 100' color='008080' /> Explanation :The first color range actuall encapsulates value 25 till the number just below 50 in number scale (i.e. 49.999999999999) while the second color range is from 50 till the number just before 100 (i.e. 99.9999999999).
  15. Decimals in Waterfall Chart

    Hi, Please make sure that you have not provided duplicate decimals attributes in the XML. Also make sure that you are using this particular XML for the shown chart. decimals attributed in Walterfall righlty configures values in a WalterFall chart.
  16. how to pass a value to gauge from a text box ?

    Hi, Could you please try using javaScript to get the value from the textbox and use Angular Gauge's setData JavaSCript API to update gauge's value. If you wish to use serverside technology, you would need to build the XML getting value from the text box and feed the XML to the gauge.
  17. setDataXML can't handle <

    opps...please igonre the typo %16.. Please use %26lt;
  18. Cannot make JavaScript aware of FusionMaps in SharePoint

    Hi, Thanks. We have updated some fix inluding this in our new FusionMaps.js in release 3.0.5. You can also download the file from Post :http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost6239.aspx
  19. "'ChartMain' is undefined" JavaScript error

    Hi, Could you please use the latest FusionMaps.js attached here? This is released with FusionMaps v.3.0.5. The version of this FusionMaps.js is 1.3 (1st April 2008). FusionMaps.zip
  20. setDataXML can't handle <

    Hi, Could you pelase try using <(in dataURL method) or %16lt;(in dataXML method)? Please note that < is not supported in vFREE charts.
  21. Fusion charts with jsp

    Hi, Could you please post here the HTML being rendered along with the XML? Please also check that the XML does not contain any special characters like % or & etc. which needs to encoded to %25 and %26 respectively. Moreover, please alos check whether the quotes are all OK.
  22. Problems updating Angular Gauge with AJAX

    Hi, I hope you might be using setDataURL/setDataXML to change the chart value which rerenders he chart. Instead, could you please try using setData() JavaSript API of the chart which would produce the desired effect. This would require you to fetch only the pointer value of the chart through AJAX and set this value using JavaScript. Please refer to a JavaScript Online Demo for more on this. http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/Demos/Rating/Index.html (http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/LiveDemos.asp)
  23. Hi All, Please find the attached FusionCharts Image saving code for Python CGI. All developers are welcome to review, modify and comment on the code to embed Python best practices. The code is developed and tested in Windows Platform- Python 2.5 and is using PIL-1.1.6 Module. FusionChartsSave.zip
  24. Does decimals='0' work for percentages in 3D pie charts ?

    Hi, Could you please check again whether you are using decimals='0' ? Please alos try this XML : <chart decimals='0' showPercentValues='1' > <set label='France' value='17' /> <set label='India' value='12' /> <set label='Brazil' value='18' /> <set label='USA' value='8' isSliced='1'/> <set label='Australia' value='10' isSliced='1'/> <set label='Japan' value='16' isSliced='1'/> <set label='England' value='11' /> <set label='Nigeria' value='12' /> <set label='Italy' value='8' /> <set label='China' value='10' /> <set label='Canada' value='19'/> <set label='Germany' value='15'/> </chart>
  25. Hi, Here i am attaching a new update panel sample to fir your need. I have modified the sample2.aspx of the UpdatePanel samples we have provided in the Code folder and also Documented. I have modified it to put a chart(pie). When a pie slice is clicked, a gridview that shows data related to that slice will be generated on the left on the chart. UpdatePanel_chartToGridView.zip