FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. V 3.0.5 Problem

    Hi, Could you try this relay PHP code? <?php $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load("http://www.fusioncharts.com/Gallery/Data/Col3D1.xml"); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xmlDoc->saveXML(); ?> The code loads an XML from another domain with absolute path and prints the XML. Hence, it work as a relayer.
  2. show legend when we clicks on specific link/icon

    Hi, For this you would need to redraw the chart on each mouse over/click. Primarly you would put an attribute showLegend='0' to hide the legend. on mouse over over icon you would need to pass the XML again to the chart now with showLegend='1' and if you want to show/hide legend only of a specic dataset you can add includeInLegend='1' or includeInLegend='0' in<dataset>. But, note that you would need to pass the XML which would redtaw the chart. If you set animation='0' this effect wont event take a flicker.
  3. Show '%' character in title

    Hi, Can give this URL a try : http://urlencode.it/url/characters/
  4. setDataURL woes

    Hi, It is more probable that the version of FusionGadgets/FusionWidgets (v3.0.1 - December 26th, 2007 onwards) that you are using does not have this XSS attack prevention feature while the version (FusionCharts v3.0.5 - 22nd December, 2007 onwards) of chart that you are using does have it.
  5. Show '%' character in title

    Hi, Could you please try using %25 instead of % (%25 is the encoded form of %)
  6. setDataURL woes

    Hi, Could you please try using a relayer script (in the same domain as of the application file and chart swf) that loads the XML from the other domain and once loaded sets the XML to the chart?
  7. malformed xml for stacked 3D column chart

    Hi, Your XML works fine using StackedColumn3D.swf and dataURL method. Could you please let us know which swf and version you are using and whether you are using dataXML method.
  8. Save graph as image using ASP?

    Hi, We have alos tried our hands with another image writing DLL (as requested by one of our customers) which would help saving the chart as PNG file. Here is the URL to the DLL from where you can download the DLL http://www.oz.net/~cashton/dynimage.html and register it using : %SystemRoot%system32regsvr32.exe dynimage.dll and attached is the code using the DLL : ASP_ImageSave2.zip
  9. Invalid XML data

    hi, I suppose you must be using addGanttTask($label="",$catParam="") function and in the param you are passing the link. e.g. FC->setParamDelimiter(":"); FC->setParamFC->addGanttTask("abc","link=jsfnName(%26apos;a1%26apos;,%26apos;a2%26apos;)"); Could you please try once : FC->setParamFC->addGanttTask("abc","link=jsfnName('a1','a2')"); (since addGanttTask() itself encodes the & to %26)
  10. Multi-Series as Series & Stacked on same graph

    Hi, The required chart is a special chart Musti-Series Stacked chart which is multi-series over stacked charts. This SWF is absent in FREE charts pack and is available in FusionCharts v3 pack. Could you plese try downloading the evalution pack of v3 from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp?
  11. Ajax - PHP problem

    Hi, Could you please use renderChartHTML() instead of renderChart() in the page :grafieken.php or whereever renderChart() is present? NOTE : This is beacuse when you use renderChart() it returns HTML as well as JavaScript both combine to render the chart. Your ajac responseText contain both. But when you use ajax to set this to your "divgraf" (document.getElementById("divgraf").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText ) the JavaScript does not run/execute - Because a) JavaScript injected by JavaScript wont execute and a) AJAX functions through JavaScript. Hence, we need to use something which is JavaScript less. Here come the renderChartHTML() function handy which renderd only HTML elements that renders the chart.
  12. Matching colors over multiple graphs

    Hi, Could you please try setting your own colors to the each country. e.g. for USA say "FF0000" so whenever the elemnt for USA is created you set only the specified color to its <set> element . <set label='USA' color='ff0000' value=100'/>. In this case, you would need to gather all possible country names and assign each a color from a previously defined list of colors, or gather all possible available country names from both sources and set color to them from a list of defined colors.
  13. Multi-Series as Series & Stacked on same graph

    Hi, Then XML with nested <dataset> elements is not valid for this chart.
  14. One "missing" value in multi line chart

    Hi, Could you just try setting nothing to value? e.g. value='' There would be no line plotted against this. If you want to connect the broken line please use connectNullData='1' in <chart> element.
  15. setDataURL woes

    hi, Could you please try using relative URL instread of using absolute URL (one that has http://.. ). Newer version of charts does not allow absolute URL to stop XSS Attacks.
  16. Save graph as image using ASP?

    Hi Jojo, We have been wokring with the ASP Image saveing GD Wrapper taking cue from this URL : http://www.codeproject.com/KB/asp/GDLibraryWrapper.aspx. Couuld you please try the attached ASP file (FusionChartsSave.asp - in a zip)? N.B. Please note that you would need to download the required DLL files (GDLibrary.dll, bgd.dll) from the above URL and register them to Windows Registry. For this, I have also attached a batch file Install.bat which would help you ease the Registration process. Please download the DLLs in a folder, keep the Install.bat in the same folder and run Install.bat. Once installed yon can try FusionChartsSave.asp. ASP_ImageSave.zip
  17. Legend color changes to black when using custom colors.

    Hi, Could you please try once removing the # in the color codes that you are using?
  18. Invalid XML data

    Hi, Could you please try seeting some other delimeter? like "$$" etc. and try again. Could you please send us the code that you are witing using PHP Class to generate this XML?
  19. Identify states with no values

    Hi, Could you please try setting color and toolText to each entity which do not have a value? e.g. <entity id='AK' color='efefef' toolText='no data'/>
  20. Invalid XML data

    Hi, Could you please send us the php code (or the code block) where you are generating this link? It seems that somewhere the XML is getting broken.
  21. Help with SQL query to XML conversion

    Hi, Could you please check once again whether the values are coming zero or not from the XML? The chart would show this when the values are zero or not numbers.
  22. Custom pictures

    Hi, Yes, as of now, i am afraid, image-anchors are not possible.
  23. Map not showing IE6 or IE7

    Hi, Could you please revert back to FusionMaps.js that our Download Pack has distributed? I find that this is the line that you have modified: swfNode += '<param name="movie" value="../LM-USA/'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" />'; which seem to fall heavy on all browsers which support <object> tag to load embeded objects in the HTML. It is trying to load the swf files from another path (hardcoded as ../LM-USA/ ) which, i fear does not exists or does not contain the required SWF files. There would be no problem with Firefox or browsers that use <embed> since that portion is not modified to use this hardcoded path. The above line should be : swfNode += '<param name="movie" value="'+ this.getAttribute('swf') +'" />'; I hope things will work fine and smooth now. It's a pleasure helping you out.
  24. Clickable FusionMap Markers

    Hi, The link seems to work fine and it opened the given url.
  25. problem with tool-tip

    Hi, Could you use these attributes? drawAnchors="1" anchorAlpha='0' ? This may require you to modify these attributes already present in your XML. Please note that without anchors drawn you can not show the tool-tips.