FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Dynamically creating chart

    Hi, We have some basic samples on How to provide data to FusionCharts from database in ASP in our Download Pack and also provided Dcoumentation. Could you please visit our Online Documentaion :http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs in Section : Guide For Web Developers >> Using With ASP >> Plotting From Database page(http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ASP_DB.html) for more on this?
  2. Dynamically creating chart

    Hi, I am afraid, you can not set a recordset to the chart to provide data. You would need to write ASP code to connect to the recordset, build XML dynamically and set that to the chart.
  3. "'ChartMain' is undefined" JavaScript error

    The latest version is 1.2 (1st November, 2007),modified 21 Dec 2007. You can have it downloaded from www.fusioncharts.com/download.asp with the Evaluation version.
  4. Save As Image - Page not found

    Hi Friends, It seems that the aspx files are somehow inaccessible may be due to some server settings. As for the path of the aspx file these are relative to the Application file and not relative to the chart SWF path.
  5. SSGRid Xml Example

    Hi, I am afraid this is not possible using FusionCharts as of now.
  6. Hide plot in Line graph

    Hi, Could you please try using drawAnchors='0'?
  7. Javascript links not working

    Hi, This is due to a security issue of the latest Adobe Flash player which i am afraid we can't help fixing. Adobe has documented it and in next release might fix this issue. Using earlier Flash Players the JavaScript links could be accessed thorough link in statch HTML too. We look forward to Adobe for a fix. If not we would be fixing the issue in our next major release since this woudl involve a major code revamp so far chart/map development is concerned.
  8. Javascript links not working

    Hi, Could you please try this in your web server? ( localhost/live server using IIS/Apache etc.) If you are using dataXML method please use %25 for %. (dataXML is providing the XML to the chart as a string and not through a file or a XML stream)
  9. Hi, Please try these Basic Samples for FusionMaps in ASP.NET 2.0 C# & VB.NET Note: You need to provide the Map SWF files in Maps folder and if needed some FusionCharts SWF files (Column3D and Pie3D) in Charts Folder. FusionMapsCS.zip FusionMapsVBNET.zip
  10. ASP.NET 2.0 FusionMaps Basic Samples C# & VB.NET

    Hi, We have already posted the ASP.NET 2.0 Basic Samples (in 2 separate zip files) for FusionMaps on 7 Feb 2008 in the Post which you have replied. We have also packed the latest FusionCharts ASP.NET 2.0 Basic Samples in the Download Pack of FusionCharts' latest release 2.0.6. Could you please have your update or dowload the Eval Version from our FusionCharts' download site? http://www.FusionCharts.com/download.asp
  11. Javascript Parameter Length

    Hi, Could you please check the pointers below ? 1. If your URL are encoded 2. The final URL called must not be more that 2000 characters in IE as it does not support more that 2000 characters (aprox. )in URL.
  12. How to set URL

    Hi, Could you please send us the XML thats being generated. Also specify whether you are using dataXML or dataURL method and the chart you are using.
  13. Javascript error for 'save as image'

    Hi karenw, Could you please send us the code that you are using? and also specify which technology you are using, like ASP/PHP/.NEt etc. Please also make sure to let the chart finish rendering (can be tracked using FC_Rendered() function) before you call save as image JS API. karenw
  14. Problem using : using dataURL method

    Hi, You can not use absoulte path for XML. You need to provide a relative path.
  15. setdataxml problem

    Hi, Could you try using single Quotes in the attributes of your XML file? You can also try using myChart.setDataURL("XMLPath/DataPie.xml"); which might reduce the number of code lines used.
  16. Hi, You need to purchase the Packs to remove the Evaluation Tags.
  17. Export multiple charts

    Hi, May be you can try putting each chart in an IFRAME.

    Hi, Well yes, New line characters would terminate the string in JavaScript. RenderChart() uses JavaScript to render charts. The whole XML is passed as a string. If you pass DataXML with newline characters in PHP that would mean a termination in stirng. Your error console in Firefox would surely show this. This would stop the execution and hence the chart wont be rendered. Rather the chart container DIV with text "Chart" remains.
  19. Multiple charts within one XML-file

    Hi, YOu can use this javaScrip to split a string having multiple chart XML into an array var arrXML=yourBigXML.match(/<chart.+?</chart>/g);
  20. How to set URL

    Hi, I am afraid this can not be done directly using any attribute. But you can try some hacks by setting the label style as HTML text and add an HTML link <A> as a label. We have an example, <graph caption='Monthly Unit Sales' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units' showValues='0' decimals='0' formatNumberScale='0' labelDisplay='Rotate'> <set label='<a href="http://FusionCharts.com" >Jan </a>' value='462' /> <set label='<a href="http://FusionCharts.com" >Feb </a>' value='857' /> <set label='<a href="http://FusionCharts.com" >Mar </a>' value='671' /> <set label='<a href="http://FusionCharts.com" >Apr </a>' value='494' /> <set label='<a href="http://FusionCharts.com" >May </a>' value='761' /> <styles> <definition> <style name='mystyle' type='font' underline='1' color="FF0000" isHTML='1' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='datalabels' styles='mystyle' /> </application>" </styles> </graph>
  21. Hi All, Here goes a simple sample using FusionCharts in Windows Application using VB.NET 2005 You can also see the equivalent C# application from this post :http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost2798.aspx FusionChartsVB2005.zip
  22. FusionCharts in VB 2005 .NET windows Application

    Hi, May be you need to sign in bofore downloading.
  23. Chart not working properly with Ajax in Firefox

    Hi, Could you please try installing Firebub in Firefox to track whether AJAX request is been sent and whether ajax response has been received? This might help you track the issue. Since its working in Safari and IE it seems ok and it should work in Firefox unless some AJAX response handler code is no working. You could also try alerting the response HTML to see if AJAX resonse is received in Firefox.
  24. Gantt's connector option is not working

    Hi, Could you please use this connector properties for the last connector ? <connector fromTaskId='12' toTaskId='13' thickness='2' fromTaskConnectStart='0' toTaskConnectStart='0'/>

    Hi, This may happen due to either of the 2 reasons. 1. You are not using FusionCharts.js or its not loaded : RenderChart() requires FusionCharts.js to be included in the page. Could you please try adding this to your Application Page using <script> tag? 2. You might be using ASP.NET.AJAX or some Tool of of ASP.NET.AJAX where this texts comes if you use RenderChart() method. For AJAX you should be using RenderChartHTML().