FusionCharts Support

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Everything posted by FusionCharts Support

  1. Invalid XML data

    Hi, Could you please use %26 for &, %26apos; for single quote (') , %26quot; for double quote (").
  2. JavaScript functions as links

    Hi, Could you please use this (The earlier post had some mistakes due to posting in Firefox) link='myJS(%26apos;NA, 515%26apos;);'
  3. JavaScript functions as links

    Hi, Could you please use %36apos; instead of ' inside the link and ' instead of " in the link?
  4. Rotate chart

    Hi, Could you please try using Inverse Line Chart from PowerCharts pack?
  5. Using javascript in an ASP page

    Hi, I am afraid, we dont have ASP-JavaScript embedding file.
  6. Using FusionCharts in Visual Basic 6

    Hi, This is a simple VB6 Application using FusionCharts. To use this you would require Flash Player OCX ver. 8 or above installed in your machine. Through this we tried to demonstrate how FusionCharts can be use to show data directly from XML file or from XML as string or from database. FusionCharts_VB6_simpleExample.zip
  7. How can we set y-axis values on multiseries Fusion Charts?

    Hi, Could you please use numDivLines attribute to set the number of y Axis Values to be shown.
  8. Quick question on setDataURL

    Hi, 1. I am afraid setDataURL is the only shortest way. 2. Styles can only be set in the XML itself which s generated by the jsf file. You need to have some mechanism, like passing a QueryString to the jsf (to tell it whether it will add style or not) or keeping a session Flag that will tell the JSF (whether it is running for the firsttime or not through which JSF will determine whether to add styles or not.
  9. How is it possible to show the values in origin formated format?

    Hi, Could you try not using the attributes decimals and forceDecimals at all in the XML?
  10. dhtml menu hide my flash graph

    Hi Paul, Could you please tell us which method you are using? If you are using RenderChart() then you need to edit FusionCharts.js and add this.addParam("wmode","opaque"); or addParam("wmode","transparent"); [ both 'transparent' and 'opaque' will work] near lines where this.addParam occurs. If you are using RenderChartHTML() you need to change the vb code as you have rightly shown in your post, recompile it to FusionCharts.dll and replace the old FusionCharts.dll in the BIN folder.
  11. Click to activate and use this control

    Hi, Could you please try using RenderChart() method when isPostBack==false and RenderChartHTML() method when isPostBack==true? Please note that when you use RenderChart() method you need to include FusionCharts.js in your application.
  12. ASP.NET.AJAX UpdatePanel Sample #1

    Hi, The links seems to be working fine.

    Hi, I am afraid, you can not do this as of now.

    Hi, Could you please try setting the path of the SWF relative to the wrapper HTML/application file?
  15. Using FusionCharts in Visual Basic 6

    Hi, We would post here a simple VB6 sample shortly.
  16. bgSWF and Real SWF

    Hi, Yes this is very much possible. Could you please set the proper path to the SWGF file which should be relative to the HTML wrapper file/application file and not the SWF or XML file.
  17. World Map Target Countries (x n y coordinates)

    Hi, We have a new World Map (will have public release soon) having all countries as entities. However, if you want to show the hits as markers you would need (as you have pointed out rightly) to create markers or use the existing markers of capital cities created by us. We also have an XML ready with markers for major cities for the map World8.swf (not yet release) Moreover, for the new world map we have defined all capital markers. >>"One more question is whether this map is scalable. Meaning if i resize the map, do i need to change my x and y coordinates? " Yes the map is scalable and you need not change the x or y when the map is resized.
  18. Help! Charts will not display in asp.net

    Hi, Could you please send us a snap of what you are getting as output or error in the page when you try to run the application? Note that these samples are for ASP.NET 2.0 and wont work in ASP.NET 1.1 NOTE : Your code shows some probable errors : 1. < head runat="server">< script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../FusionCharts.js"></script>< script type="text/javascript"></ script></ head>< body> <form id="advform" name="advdash1" method="post" runat="server"> <div id="page"> <div id="header"> <div id="logo"> </div> </div> <div id="maincontent"> <b>TCU Fund Raising -- Key Performance Indicators</b> <div id="advdash" align="left"><% =CreateChart()%> </div> </div> </div> </form> </body> </html> 2. Are you using the code for the Function in code behind page or in the same page as shown in the first post? If latter could you please use it inside <script runat="server></script> 3. String Concatination is done using & in VB strChart = strChart & "'" 'Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data from strXML variable using dataXML method Return FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("../FCF_Column3D.swf", "", strXML, "myNext", "600", "300", False) 'Create the chart - Pie 3D Chart with data from strXML Return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../AngularGauge.swf", "", strChart, "advdash", "200", "220", False, False)These, except the use of "+ +", though wont much harm the output.
  19. FusionCharts Update Panel example #2 ASP.NET.AJAX

    Hi, Could you please check that you have also changed the XML for the charts? for FREE the XML is a bit different : <chart> would be <graph> 'label' would be 'name' Could you please check the FREE Documentation for more on this : http://www.fusioncharts.com/free/docs
  20. Using FusionCharts in Visual Basic 6

    Hi, Yes it is possible to use FusionCharts in VB 6. Its better that you might use Flash Player OCX. Incedentally we are on an R&D on the same kind of implementaion on VB and will have a release soon.
  21. FusionCharts Update Panel example #2 ASP.NET.AJAX

    Hi, Yes it Definitely works.
  22. export image function

    Hi, You need to render the chart atleast once in the client side before firing saveImage event. This you can trap using FC_Rendered() function in javascript. Put saveImage() in this function.
  23. chart event in laszlo

    Hi, Could you please check whether you have set registerWithJS =1
  24. Save As Image - Page not found

    Hi, I fear the aspx file in not in proper place. Could you please check the XML that has the imageSaveURL has the same path to the aspx file.
  25. Value Zero with StackedColumn2D

    hi, Could you just try setting formatNumber='1'. I find that you are using formatNumber='0' which is basically disallowing all numberFormatting on the values like decimals etc.